Chapter 870

Qi Mufeng flew forward, and it didn’t take long for him to behead the ancestor of the Shi family on the spot.

After a while, Su Chen collected the fragments and greeted everyone to get on the bus and continue to Fengyuan City.

“He was so strong!”

Qi Muxue glanced at Su Chen secretly, still a little dazed.

An existence as strong as Han Jianqi was crushed by Su Chen with a single move. Who else in this world can stop Su Chen?

“Sister, don’t provoke him in the future.” Qi Muyu reminded carefully.

“Provoke Su Chen?”

Qi Muxue slapped her tongue.

Don’t talk about provoke Su Chen, even a glance at Su Chen made her tremble.

Su Chen sat in the driving chair, rested for a while, and then began to sort out the pieces.

In a little time, the defragmentation was completed.

Su Chen’s mouth was filled with a pensive color. Among the fragments obtained this time, a 10,000 energy point object was exploded, named [Wan Jian Guiyi].

Judging from the name, it should be a magical swordsmanship.

But the specific power is unknown before it is exchanged.

Su Chen’s total energy points are now close to 20,000 points, but he has no plans to redeem them immediately.

Because he will soon go to the void, the void is too dangerous, and his current Cultivation Base is still too weak.

So I plan to accumulate energy points to at least guarantee the promotion to the holy rank.

At the level of the first stage of the holy step, there is a certain degree of self-protection ability.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes and rested.

When I was two children, [Smart Chariot] reminded: “Master, we are in Fengyuan City.”

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes and swept away, seeing a majestic city in his eyes.

“Xun Xun, can you sense the existence of Xian Yuan Cao?” Su Chen asked the Xun Bird.

“Master, I can’t sense it for the time being.” Xun Bird replied.

Su Chen didn’t care either. Although the Swift Bird had the ability to sense treasures, it was still within a certain range.

Fengyuan City is so big, it is reasonable to not feel it for the time being.

“Xiaozhi, turn on the flight function and enter Fengyuan City.” Su Chen ordered.

In order to find the immortal grass as soon as possible, he not only entered through the city gate.


[Smart Chariot] After receiving the order, it started to fly, and it soon flew over Fengyuan City.

Because he did not know the exact location of the Zheng family, Su Chen did not rush to let the [Smart Chariot] land.

After pondering for a while, Su Chen ordered: “Xiaozhi, search for the specific location of the strongest in Fengyuan City.”

As the first family of Fengyuan City, the Zheng family should of course have the strongest.

As long as you find the position of the strongest, you can lock the Zheng family.

“Master, I found it. There is a holy rank powerhouse in a manor, and several level 10 cultivators.” [Intelligent Chariot] quickly replied.

Su Chen nodded slightly and whispered: “Enter this manor.”


[Smart Chariot] Landing slowly.

After entering the manor, a large number of powerful people swarmed around, surrounding the [smart chariot].

Su Chen opened the car door and walked out alone.

“Who are you? Why did you break into our Zheng’s house?”

A level 7 cultivator looked at Su Chen vigilantly and raised his voice to question.

“Call your patriarch over, I have something to discuss with him.” Su Chen said flatly.

“Our patriarch is also the one you want to see?” the 7th-level cultivator said disdainfully.

Su Chen curled his lips, released Mental Energy to bind it, and said coldly: “Hurry up and do it, don’t force me to do it!”

The 7th-level cultivator felt that his bones were about to shatter, and after realizing that Su Chen was a top powerhouse, he shouted at the nearby guards: “Hurry up and ask the patriarch to come over!”

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