The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 767 Fishing, playing with snow, and playing the flute

In the next few days, Wang Mingyang did not immediately go to find Buddha Siddhartha.

Instead, he calmed down and carefully experienced the new realm.

This was a height he had never reached before.

Wang Mingyang did not think that he was the first person to be promoted to the sixth level.

The last time he met with the sea clan, the water element mermaid suddenly appeared when the four kings voted.

The Supreme Speaker of the Sea Clan Council behind him.

Maybe he is already a sixth-level strongman.

He would not underestimate the heroes of the world.

Just Zimou, even if he is now at the sixth level, Wang Mingyang did not think he could be his opponent.

He had already felt this when he saw Zimou for the last time.

In terms of the vastness of mental power, Wang Mingyang is still far behind.

Whether it is the Lord of Space or the Starfire of All Things, the role they can play in the face of a strong mental power is extremely limited.

Zimou is not Buddha Siddhartha, and has physical limitations.

Wang Mingyang still can't forget the scene when Zimou killed the Dark Lord's split spirit with one blow.

Although the power of the Dark Lord's spirit had been greatly damaged, it was still undeniable that the purple eyes were powerful.

At least, Wang Mingyang felt that he might not be able to do that.

It was still in the valley, but now it had become a huge pit.

Wang Mingyang floated off the ground, surrounded by the six spirits.

After being promoted to the sixth level, his mental power and energy soared at the same time.

His spirit-transforming ability also evolved, and he could split into six spirits at the same time.

Fishing, snow, flute...

Well, the two new spirits also got new names.

When they appeared at the same time, each of the six spirits had about 20% of his strength.

But even if it was 20%, it was still a solid sixth-level combat power.

Overall, the combat power of the six spirits has been greatly improved.

However, the main body and the spirit can still only use one ability at the same time.

Metal, thunder, magnetism, sparks, water, and darkness.

These are the main attributes of the six spirits.

Space domination is a common ability of the main body.

Wang Mingyang was also a bit troubled by this.

He also planned to bring out the abilities of other systems and then fuse them.

But if there were more spirits, it would seem that there were not enough.

But on second thought, if the number of spirits differentiated at the same time was less, the strength of each spirit would also increase dramatically.

In this way, it was acceptable.

At worst, after fusing the nine major systems, he could bring out some of them separately...

What surprised Wang Mingyang the most was [Dragon Ancestor].

This ability, according to the analysis of the system book spirit, was an SSS-level enhanced transformation ability.

Its title was [Dragon Ancestor]!

Wang Mingyang preferred to call it Yinglong Transformation.

However, Yinglong Transformation was different from other transformation abilities.

It came from blood, and Wang Mingyang's genetic information was changed.

It could only be performed based on his original body.

The six major spirits could not use this ability at all.

Moreover, Wang Mingyang had a feeling that Yinglong Transformation had other functions.

However, Xi's residual soul is too rare, and the information conveyed does not contain a detailed description of the dragon transformation.

Everything can only be explored by Wang Mingyang himself.

But it is undeniable that this ability is powerful.

After turning on the Yinglong transformation, Wang Mingyang can choose the dragon-man mode or the divine dragon mode.

In the dragon-man mode, wings grow on the back and dragon scales appear on the limbs.

Strength, speed, and defense increase at the same time.

Relying on physical speed alone, it is already possible to break the sound barrier.

The previous Wang Mingyang was already extremely fast, but it was only about 200 meters per second.

At the same time, the limbs can be transformed into dragon claws, and with one strike, several meters thick meteorite gold can be easily pierced.

It's just that Wang Mingyang has just acquired this ability, and the dragon scales cannot cover the whole body.

Otherwise, the defense will be stronger.

However, Wang Mingyang also has an immortal body and strong recovery ability, so he is not afraid of being injured.

The divine dragon mode can be regarded as the true form of Yinglong's transformation.

It can be transformed into a 50-meter-long colorful winged dragon.

The increase in strength and speed is not large, but the dragon scales cover the whole body, and the defense is greatly increased.

At the same time, in this mode, Wang Mingyang has the power to control storms, clouds and rain, thunder, fire, and landslides.

This also corresponds to the attributes of the five-colored wings.

Not only that, Wang Mingyang himself has the ability of water control, destructive thunder, and all-seeing sparks.

It can also complement each other.

In a sense, Wang Mingyang in the dragon mode is more powerful than his ancestor "Xi".

Of course, this is the same level.

How can Wang Mingyang, who is at the sixth level, compare with Xi above the ninth level.

In the trace of information left by Xi's residual soul, the colorful winged dragon he incarnated is a huge monster that winds for thousands of meters.

If he makes a move at will, it will destroy the world.

Wang Mingyang doesn't know when he will have that kind of power.

The power of other abilities has been greatly improved.

The power of body protection and out-of-body energy is stronger.

After the element was attached to the spirit, the autonomous attack of the shaping element became more flexible and changeable.

Perhaps because of the improvement of mental power, the distance of the space portal increased to 300 kilometers.

Wang Mingyang felt that as he gradually adapted to the sixth level, this distance should be able to be increased.

And his casting distance also increased from two kilometers to more than four kilometers.

The casting distance of Buddha Siddhartha is only more than one kilometer.

Wang Mingyang doesn't even need to get close to him, just kite flying can kill him.

However, Wang Mingyang is in good condition now, and his strength has reached a higher level.

There is no need to do such actions.

Even if the number of ancient angels under Buddha Siddhartha doubles, Wang Mingyang is not afraid at all.

When he was still at the fifth level, Wang Mingyang could easily kill the sixth-level ancient angels.

Now that he has been promoted to the sixth level, it is estimated that he will be destroyed by a thunderbolt.

Those ancient angels will not even have a chance to escape.

The only thing that makes Wang Mingyang a little helpless is that after being promoted to the sixth level, the speed of promotion will definitely be extremely slow.

There are still many fifth-level crystal cores to be found.

And the sixth level... the sixth-level mutant creatures encountered so far are less than thirty in total!

If you want to improve your realm, you can only endure it slowly.

Perhaps by next year, a large number of sixth-level mutant creatures may appear.

Wang Mingyang is now promoted to the sixth level, which is indeed too early.

He couldn't help but hesitate whether to travel around the world to hunt those fifth-order mutant creatures.

After this wave of harvest, I wonder if there will be fewer sixth-order creatures in the future.

In disguise, it will hinder his continued improvement.

Temporarily put aside this Versailles worry.

Wang Mingyang took back the six spirits, let out a dragon roar, and directly transformed into a colorful winged dragon.

The sky was changing, and a dark cloud with a radius of several kilometers was rapidly condensed.

Thunder flashed, the wind whistled, and bean-sized raindrops began to fall.

The ancestor of the dragon - Yinglong transformed!

Wang Mingyang is still deeply fascinated by this newly acquired ability.

In the past few days, he has been practicing and developing continuously to explore more secrets.

This ability rooted in the blood has never been seen before.

It is very different from a series of transformation abilities such as the fat man's Gengjin White Tiger, Li Hua's Storm Mantis, and Nie Chuan's Earth-shaking Divine Bull.

Wang Mingyang had a feeling that as he continued to practice transformation, the source blood had been integrated into his own body and seemed to be still exerting its residual heat.

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