Chapter 871

Soon, a guard left here in a hurry.

Su Chen took back Mental Energy and did not take the life of the 7th level cultivation person.

“Thank you senior for not killing.”

Level 7 cultivators have lingering fears and hurriedly expressed gratitude to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked cold and did not respond.

Soon after that guard left, three men galloped over here, judging from their breath, they were all level 10 cultivators.

Su Chen was a little puzzled. There was clearly a holy rank here, why didn’t he come out?

“Boy, you are so crazy! How dare you come to our Zheng family to go wild, don’t you want to live anymore?”

Among the three, a strong bald man glanced at Su Chen and hummed.

Hearing that, Su Chen’s eyes became cold, and just as he was about to make a move, he saw a man rushing over and said loudly: “Senior, calm down!”

Su Chen squinted his eyes, and when he could see the appearance of the visitor, he chuckled and said, “Old Zheng, it’s you.”

The person here was not someone else, but Zheng Tao, who had been saved by him before.

“Senior is coming, why don’t you give a notice in advance? Our Zheng family will definitely treat each other with courtesy.” Zheng Tao wiped off his cold sweat and greeted him.

Seeing that Zheng Tao was so respectful to Su Chen, the three bald men were a little confused.

“Zheng Tao, are you stupid? Why do you want to bend your knees to him?” The bald man didn’t understand.

The Zheng family is also the first family in Fengyuan City anyway, but they have to whisper to a young man who is trespassing. If this is to be spread, how can the family’s face be preserved?

Zheng Tao was taken aback, and quickly winked at the bald man.

What kind of person is Su Chen?

Even the ancestor of the Xu family died in Su Chen’s hands.

The bald man dared to look down on Su Chen, or the next moment would be wiped out.

A goatee old man next to the bald man noticed that something was wrong and asked in a low voice, “Zheng Tao, what is going on? Who is he?”

Zheng Tao gritted his teeth, “He is Su Chen!”

After separating from Su Chen, he rushed all the way to Fengyuan City, but he just rushed back.

Therefore, Su Chen’s matter will not be reported in the future.

“Su Chen… which Su Chen?”

The old man with goatee was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, he changed his color in amazement.

“He is Su Chen…”

The bald man swallowed, and his whole body trembled.

Of course they had heard of Su Chen’s name.

Especially in recent days, it is extremely loud.

Rumor has it that even the Saint-Order Gold Devourer died in Su Chen’s hands.

The bald man thought of his previous attitude towards Su Chen, and his whole heart sank to the bottom.

It can be said that if Su Chen insists on killing him, even their holy ancestors can’t stop him.

“Senior, did you come to us to work with Gui?”

Knowing the true identity of Su Chen, the goatee old man was very respectful.

At the same time, my heart was kicking and uneasy.

Rumor has it that every time Su Chen goes there will be a bloody storm that will destroy the Manchu at every turn, which is very bloody.

He is very worried now, is there something that has offended Su Chen?

Su Chen ignored it, and cast his gaze on the bald man, a touch of abuse appeared on the corner of his mouth, “Aren’t you crazy just now? Why are you now?”

Hearing it, the canned man’s heart raised his throat, and he trembled: “Don’t dare.”

Dare not?

Su Chen didn’t plan to spare him lightly.

The reason for holding on to it is also purposeful.

Xianyuancao was in the hands of the Zheng family, and it was a bit unreasonable to snatch it.

It happens to be able to use this threat to ask for Xianyuancao.

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