Chapter 314

Su Chen whispered in his heart, “This guy doesn’t seem to be so easy to eat?”

Since he couldn’t communicate with the Xuantian Bawang Turtle, he couldn’t figure out the reason.

Su Chen simply took the corpses of the Xuantian Overlord Tortoise and the Holy Beast Tortoise into the [Pet Breeding Space] together.

It’s always his own spirit pet, and the right to improve his food.

Later, he also joined the ranks of hunting.

After just ten minutes, the Green Turtles were basically hunted and killed, and few escaped.

On the contrary, it was those upgraded beasts, very ghosts, most of them fled into the barren mountain range.

Su Chen didn’t bother to hunt down, and began to pick up the debris.

There were not many Green Turtles and upgraded beasts killed this time, and more than 200 fragments were exploded.

Su Chen grabbed a black shard, and a strange voice appeared in his mind.

“Pick up [Qingshan Tempered Wood Stone] Fragment*1, (1|10). The fragment is not full and cannot be used. It can be exchanged for energy points.”

“No exchange.”

When the words fell, Su Chen groaned.

【Qingshan Quenched Wood Stone】From the name, it should be something like a sacred stone.

So far, he has obtained two, namely [Earth Vein Fire Meteorite] and [Tiangang Broken Star Stone].

Getting a fragment of the god stone again made him use his brains.

If you use [Fusion Gems] to fuse all the stones together, the weight must increase exponentially.

If you fuse a few more pieces, accumulate the weight to 100,000 catties, and use it with the [Tongtian Hundred Times Vigorous Jue], wouldn’t it be possible to smash anyone to death?

How many people can resist the weight of one hundred thousand catties?

Thinking of this, Su Chen was a little excited, and decided to study it if he had time.

After a while, he calmed down and continued to pick up the pieces.

After picking up hundreds of them in a row, a violent explosion suddenly came out from the mine.

Then there was a tremor like a shaking mountain.

Su Chen stared in the direction of the mine, and in the line of sight, smoke and dust filled his eyes, and the mine began to collapse slowly, eventually turning into a piece of rubble.

He could think that the collapse of the mine must be caused by the explosion of the boundary passage.

The destruction of the boundary passage must be a good deed by the Green Tortoise tribe.

The reason is also very simple. Their patriarch and sacred beasts were killed one after another, the top combat power was exhausted, and they were worried that they would take the opportunity to break in. This was the only way to blow up the realm channel without stopping.

“These guys are really hindsight.”

Su Chen murmured and continued to pick up the pieces.

Originally, he really had plans to enter the territory of the Green Turtle tribe, but now he can only put out this idea.

After half an hour, the fragments were picked up, and the energy stones were all dug. Su Chen and others returned to the [Smart Chariot].

For the first time, Su Chen opened the [Pet Feeding Space] view.

In the space, the sacred beast tortoise has been eaten up, leaving only a broken tortoise shell.

After a full meal, the Xuantian Tyrant Turtle was lying on the ground and slumbering.

“It’s really edible.”

Su Chen snorted as he was about to close the [Pet Feeding Space].

It was unexpectedly discovered that the breath of the Xuantian Overlord Tortoise was steadily rising.


Su Chen was immediately surprised.

The Xuantian Overlord Tortoise is now a level 5 upgraded beast, and after the level is advanced, it is a level 6 upgraded beast, which almost walks sideways on Thousand Feather Island.

At this moment, Su Chen also understood.

No wonder the Xuantian Overlord Tortoise cares so much about the sacred tortoise, because it turns out that it can be promoted by devouring its flesh and blood!

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