Chen Jinnan stood on the sand dune, watching the sandworms really chase in the direction of Lu Yu, and blood flowed from his tightly bitten lips.

"Let's go! Don't let the captain sacrifice in vain!"

With a low roar, Chen Jinnan pulled off the satellite phone on his backpack and slapped it into Liu Feng's hand.

He ran towards the desert base without looking back.

Several team members had red eyes, looked fiercely in the direction of Lu Yu, turned around and ran desperately.

Liu Feng was the wind-type superpower user, and his energy was not enough to bless the entire team.

But just bless himself, his speed is still the fastest in the team.

Pinching his lips tightly, a gust of wind swept past Chen Jinnan.

Liu Feng saw from the corner of his eye that Chen Jinnan had already burst into tears.

Everyone in the team didn't know that Lu Yu and Chen Jinnan had the best relationship.

After Lu Yu separated from the original team, he formed the current team.

Chen Jinnan, who awakened the spiritual superpower, has been following him and became the deputy captain of the team.

He was also responsible for detecting the enemy situation.

And this sudden appearance of the fourth-level sandworm was obviously beyond Chen Jinnan's detection range.

He was just a third-level intermediate psychic.

And he was not a specialized detection type, and his detection range was only two hundred meters.

That fourth-level sandworm was unknown how deep underground it was.

Although no one blamed him, nor would they blame him.

But Chen Jinnan still fell into deep self-blame.

"If I could be stronger... they wouldn't die."

"Lu Yu wouldn't..."

While running desperately, Chen Jinnan couldn't help but let out a suppressed roar.


In the desert base, Li Yuchan stood by the window, staring at the whistling sand in the distance.

Outside the base, a circle of high walls stood, but farther away, the sky was filled with dust.

Qi Sen took a report and pushed open the door and walked in.

"Recently, the teams that went out have encountered more and more high-level sandworms."

"And, based on the location of the accident, I found a strange place."

Qi Sen pointed to a map in the report and said.

"What's strange?"

Li Yuchan turned around and asked curiously.

"Before, some teams led by fourth-level warriors went deep into the Gobi Desert."

"The desertification there is already very serious, and they encountered several sixth-level sandworms."

"What's even more weird is that in the Badan Desert area, the location where high-level sandworms were encountered has formed a faint encirclement."

Qi Sen drew a few lines on the map with a pen and said slowly.

This desert is located to the north of the desert base.

Dozens of marked points are connected together, like a pocket, wrapping the desert base.

Li Yuchan frowned when he saw this.

More than a month ago, there were only seven or eight such points.

And the highest sandworm encountered was only fourth-level sandworm.

But now, there are more than a dozen points representing fifth-level sandworms.

There are even two, representing the appearance of sixth-level sandworms.

The appearance of these marking points means that some members of Yunding’s combat team have passed away.

After all, it is impossible for every team to have a fourth- or fifth-level member accompanying them.

Even if there are fourth-level members, with the assistance of various amplification potions and healing potions.

Those teams that encounter the sixth-level sandworms cannot delay until Li Yuchan arrives.

The death of the entire team is inevitable.

After all, Li Yuchan does not have the ability of space teleportation like Wang Mingyang.

It can reach 200 kilometers away in an instant.

During this period of time, Qi Sen has strictly ordered that no combat team is allowed to go to the Gobi Desert in the Western Region’s Sea of ​​Death.

It is to avoid such losses again.

"I have searched the entire desert before, including the 200-kilometer range of the Gobi Desert."

"I didn't find so many high-level sandworms."

"It seems that the sandworm swarm of the Sea of ​​Death has drilled here."

Li Yuchan sighed. A month ago, he spent some time to explore the area where the sixth-level sandworms appeared.

Some fifth-order sandworms and three sixth-order sandworms were indeed found.

But there must be more high-order sandworms hidden deep underground that he could not detect.

"What I am worried about is whether there will be... a tide of mutant sandworms!"

Qi Sen pondered for a moment and said with concern.

All signs indicate that there are more and more sandworm swarms appearing in the Badan Desert.

And the number of high-order sandworms appearing is also increasing.

As the actual leader of the desert base, he had to make plans for this early.

"It is possible."

"The desert base is based on you, just ask for anything you need."

Li Yuchan nodded slightly and said calmly.

"I still have to trouble you to go out for patrols recently."

"Many teams have mentioned that satellite signals are inexplicably interfered with in the deep desert."

"In this situation, I am afraid that there will be more and more accidents."

Qi Sen pondered for two seconds and said.

"Okay, I will."

Li Yuchan nodded and agreed.

The desert sub-base is the strongest with his strength, but he still has to listen to Qi Sen's arrangements.

This was what Wang Mingyang had specifically instructed before he left.

Li Yuchan had no objection to this, as he was a lazy person.

He never interfered in the affairs of the desert sub-base, leaving everything to Qi Sen.

The two chatted about other things, and a firebird flew by outside the house.

"This is... Han Yinyin."

Qi Sen looked worried.

Rong Lan and the others were out on patrol today, and Han Yinyin was left behind.

She appeared in a transformed form, and it was obvious that something unexpected had happened in the desert.

"Well, I'll go and take a look too!"

Han Yinyin's strength has reached the fourth-level intermediate, but Li Yuchan is still a little worried.

As soon as the voice fell, he flew out of the balcony.


"Huh... Come on, support is coming soon!"

Dozens of kilometers away, Chen Jinnan and others were running breathlessly.

A large number of second- and third-level sandworms were still following behind them.

After running for so long, not only did some of the previous sandworm swarms chase them, but they also attracted other low-level sandworm swarms along the way.

Now there are more than a hundred mutant sandworms following them.

Fortunately, three minutes ago, Liu Feng finally contacted the desert base.

A fourth-level transformation expert is already on his way.

Otherwise, they were exhausted and wanted to turn around and fight with the group of sandworms.

Rather than exhausting their physical strength and being caught up and bitten to death by the sandworms.

It is better to fight to the death and drag some people with you.

After running a few kilometers, Chen Jinnan finally couldn't hold on and fell on the sand dune.

He is still a psychic, and his physical strength is not as good as others.

The other team members also stopped and surrounded Chen Jinnan in the middle.

Gathering up the little energy, preparing to make a final struggle.


The noisy hissing sound of the mutant sandworms sounded, and they rushed over with the sand all over the sky.

Soon they arrived a hundred meters in front of several people.


Chen Jinnan shouted in a low voice, and his mental power surged out, turning into three spikes that pierced into the minds of the three sandworms in the front.

The other two melee psychics, holding shields and holding swords tightly, stood in front of everyone.

The others fired sporadic wind blades, fireballs, and sand guns in their last efforts.

However, the raging sands whistled like feather arrows.

The biggest threat to the sandworm swarm is not the powerful individuals.

But the sandstorm attacks launched by the swarm.

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