Chapter 872

“Senior, our Zheng family is willing to pay, please forgive him!”

Zheng Tao knows very well that it is absolutely impossible for Su Chen to stop here without paying some price.

“Old Zheng, I will give you a face. You Zheng family only needs to give me one thing.”

Su Chen rubbed his nose and said lightly.

After hearing this, Zheng Tao and others were relieved.

Just give one thing, Zheng family can be peaceful, they are all happy.

“Senior, what do you need?” Zheng Tao asked.

“I heard that your Zheng family has just received an immortal grass, so you will hand over the immortal grass to me.” Su Chen said naturally.

Immortal grass?

Zheng Tao was taken aback for a moment and looked at the goatee man.

Since he had just returned to the Zheng family, he had no idea that the Zheng family had obtained a plant of immortal grass.

The goatee man looked embarrassed and thought for a while and said, “Senior, can you change something?”

Su Chen’s eyes immediately became cold.

The purpose of this trip is for the Xianyuancao, which is related to the void site, how can you give it up?

“Hand over the immortal grass, I will not make a comparison, otherwise you will kill the Zheng family!”

Su Chen snorted coldly, and a killing air spread, and the Zheng family suddenly couldn’t breathe.

Zheng Tao and others all changed.

They didn’t doubt Su Chen’s words at all.

With Su Chen’s acting style, if he didn’t hand over the Immortal Grass, he would really be slaughtered all over the house.

A layer of cold sweat oozes out of the goatee man’s forehead unknowingly, and when he is thinking about countermeasures, a sound of majesty wafts over.

“Su Chen, don’t deceive people too much!”

When the words fell, I saw an old man with silver hair and fairy wind and bones flying over.

This person is the ancestor of the Zheng family, Zheng Qun.

“You finally came out.”

Su Chen whispered calmly.

Although Zheng Qun is a holy order, ordinary holy orders are no different from ants in his eyes.

“Su Chen, the immortal grass was purchased by our Zheng family at a high rank, could it be that you won’t be able to snatch it?”

Zheng Qunpu asked angrily as soon as he appeared.

“You people in the Zheng family have offended me, and you need to take out things to make compensation. What I want is not enough for me?” Su Chen smiled madly.

The bald man was disrespectful to him before, and treated the strong, which was a big taboo.

Su Chen’s move to kill him is also said to be the past.

Zheng Qun was speechless. He glared at the bald man, then said to Su Chen: “I want to remind you that Xianyuancao is what the Daoist needs, if you take it away, he I won’t let you go!”


Su Chen didn’t hear about this person, and didn’t think much about it, and said coldly: “You just have to hand over the immortal grass, and you don’t need to worry about other things!”

Seeing that Su Chen could not be shocked, Zheng Qun gritted his teeth and took out the Xianyuan Grass from the storage bag and threw it to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Xian Yuancao intently, but saw that it was a little girl, and his face was full of deep fear at this time.

“Is Xianyuancao divided into men and women?”

Su Chen murmured, then opened the [Planting Space], gave an explanation to the male fairy Yuancao, and then sent the female fairy Yuancao into it.

Turning off the [Planting Space], Su Chenxu squinted his eyes and looked at Zheng Qun, with a flickering cold light in his eyes.

After Su Chen’s gaze was swept away, Zheng Qun’s scalp was numb, and he trembled: “Su Chen, what do you mean? I gave you everything, what else do you want?”

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