Three days later, Daguang City.

Hundreds of ancient angels spread throughout the city.

Countless purifying lights bloomed, covering the entire place.

Buildings collapsed in large numbers, and all kinds of wailing were heard.

The Buddha sat cross-legged on a sixth-level ancient angel, and the Buddha's light enveloped the surroundings.

He kept chanting the vast Buddhist sound.

In the disaster, there were occasionally survivors with confused eyes, kneeling on the ground unconsciously.

Strands of faith gathered towards the sky.

However, the population of this city is close to one million, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of survivors.

For such a long time, many strong people have been produced.

In the ruins, one person's eyes were full of bloodshot, staring at the sky.

Several people around him showed painful struggles, and beat their heads desperately, trying to resist the erosion of the Buddhist sound.

Finally, someone roared, rushed out of the ruins, jumped up between the pieces of building debris, and killed the Buddha in the air.

Before he could jump high, he was blown up by a naked monk's punch.

"Ah! Die!"


"I'd rather die than be a slave!"

One person dies, and everyone else leaves...

Not everyone is willing to believe in this so-called Buddha.

Unable to endure this kind of pain, but not wanting to be converted into a Buddha slave.

All kinds of emotions and desires in the heart eventually turned into full of murderous intent!

One by one, they all rushed out and killed the monk who suddenly appeared.

The one who could still maintain his sanity had blood flowing from the corner of his eyes, and his violent mental power blasted through the air.

"Convert to my Buddha, you can reach paradise..."

The monk put his hands together, facing the attacks of several fourth-level psychics, showing his angry eyes.

Everyone didn't care, and all kinds of superpowers blasted straight over.

Countless purification beams fell from the sky, blasting these rebels into slag.

However, the attack released by the mental psychic only made the monk frown slightly, and returned without success.

With a flash of his figure, the monk with his upper body naked appeared directly in front of him.

"Taku, we are both fifth-level, if you are willing to convert, the Buddha can include you as one of the Vajra."

The monk said calmly.

"Vajra... Botan, you are willing to be a slave, but I am not!"

"What a shitty Buddha, he is just an executioner..."

Taku sneered, ignoring the monk Botan in front of him, and looked at the sky fiercely.

All his relatives and friends died in the hands of that disgusting big eyeball.

He actually wanted to convert himself?

Not everyone can give up resistance like Botan and choose to kneel down and be a slave.

As a fifth-level superpower, it takes a certain amount of time for Buddha Siddhartha to convert the other party.

As long as the will is firm enough, it will take longer for Foyin to convert.

"Dare to blaspheme the majesty of the Buddha... Die!"

The monk Botan looked cold and raised his hand and punched.

However, at the same time when the head of the psychic Taku exploded.

The extremely huge mental power condensed into a spike and shot straight at the Buddha in mid-air.

The fifth-level psychic's desperate attack made the monk's face change slightly.

Then he showed a hint of ridicule.

In mid-air, golden light flashed around the Buddha.

The spike condensed by the mental power only splashed a wave and disappeared into thin air.

"Ridiculous, if you choose to attack me, maybe it can still have some effect."

"Buddha, how can you shake it..."

The monk glanced at Taku's headless body and turned away.

Most of Taku's mental power was used to resist Buddha's voice.

The previous attack on him only made him slightly dizzy.

If he desperately attacked, it would be against himself.

Maybe he could even get hurt.

But choosing to attack the Buddha, in Taku's state, is simply a gnat trying to shake a tree.

"Botan, Biluobo, speed up!"

The Buddha opened his eyes a little and said lightly.

The voice was not loud, but it echoed all around.

"I will obey the Buddha's command!"

The naked monk Botan responded respectfully.

In the ruins hundreds of meters away from him, another monk Biluobo clasped his hands together and replied at the same time.

The two quickly left the area and ran towards the corner of the city where less than one-tenth of the city remained.

Behind them, countless believers, with the support of many ancient angels, frantically killed those zombies.

Among them, there were six Vajra Dharma Protectors scattered everywhere, facing several fifth-level zombies.

However, with the support of the ancient angels, these remaining high-level zombies were not to be feared at all.

From time to time, a piece of light would bloom, and an ancient angel would fly out from it and join the group of angels in the sky.

In just a few days, the seemingly endless zombies in this old capital in northern Myanmar had been almost killed.

After Wang Mingyang killed more than 100 of the ancient angels in the sky, there were less than 300 left.

The number suddenly increased again, reaching more than 600.

So many ancient angels appeared after killing millions of zombies.

On average, one ancient angel was born for every 20,000 zombies.

Compared with China, this probability is too high.

The power of faith in Buddha became stronger.

But there seemed to be a hint of worry between his eyebrows.

For several days, the oriental man had not appeared.

But Buddha Siddhartha did not dare to be careless at all, and directly launched an unprecedented extermination plan.

A comprehensive massacre was launched against this Daguang City.

Originally, according to his idea, he would rescue those survivors while advancing step by step.

In this way, Buddha Siddhartha could gain a large number of followers.

You can also clear out the zombies step by step and give birth to more ancient angels.

After thinking about it for two days, the sense of crisis lingering in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Buddha Siddhartha finally made up his mind and dispatched the ancient angels to carry out an indiscriminate attack three days ago.

No matter how many survivors there are in the city, he doesn't care.

Believers or something like that, the worst possible outcome would be to move to other cities later.

They can also be gathered together.

This led to the current brutal massacre of the city.

In the process, he converted two of the three local fifth-level superpowers.

The last one was also brutally killed just now.

The entire city is about to be slaughtered.

The birth of the ancient angels also more than doubled the number of ancient angels under the Buddha's command.

Buddha Siddhartha, who was slightly relieved, even began to fantasize.

Will the next city also launch such thunderous measures?

In this way, he can return to Asan Kingdom soon.

Launch a counterattack against Brahma who has deep roots...

But the next second, Buddha's expression suddenly changed.

" deserve to die!"

The sound containing endless murderous intent resounded through the sky.

A huge dragon head poked out of the clouds and roared angrily at Buddha Siddhartha below.

It took a few days to consolidate the realm and become familiar with the sudden surge in strength.

Wang Mingyang brought Xiao Huanyan back to Daguang City.

However, the scene before him made him furious.

Although there are many survivors in this city who die, it has nothing to do with Wang Mingyang.

But he couldn't imagine it.

In just the past few days, Buddha Siddhartha brazenly launched a massacre of the city!

No matter what, those survivors in foreign countries are all humans...

Wang Mingyang also killed countless people, but he only targeted people with supernatural powers.

Or people who are hostile to him.

There are countless casualties among the ruins in front of us, and most of them are ordinary civilians!

Out of anger, Wang Mingyang directly turned on the dragon mode.

He wanted to use the most violent gesture to cut the dead bald donkey in front of him into pieces!

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