"Oh my god, I finally finished collecting..."

Four golden lights fell from the sky into the town by the Kandi River. Wang Mingyang stretched and sighed.

This is the fourth town where he and Xiao Huanyan have settled.

Originally, he thought it could be done within a week.

Unexpectedly, the underground reserves far exceeded Wang Mingyang's imagination.

It took Orange half a month to complete it.

But the harvest was huge.

The entire vein was emptied by the four branches.

It even triggered a series of landslides, forming a long gully directly on the land of northern Myanmar.

Many veins are adjacent to rivers, and these landslides have widened the rivers a lot.

In the mustard seed space, countless jades of different colors piled up into a mountain.

There are still a lot of raw stones waiting for Wang Mingyang to peel.

But he is not very interested now.

These jades hidden deep in the raw stones should be left to the Genting scientific research team to figure out!

Let them enjoy the fun of gambling on stones...

"Master, shall we go to other veins next?"

Xiao Huanyan asked softly. These days, she has also learned a lot of information through the books and materials materialized by Wang Mingyang.

There are several other jade veins in northern Myanmar.

The one in Pagang is the largest vein.

There are two or three other smaller ones, but the reserves are not small.

"Well, let's go to the Mojiang area to have a look."

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Wang Mingyang does not intend to let it go.

It's a pity that the map is too big, even if the four spirits work tirelessly.

If you want to collect all the jade ores in northern Myanmar, it will take at least half a year.

Wang Mingyang does not want to waste time here.

Otherwise, according to the exploration of the four spirits.

There must be many undiscovered jade veins under the land of northern Myanmar.

Not just these few known ones.

Perhaps, come again at a higher level.

The efficiency will be higher at that time.

As the Feiyu took off, Wang Mingyang and his companions flew towards the direction of Jieshi Province.

In the desert in northern China.

A team of Yunding warriors was galloping at high speed, and everyone's meteorite gold armor was covered with scratches and some dried blood.

Behind them, the dust was all over the sky, and mutated sandworms could be vaguely seen moving through it.

"Lu Yu, have you contacted the base?"

Chen Jinnan asked breathlessly while running.

"Not yet, the energy fluctuations here are too intense, and it seems to interfere with the signal..."

Lu Yu shook the satellite phone in his hand and said helplessly.

Each fourth-level member or team leader is assigned a satellite phone.

Lu Yu and his team joined Yunding relatively late, and currently more than ten members are only at the third-level level.

Lu Yu, the strongest, is only at the peak of the third level.

In the entire team, only Lu Yu, the captain, has a satellite phone.

The strength of the Yunding team is strong, but now the number of people in the major bases adds up to more than 30,000.

More than 2,000 combat teams, most of which were still a mixed team of second and third levels.

"Damn it! How come so many sandworms suddenly appeared?!"

Chen Jinnan looked back in a hurry and couldn't help cursing.

Hundreds of meters behind him, a sandworm with a body size of nearly 100 meters jumped up.

Its serrated mouth sprayed sand guns and shot at them crazily.

Fortunately, the distance was far enough and their running speed was not bad.

These sand guns fell dozens of meters behind everyone.

As the attack of this fourth-level sandworm returned in vain, dozens of second- and third-level sandworms around it hissed.

The speed of surging in the sand layer couldn't help but speed up a few points.

It has only been half an hour since they encountered this group of sandworms.

At first, there were only some second- and third-level sandworms living in the sand layer. After a survey, no higher-level sandworms were found.

The team members couldn't help but step forward and want to hunt this group of low-level sandworms.

However, in the middle of the fierce battle, a sudden change occurred.

A fourth-order sandworm actually rushed out from the deeper sand layer and swallowed two melee psychics in one gulp.

If it was just a fourth-order sandworm, Lu Yu and others would have the blessing of meteorite gold armor equipment.

With tacit cooperation, it is not impossible to kill it.

However, this is a whole group of sandworms, and there are dozens of second- and third-order sandworms on the side.

With their strength, the result can only be annihilation.

Without time to think about it, Lu Yu could only consume a lot of energy to repel this fourth-order sandworm and escape with the remaining team members.

At the beginning, he could still rely on the wind psychic in the team to bless the speed.

The distance was pulled to one kilometer.

But as the energy was exhausted, the crystal core could not be replenished, and the distance between each other was gradually shortened to less than 400 meters.

And the distance to the desert base is more than 100 kilometers away.

At the speed of the team running, it is impossible to escape.

Now I can't contact the base, otherwise, with the speed of those flying-type transformation masters, I can completely rescue myself.

Unfortunately, the satellite phone didn't work at this critical moment.

"Xiao Nan, I'll buy you some time, you lead everyone to retreat quickly!"

Looking at the gradually closing distance of the sandworm swarm, Lu Yu gritted his teeth.

He inserted the satellite phone in his hand into the side of Chen Jinnan's backpack and growled.

Then he stopped and left two deep marks on the desert.

Lu Yu took out a bottle of potion flashing with a slight electric light from his bosom and poured it directly into his mouth.

The power in his body began to surge, and the meteorite gold horizontal sword held tightly in his hand appeared with electric light.

He awakened the lightning power, but it was biased towards attack, and the speed blessing was not high.

But he was the strongest in the team.

His flesh and blood energy was also the most abundant.

As long as he interfered a little, he might be able to lead away this group of sandworms led by the fourth level.

"Damn, Lu Yu, what are you doing? Hold on a little longer, maybe you can meet other teams for support!"

Caught off guard, Chen Jinnan rushed forward ten meters.

Realizing that Lu Yu was ready to sacrifice himself to lead away the mutant sandworm group, Chen Jinnan couldn't help but roared.

"Captain, let's go!"

"I'll be the one to cover the rear! You're too slow!"

"Captain, let's die together! We won't leave!"

The other team members stopped and said in a hurry.

The whole team originally had twelve members, but now there are only seven left.

The five members who died, except for the two who were devoured at the beginning, were all seriously injured and took the initiative to stay behind to cover the retreat.

Now, their captain also chose to sacrifice himself.

"Get out! Don't let the five brothers die in vain!"

"Liu Feng, you are the fastest, run with your phone, maybe you can save me in time!"

Lu Yu sent out several flashes of lightning, roaring to stop his comrades from approaching.

"Xiao Nan, they are in your hands."

"Be sure to bring everyone back alive!"

Before Lu Yu finished speaking, his figure suddenly shot out and took the initiative to rush towards the mutant sandworm group.

The duration of the lightning amplification potion is limited.

He must make good use of these three minutes to buy more time for everyone to escape.

After a period of consumption of such potions, he was the only one left in the entire team.

He originally planned to return to the desert base to replenish it.

Unexpectedly, this time out would encounter such an accident.

A dazzling electric grid covered the sandworm group.

The fourth-order sandworm broke through the electric net directly, with only some burn marks on its body.

But the second-order sandworms around it were electrocuted into charcoal by the electric net with much more power.

Only two third-order sandworms screamed in pain, drilled into the sand layer and rushed towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's figure was shot in another direction.

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