Chapter 315

Su Chen was worried that it would disturb the Xuantian Overlord Tortoise and affect his promotion, so he directly closed the [Pet Feeding Space].

Later, he moved his gaze to the central control screen again, and began to look for the whereabouts of zombies and upgraded beasts.

At this moment, Yang Lingtian stepped forward and asked, “Su Chen, can the upgraded beasts in the Huangze Mountains still be killed?”

Before, thousands of upgraded beasts escaped into the Barrenze Mountain Range, which is not a small number.

“Don’t worry about them, let’s go to other gathering bases.” Su Chen replied.

The environment in the Arazawa Mountains is complicated, and the upgraded beasts are good at escaping. It is almost impossible to hunt them all.

However, there were no signs of zombies on the central control screen, so he decided to go to some gathering places to try his luck.

“Xiaozhi, go to the Tiannan gathering place.” Su Chen ordered.

The Tiannan gathering place used to be the old nest of Golden File Stone, and he estimated that there should be zombies.


[Smart Chariot] Started up and galloped towards the southern gathering place.


In the days that followed, Su Chen and others had been hunting and killing zombies.

It took nearly half a month to hunt and kill the large groups of zombies in the Yellow Forest District of Qianyu Island.

During this period, the total number of zombies killed was forty to fifty thousand, and Su Chen’s harvest was quite rich.

It doesn’t mean that I got a lot of energy stones, but the energy points have also accumulated to more than 5,000 points.

On this day, everyone had eaten and gathered together and began to discuss.

“Su Chen, where are we going next?” Wu Yang said first.

There are no more zombies to kill in Huanglin District, and they must be changed to another place.

Currently, they have two places to go.

One is to go to Yulin District, and the other is to enter the sea to hunt Demonic Beasts.

Su Chen thought for a while and replied: “Go to Yulin District first.”

Yulin District is not only the largest area in Thousand Feather Island, but also has many corpses of zombies and upgraded beasts.

In addition, he has had festivals with the Fog Hidden Gate, the Mad Lion Gate and the Tongtian City, and he also wants to meet them in the past.

Everyone was a little excited when they heard that they were going to Yulin District.

Yulin District is prosperous and powerful, with more than a dozen large cities with a population of more than 100,000.

The largest Tongtian City is a super city with a population of one million. It is said that all kinds of things are sold in it. This has aroused their great interest, and they have long wanted to see it in the past.

After making a plan, Su Chen checked the topography map on the central control screen.

Yulin District cannot be entered casually.

The reason is that in the periphery of Yulin District, there is a ring-shaped mountain range called Qulin Mountain Range.

It is the existence of the Qulin Mountain Range that divides Qianba Island into three.

It is not impossible to climb over the high mountains of the Qulin Mountain Range, but it takes a lot of effort.

But if you want to enter Yulin District without any effort, you can only go through a special channel.

There are two passages between Yulin District and Huanglin District, which were dug by manpower.

The closest one is near Mochizuki City.

Su Chen found the specific location of this passage on the map, reached out a little, and said to the [Smart Chariot]: “Xiaozhi, go to this place.”

[Smart Chariot] Lock on to the target and go away.

Five days later, a towering mountain range appeared in front of the smart tank.

This mountain range extends from west to east, with no end in sight. It is the Qulin Mountain Range.

Moreover, the place where the [Smart Chariot] is located is less than a hundred miles away from the passage into Yulin District.

Su Chen glanced at the central control screen, then retracted his gaze, just when he was about to take a break.

An alarm sounded on the central control screen.

“Warning, there is a base vehicle rushing towards us. It is expected that it will be encountered in two minutes.”

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