Chapter 861

“You go back first, this guy will leave it to me.”

Su Chen whispered, then turned his gaze to Xiao Fei.

Qi Muyu nodded and returned to Qi Muxue’s side.

Xiao Fei was swept away by Su Chen’s gaze, and suddenly felt an icy chill spread all over his body.

“Friend, what do you want?”

Xiao Feiqiang resisted the fear in his heart and asked with a trembling voice.

“kill you!”

Su Chen’s voice was as cold as a glacier, without the slightest breath of life.

“kill me?”

Xiao Fei trembled all over and asked anxiously, “You and I have no grievances, why do you want to kill me?”

Knowing that he was not Su Chen’s opponent, he tried to reason with Su Chen.

“Ha ha…”

Su Chen smiled contemptuously and said indifferently: “One, your son offended me first, and second, I never need a reason to kill. As long as I don’t look pleasing to my eyes, I have to die!”

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Killing never needs a reason?

Too arrogant!

Too overbearing!

However, this sentence came out of Su Chen’s mouth, but it made people unable to refute it.

The reason is that Su Chen’s strength has deeply shocked everyone.

In their view, Su Chen is an unrivaled killer.

God resists and kills God! Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

No one can stop the person Su Chen wants to kill!

The corners of Xiao Fei’s mouth twitched for a while, and he groaned for a while, and said, “As long as you let us go, my Xiao family is willing to give rich compensation.”

“No need!”

The corner of Su Chen’s mouth curled slightly, and suddenly he struck out [Drunk Life and Dream of Death].

After dragging Xiao Fei into the illusion, he played another [Heavenly Horse Meteor Fist].

The violent golden fist shadow whizzed down and slammed on Xiao Fei’s body.

Bang bang bang…

As soon as three golden shadows fell, Xiao Fei had been bombarded into debris.

When all the shadows of the boxing fell, I saw that Xiao Fei had been smashed out of a deep pit measuring several meters in size.

“My father is dead…”

Seeing this, Xiao Yu’s face turned pale, his eyes were absent, and he looked desperate.

The people around him were frightened, and their gazes towards Su Chen were filled with deep awe.

Su Chen sighed and turned back.

Walking to Qi Muxue’s side, she whispered, “Take this waste.”

When the words fell, he walked towards [Smart Chariot].

Qi Muxue did not complain this time, dragging Xiao Yu to follow Su Chen.

Back in the car, Su Chen did not leave in a hurry, but interrogated Xiao Yu.

“Let’s talk about it, why do you want to snatch the Swift Bird?”

Su Chen stared at Xiao Yu and asked coldly.

Xiao Yu insisted on asking for the Swift Bird, and he must have known the identity of the Swift Bird.

In addition to predicting danger, the Swift Bird also has the ability to detect treasures.

Would Xiao Yu want to search for treasures through the Swift Bird?

It was for this reason that Xiao Yu’s dog life was saved until now.

“Senior, someone found two immortal grasses in Tuocang Mountain, but they are very good at hiding them, so I want to use Swift Bird to find them.”

Xiao Yu didn’t dare to conceal the slightest, so he honestly explained.

“Sure enough.”

Su Chen secretly said, and then asked: “What does Xianyuan Grass do?”

Xiao Yu shook his head, “I don’t know what exactly it does. I only know that its value is very huge, and even the powerful Saints are acquiring it.”

Even the holy rank powerhouses are interested in it, and want to come to Xianyuancao’s extraordinary product.

When Su Chen was about to ask Shouyuan Fruit Tree, Qi Mufeng said, “Su Chen, I have heard some rumors about Immortal Yuancao.”

Su Chen’s eyes lit up and looked towards Qi Mufeng, waiting for his explanation.

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