Chapter 862

“It is rumored that there is a mysterious site in the void. It is full of Spiritual herbs and a lot of precious ores. However, this site is erratic and has no fixed location, so it is very difficult to find.”

“However, Xianyuancao seems to have a connection with this site. Rumor has it that finding Xianyuancao is an opportunity to find this site.”

Qi Mufeng said slowly.

“There is such a good place?”

Su Chen was moved.

Among other things, the large amount of precious ores alone aroused his deep interest.

Because [Smart Chariot], golden puppets, including alien fire pets, want to be promoted to a higher level, they all need to consume high-quality ore.

However, does this site exist? Not yet known.

However, now that he knew the news, he would definitely not miss it.

“Xiaozhi, look for Tuocang Mountain, and go immediately.” Su Chen gave the order.


Tuocang Mountain was only a thousand miles away. [Smart Chariot] found the specific location and galloped away.

Su Chen glanced at Xiao Yu, then snapped his neck and threw it out of the car.

For a thousand miles, it is less than an hour for the [smart chariot].

When he arrived at Tuocang Mountain, Su Chen unexpectedly discovered on the central control screen that at this time Tuocang Mountain was densely covered with blue dots, and the number of people reached as many as thousands.

“Aren’t they all looking for Xianyuancao?”

Su Chen had some doubts, and then let the [Smart Chariot] fall to the ground.

“You are waiting in the car, I’ll go out and inquire about it.”

Su Chen exhorted, and got out of the car alone.

Soon, he found an old man and asked him: “Old man, why are there so many people in Tuocangshan? What are you all doing?”

The old man took a look at Su Chen and said, “You just came here, right? I heard that there have been two amazing Spiritual herbs in Tuocang Mountain. We are all looking for it.”

Su Chen nodded secretly, and asked calmly: “What are the functions of those two Spiritual herbs?”

“We don’t know exactly what it is doing.”

The old man shook his head, and then said: “However, the Zheng family in Fengyuan City posted a notice that anyone who finds Spiritual herbs can exchange for 100,000 Energy Stones.”

Zheng family?

Isn’t it Zheng Tao’s family?

Su Chen murmured, and then asked: “Have you found Spiritual herbs now?”

“I heard that one was found and it has been sent to Zheng’s house.”

The old man said with envy.

Su Chen’s face was dark.

He is determined to get the two immortal grasses, no matter what the Zheng family’s background is, he must take them back.

However, we still have to find another strain before talking about it.

After greeted the old man, Su Chen hurriedly returned to the [Smart Chariot].

“Su Chen, what’s the situation?”

Qi Mufeng asked as soon as Su Chen got in the car.

Su Chen told him where he would get news from the old man.

“Xianyuancao is very spiritual, and also good at hiding, so it seems that Tuocangshan must have a treasure hunter in his hand.” Qi Mufeng analyzed it.

“Brother Qi, you go with me, and the others will stay here.” Su Chen said.

Qi Mufeng knows a little bit about Xianyuancao, and it can help a little if he goes along with him.

After a while, Su Chen took the rapid police bird and left [Smart Chariot] with Qi Mufeng.

Behind, the two of them turned for more than half an hour, and when they passed a mountain col, the Xun Bird suddenly said excitedly: “Master, I feel the breath of the fairy grass.”

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