The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 748: Watching someone in danger without helping?

Even with the protection of meteor gold armor, Chen Jinnan and others did not think they could survive such a sandstorm.

None of them are pure strength types, but the armor plated with a layer of meteorite gold has limited protection.

Hundreds of sandworms launched a sandstorm together, and this power has exceeded the limit of the Meteor Gold Armor.

What's more, their energy has bottomed out.

Even if the crystal core is forcibly absorbed, the body cannot bear it anymore.

Seeing that he was about to be submerged in this violent sand.

An invisible shield suddenly blocked them.

Large swaths of red fireballs fell from the sky, causing a series of explosions.

Those mutated sandworms were blown into pieces, and a puff of flames ignited, quickly burning their remains.

"His! His!"

The sandworm, which was not yet dead, looked up to the sky and hissed in pain, twisting and twisting in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

It's a pity that the flame of the sacred bird Suzaku is not so easy to extinguish.

A burning smell quickly spread.

"Fortunately, I caught up."

Li Yuchan fell from the sky and waved his hand to disperse the wind and sand.

At this time, Chen Jinnan and the other six people could clearly see the scene in front of them.

A crimson flamingo hovered in the air, sprinkling flames from time to time to kill the sandworms that were not dead.

"Daozhang Li! Go and save our captain!"

Chen Jinnan's expression relaxed, and then he immediately shouted.

"Yes, yes, please save our captain, he has lured the fourth-order sandworm away!"

"Quick, in that direction!"

Several other team members also shouted anxiously.

Now that the crisis has passed, they are more concerned about the safety of captain Lu Yu.

"Oh? I'll go right away!"

"Yinyin, escort them back to the base!"

Li Yuchan's expression tightened and he quickly flew in the direction where the people came from.

"Okay, Brother Li."

Han Yinyin responded sweetly and fell from the air.

Li Yuchan flew at low altitude, stretching his mental power to the limit.

The traces of Chen Jinnan and the others' running had long been destroyed by the sandworm swarm.

But the movement of the sandworms was even greater, leaving many traces among the dunes.

Li Yuchan is also very anxious. Every soldier is Genting's wealth.

What's more, he still has some impressions of Chen Jinnan and others.

These are members who participated in the anti-Japanese war.

He also didn't want these loyal warriors to fall into the mouths of the sandworms.

"You must hold on..."

Li Yuchan couldn't help but murmur as he galloped past.

Lu Yu's shoulders were stained with blood, and lightning flashed under his feet as he kept dodging the sand lances fired from behind.

He kept estimating the distance in his mind and ran forward as hard as he could.

Nor is he moving forward aimlessly.

Before luring away the fourth-order sandworms, Lu Yu had already made a plan in his mind.

Although the mutated sandworm moves extremely fast in the sand layer.

But there is still a slight gap between him and him who is blessed with lightning power.

Moreover, in his memory, there is a desert ruins dozens of kilometers east.

The geology there is much harder than the sand here.

The sandworm's traveling speed will definitely slow down.

Only then will he be able to escape from this pursuit.

"Just, can you hold on there?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Lu Yu felt a sting as he casually threw a third-level enhanced system crystal core into his mouth.

His body's reaction told him that he could no longer absorb the crystal core energy.

The meridians all over his body seemed to be almost broken in half. The energy generated by the third-order crystal core made him feel like he had been bitten hard by something every time it flowed through the meridians.

But there is no way, his own energy has been exhausted.

Just relying on his lightning-enhanced body, he couldn't continue running.

The penetrating injury on the shoulder was caused by being in pain and dodging a little slower.

He looked back at the fourth-level sandworms that were chasing after them, and there were hundreds of lower-level sandworms following them.

Lu Yu couldn't help but secretly cursed as a bastard.


As soon as he turned his head, a second-order sandworm suddenly sprang out from a dozen meters in front, opening its mouth full of jagged teeth and biting him.

Lu Yu quickly turned aside, and reflexively swept the meteorite sword in his hand across.

This second-order sandworm, which was only six or seven meters long, had half of its body cut open.

Green blood spilled all over the floor.

Lu Yu did not dare to delay at all and quickly moved forward.

Along the way, he would encounter some scattered mutant sandworm attacks from time to time.

That's how the more than a hundred sandworms following behind him came from.

Half an hour later, Lu Yu didn't know how far he had run.

But some boulders that were faintly visible in the distance made his eyes light up.

"There are still two kilometers, come on!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but cheer himself up. As long as he rushed to the ruins, he would have hope of escaping.

Two thousand meters...

One thousand five hundred meters...

One thousand meters...

Five hundred meters...

Lu Yu looked happy as he dodged several sand spears fired from behind.

He was about to rush into the ruins, but the sudden appearance of several figures made him stagnant.

Folk superpowers!

At this time, the only people who appear in such a ghost place are folk supernatural beings.

With Lu Yu's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that the opponent was not a Yunding warrior at all.

In the desert, even if the weather is hot, few people will take off their meteorite gold armor.

Unless you are confident enough in your own strength.

The people in front of him were dressed in ethnic clothes, obviously not from Yunding.

When the distance was 300 meters, Lu Yu saw the horror on those people's faces.

Even their bodies couldn't help but retreat.

"Damn it!"

Gritting his teeth, Lu Yu's forward figure suddenly changed and moved to the left.

These psychics didn't look very strong.

As a Yunding warrior, Lu Yu didn't want to harm these people.

That would be completely discrediting Yunding.

He could sacrifice himself to fight for his teammates' chances of survival.

How could Lu Yu take hundreds of sandworms behind him to harm others at this time?

The only choice was to take these sandworms away from this place.

Ten kilometers ahead, there should be a low mountain ruins...

Lu Yu comforted himself in this way.

However, the fourth-level sandworms behind him were getting closer and closer.

The attack was enough to cover him completely.

"Nurman! Save him!"

The girl hid behind the ruins and said anxiously to the man beside her.

"Aina, there are so many sandworms, and the leading one is still level 4."

"If we take action, we will only get burned..."

Nurman frowned and shook his head.

"But, he could have rushed over just now!"

"But he changed direction, obviously not wanting to harm us!"

"Should we watch such a person die without saving him?"

Aina's pretty face flushed, and she said with reluctance.

Just when they were about to go out, they saw the surging sandstorm in the distance and the figures running desperately in the desert.

Originally, everyone was going to turn around and flee from this relic.

But the young man suddenly changed direction, and sent out several lightning flashes to counterattack, rushing to the other side with the sandworm group.

Obviously, the other party also saw them.

But he did not divert the disaster to the east, but chose to bear it alone.

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