The bombs that fell like rain made Rong Lan and others who were under the greatest pressure feel a little relieved.

Although these bombs have limited lethality to mutant sandworms above the fourth level.

But they still have a certain containment effect on the forward momentum of these mutant sandworms.

However, the ammunition carried by the fighter planes is limited.

Two consecutive rounds of bombing took away the lives of countless mutant sandworms.

The exhausted fighter planes and bombers can only return quickly.

The pressure was once again given to Rong Lan and others.

"Hold on for another hour, support from Yunding headquarters will definitely arrive!"

Rong Lan passed the front of the battlefield and shouted loudly.

Qi Sen had already informed everyone of the request for help.

Otherwise, although the Yunding warriors gritted their teeth and fought to the death, they faced the endless mutant sandworms.

Their emotions would be more or less affected.

Not to mention those civilian superpowers...

If they didn't know that support was about to arrive, I'm afraid some of them would have collapsed directly without bearing the pressure.


The wounded Yunding warriors responded loudly, full of fighting spirit.

The civilian psychics were also excited.

One by one, the healing psychics wandered around the edge of the battlefield, using their healing powers.

At this time, there was no distinction between Yunding warriors and civilian psychics.

Some even took out healing potions and gave them to the seriously injured civilian psychics.

Let them recover their combat power quickly.

At this point in the battle, Yunding warriors were inevitably sacrificed.

The civilian psychics themselves did not have the meteorite gold suits, and the casualties of more than 3,000 civilian psychics were close to one-third.

This was still under the blessing of the crystal cannon.

More Yunding warriors handed the crystal cannons to these civilian psychics.

They went to the front line of the battlefield to fight.

If not, I am afraid that more than half of these civilian psychics with low combat literacy would be killed or injured.


In the dust, the Suzaku bird made a crisp cry.

Han Yinyin flapped her wings wildly, bringing a sea of ​​fire and swooping down.

The flames caused by the incendiary bombs rushed towards the group of sandworms where a fifth-level sandworm was.

Dense sand cones and sand spears shot towards him.

Han Yinyin turned her body quickly and flexibly dodged those attacks.

The red flames swept through like a river of flames more than 200 meters wide.

Countless sharp hisses sounded from the river of fire, and the sandworms twisted their bodies wildly in it.

Gradually becoming stiff and lifeless.

The Suzaku divine bird drew an arc at low altitude and took off again.

Glancing at the damage she had caused, Han Yinyin's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction.

"Yinyin! Be careful!"

Took a moment to look at Rong Lan in the direction of the river of fire, and couldn't help but exclaimed with bloodshot eyes.

A sixth-level sandworm, a hundred meters long, suddenly jumped out of the sand layer covered with flames.

Its body was stained with flames, but even its scales were not damaged.

The ferocious mouth, accompanied by sand cones rising from the ground, stabbed at Han Yinyin, who had not yet flown high.


Han Yinyin turned her head slightly when she heard the sound, and saw a big mouth full of sharp teeth biting at her.

In panic, Han Yinyin wanted to dodge sideways.

However, the speed of the sixth-level mutant sandworm's sudden attack was so fast.

At this time, Han Yinyin, who was only 20 meters above the ground, had one wing bitten directly.

The sixth-level sandworm swung violently, and the wings burning with the flames of the Vermillion Bird were torn off with hot blood.

Han Yinyin's bloody body was thrown away immediately.

The sand cones that followed closely pierced her body fiercely.

The red flames suddenly dimmed, and the body of the Vermillion Bird fell uncontrollably in the air.

Several mutant sandworms below opened their mouths, waiting for this delicious food that fell from the sky to fall into their mouths.


Seeing this, Rong Lan was immediately anxious, ignoring the attack from below.

With a flap of its wings, it shot towards the falling Suzaku.

However, more attacks stopped her.

The Suzaku, with its flame dimmed, fell into the sandworm swarm.

Countless sandworms rushed forward like sharks smelling blood!


In the center of the desert base, Mo Yan, standing on the top of the ancient tree of life, looked at the suddenly extinguished Suzaku flame, and her eyes suddenly went black.

She fell down uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the ancient tree of life had begun to gain wisdom and knew that this human was a friend and was very close to Princess Birui.

A branch quickly wrapped around the falling Mo Yan and gently placed him on a branch.

"Mo Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Birui, who had rushed back with sweat all over her head, flew over and said in a hurry.

"Quick, take me... to the south, my Yinyin..."

Mo Yan woke up slowly, tears streaming down her face, pointing to the south and crying.

She could never have imagined that her precious daughter would die in front of her.

In this apocalypse, fighting is everyone's destiny.

Mo Yan thought more than once about letting her daughter stay in the Yunding shelter.

Go to school, study, and grow up slowly.

But every time she saw her daughter working hard to train her supernatural powers, and faithfully performing patrol missions like a little soldier.

She couldn't bear to stop Han Yinyin.

Yunding doesn't support idle people!

If Mo Yan let Han Yinyin withdraw from the Yunding battle sequence.

Then what awaits Han Yinyin is likely to be a mediocre life.

Even if she has the powerful ability of the S-level divine bird Suzaku, what does it matter?

People who cannot fight, no matter how strong their talents are, will be lost in the crowd.

Moreover, Mo Yan also knew that the ancient angel army would come.

By that time, everyone in Yunding would be busy with their own affairs.

How could they have the energy to protect ordinary people?

If Han Yinyin could not grow up, she would die in the future.

Therefore, even if she couldn't bear it in her heart, Mo Yan did not stop her daughter from participating in the battle.

She could only work silently behind the scenes to win Wang Mingyang's attention.

Let Yinyin get more resources to strengthen herself.

But privately, she hated herself more than once for not being able to participate in the battle and protect her ten-year-old daughter.

At this moment, she saw Han Yinyin fall into the sandworm group with her own eyes.

Mo Yan's heart was full of pain and regret!

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Bi Rui didn't know what happened. She just flew from the south.

She didn't notice that a sixth-level sandworm attacked Han Yinyin.

But Mo Yan's state made her vaguely guess something.

Under Bi Rui's control, the ancient tree of life stretched out a branch, lifted Mo Yan and extended it to the high wall in the south.

On the battlefield, Qi Sen, Rong Lan and others had gone crazy.

They rushed to the place where Han Yinyin fell regardless of anything.

All the Yunding warriors in the south who saw this scene couldn't help but roar in anger.

A group of melee-type superpowers waved their swords frantically, relying on their meteorite gold armor to rush forward desperately.

In the bunker, elemental shells the size of millstones shot out.

At this moment, everyone started to fight desperately!

They launched attacks without paying any attention to energy consumption.

The youngest among the Yunding warriors, no one else!

This cute little girl who has always been treated as a treasure.

She was attacked by a high-level sandworm in front of them, and her life and death were uncertain.

Anger and regret filled everyone's hearts.

At this moment, they couldn't help but burst out.

However, no elemental shells landed on the spot where Han Yinyin fell.

Everyone held on to a glimmer of hope that Han Yinyin could survive.

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