Chapter 879

“Su Chen, spare my life!” The Protoss man roared loudly.

He knew well that he could never stop Su Chen alone, and if he wanted to survive, he could only pray for the mercy of Su Chen’s men.

Su Chen sneered, and a record of [Drunken Life and Dream of Death] made the Protoss man plunged into confusion.

Then he rushed to the front and slashed it in the air.

[Enchant Magic Knife] After the upgrade, it has reached the level of sacred artifacts, even if it does not bless magic power, it is still extremely sharp.

Puffed out.

The head of the Protoss man rose into the sky, and was bombarded with a punch by Su Chen, killing him on the spot.

Killing the Protoss man, Su Chen turned and killed the Yemozu man.

The two Su Chen joined forces, and the lethality increased several times, and the night demon man who was suddenly overwhelmed couldn’t breathe.

Seeing that the French men and the Protoss men were beheaded by Su Chen in an instant, the Saint Demon men and the Undead men were frightened and tried to escape here.

But Qi Mufeng and the golden puppet are stronger than them, and they have already been firmly suppressed, and there is no possibility of escape.

The Saint Demon clan man even showed his true body, turned into a ten-foot-sized white giant ape, but was still rubbed against the ground by Qi Mufeng.

Countless blood was cut open by the sword blade on the huge body, and the blood flow was unstoppable, shockingly shocking.


In a screaming scream, he saw that the Ye Mo clan man was blasted into a fan by the two Su Chens.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whistling sound.

Two Su Chen quickly killed the undead people.

The undead people were originally suppressed by the golden puppets, and were beheaded without any resistance.

At this time, Su Chen put away the second soul and walked slowly towards the white giant ape.

Qi Mufeng also stopped his movements.

There was only one white giant ape left, and it was impossible for him to escape even if he had the ability to reach the sky.

There was a plop.

When Su Chen came closer, the white giant ape unexpectedly knelt on the ground, and begged Su Chen for mercy loudly, “Su Chen, spare my life! I am willing to be your spiritual pet.”

Su Chen’s eyes flickered, and did not immediately reply. Instead, he reached out his hand and pointed at the withered giant tree and asked, “Is this giant tree the tree of life?”


The white giant ape immediately replied.

“Where is its demon core?” Su Chen asked.

The main purpose of this trip is for the tree of life. Since the tree of life is dead, it is very important to get its demon core.

“We haven’t moved its demon core, it should still be here.” The white giant ape said truthfully.

Su Chen was happy, but at the same time he also had a trace of doubt.

The demon core of the tree of life is definitely a treasure among the treasures. Would the white giant apes be uninterested?

“Why don’t you take its demon core?” Su Chen asked.

“It was ordered by Daoist of Tiansan. He wants to use the demon core of the tree of life to attract you to enter here.”

The white giant ape didn’t dare to conceal the slightest.


Su Chen’s eyes gradually narrowed.

He also heard from the ancestors of the Zheng family before that Xianyuancao was exactly what the Daoist of Tiansan wanted.

And he snatched the immortal grass.

Could it be Tian San Daoist in order to avenge himself?

Thinking of this, Su Chen said coldly: “So, you are here to besie me and besieged me, it was also arranged by the Daoist of Tiansan?”


The white giant ape lowered his head and replied with a trembling voice.

Su Chen thought slightly, and then asked: “Why do you want to listen to Daoist of Tiansan?”

Qi Mufeng once said that Tiansan Daoist is a lone ranger who has always been alone and has no subordinates.

“He forced us. If we don’t do what he says, we will be killed by him.” The white giant ape explained.

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