The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 780: The Mongolian Military Region comes to help

Li Yuchan walked back and forth among the sandworms, staring at the sixth-level sandworms and killing them.

But the opponent was not a fool, and would not face such a threatening strongman alone.

Several sixth-level sandworms gathered together and jointly used earth-related abilities to counterattack.

Although Li Yuchan's strength far exceeded that of the general fifth-level, he could easily kill the sixth-level sandworms.

However, the opponent was a sixth-level mutant creature after all.

And there were many fourth- and fifth-level beings around to assist.

When these high-level mutant sandworms gathered together, Li Yuchan could not solve them as quickly as before.

Although Li Yuchan was strong, he was not Wang Mingyang.

In desperation, he could only leave the Nine Heavens Thunder Ancestor where he was.

He kept attracting the attention of those high-level sandworms and began to wander with them.

From time to time, a lightning bolt fell from the sky, scorching one of them.

Soul Storm was performed one after another, but such a move consumed a lot of mental power.

Li Yuchan could only choose to delay time as much as possible and wait for support to arrive.

Faced with such a situation, Qi Sen would definitely ask for help without his reminder.

In the desert base, fewer and fewer sandworms emerged.

The ground beneath the ground was also compacted by many earth-type superpowers.

It became increasingly difficult for the mutant sandworms to attack from underground again.

After doing this, everyone can also free up their hands to support the high walls in various places.

At this moment, even outside the high wall on the west, a large number of mutant sandworms appeared.

Shen Ling from Han Yue's team put her hands on the shoulders of Zhang Yi and Lu Cang.

Several fiery fire snakes and sound wave attacks continued to blast out.

According to their third-level strength, they could not sustain such a high-frequency attack.

But Shen Ling's awakened superpowers have the ability to amplify and restore energy.

After receiving special support from Yunding, her strength has been promoted to the fourth level.

It can amplify and restore multiple people at the same time.

The sand giant incarnated by Han Yue stood between two war guards and kept waving sand spears.

Nailed the sandworms in place.

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and the warriors in the front were more or less injured.

The long-range mutants in the back row were sweating profusely and looked a little pale.

Frequently using skills and saturated output, even with crystal cores to restore energy.

But the consumption of mental power is not so easy to recover.

Han Yue took a moment to glance at the collapsed high wall behind him on the right, and several bodies of Yunding warriors stained with yellow sand were lying in the ruins.

The battle was so fierce that the sandworm swarm was endless and came one after another.

Many Yunding warriors could not dodge in time and were directly smashed by the sky-high attacks.

Even the healing potion could not save them...

A trace of sadness flashed in Han Yue's eyes. Not long ago, they were still chatting and laughing together.

But now, they are separated forever.


He took out an amplification potion and drank it. The sand giant, whose body size had increased a few points, shouted angrily and rushed into the mutant sandworm swarm again.

The duration of the amplification potion is three minutes, and we must strive for the maximum killing effect within these three minutes.

Such actions can be seen everywhere in the desert base.

Many healing psychics are risking their lives to travel around the battlefields.

At this moment, they can no longer take care of their own safety, nor can they shrink behind their own team.

There are too many comrades who need their support.


"Shizhe, can you go faster?"

Inside the crystal fighter, Su Yu looked at the time and asked with a frown.

"Sister Xiaoyu, this is already the fastest speed!"

"If it's faster, I'm afraid the converter will be useless before we arrive..."

Shizhe, who was driving the crystal fighter, smiled bitterly.

The current speed has exceeded 2,000 kilometers per hour.

However, this maximum speed can only be maintained for ten minutes at most.

Shizhe dare not keep driving like this. The shell mixed with a lot of meteorite gold is fine.

But the converter made of fusion metal is running at such a high power, and it is likely to explode if it exceeds the time limit.

At that time, it will delay the rescue time.

Among the three of them, only Su Yu has such a crystal fighter.

"If I had known, I would have installed an ordinary fighter in the space ring."

Hai Liu said helplessly.

No one could have thought that one day they would need to rush so much.

And ordinary fighters are not so easy to fly.

Crystal fighters are very convenient to take off and land.

Ordinary fighters cannot be controlled without professionals.

Shi Zhe looked bitter, but still cheered up and said: "According to the current situation, we estimate that we can arrive half an hour earlier."

Along the way, Su Yu had told them about the situation of the desert base.

The overwhelming swarm of sandworms is indeed too threatening.

It's okay for those below the fourth level. Even without them, the strength of the Cloud Top Warriors can stop them.

However, if there are too many high-level sandworms, the role of ordinary Cloud Top Warriors will be negligible.

Only fifth-level strongmen like them can deal with it.

"I believe them..."

Su Yu slowly closed his eyes and said in a firm tone.

Shi Zhe and Hai Liu nodded silently upon hearing this.

Communication satellites have resumed their function, allowing many fighters to regain navigation capabilities.

However, it will take some time for advanced weapons such as missiles to resume long-range positioning and strikes.

However, facing the overwhelming swarm of sandworms, there is no need to locate them.

Yang Jun, who received Qi Sen's call, did not hesitate and immediately deployed combat orders.

Although the two bases did not communicate much, Yang Jun knew the importance of the desert base.

If the situation was not critical, Qi Sen would not have called him.

The only thing he was surprised about was that with Yunding's combat power, even if there were many high-level sandworms, it would not be his turn to ask for help.

With this doubt in mind, Yang Jun took most of the third and fourth level strongmen in the military district shelter and rushed to the desert base on a transport plane.

One after another, fighter planes loaded with ammunition quickly took off and roared away.

When the support troops of the Meng Province Military District arrived, the dense swarm of sandworms below really scared them.

After a brief shock, bombs began to bomb the sandworm swarm.

The transport plane flew over the desert base at a low altitude, and Yang Jun took a group of Meng Province Military District soldiers and jumped directly from the transport plane.

"Comrades! Attack with all your strength!"

Yang Jun had no time to greet Qi Sen, and quickly led many soldiers to join the battle.

Outside the high wall, there were flames from time to time, which were incendiary bombs carried by bombers.

Or a series of explosions caused by cluster bombs.

With the addition of more than a dozen fourth-level strongmen, hundreds of third-level warriors, and more than 20 fighters and bombers.

The Yunding warriors breathed a sigh of relief.

Those high-level sandworms, harassed by Li Yuchan and others, did not directly attack the desert base.

The fifth and sixth-level mutant sandworms that wanted to attack the base were accurately killed by Li Yuchan and others.

Perhaps, seeing this, these high-level sandworms also wanted to use a large number of low-level sandworms to consume the opponent's strength.

Even though there are hundreds of thousands of dead mutant sandworms now.

But they still continue to attack.

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