Chapter 880

Forcing you?

Su Chen groaned.

The Five Great White Apes are not only the first stage of the holy rank, they are also from the five super races, whose strength is far beyond the same rank, will they be threatened by the Daoist?

“What kind of Cultivation Base is Tiansan Daoist?” Su Chen asked in a deep voice.

“Not sure.”

The white giant ape shook his head, seeming to be afraid that Su Chen would not be satisfied with this answer, and explained: “The power of the Daoist Transcendent of the Heavenly Scattered Daoist has become sacred, and even a force of pressure can make us surrender!”

Is it so strong?

Su Chen slapped his tongue and turned to Qi Mufeng and said, “Brother Qi, can you do this in the fifth stage of the holy stage.”

“I’m afraid not.”

Qi Mufeng replied solemnly.

“So the Daoist of Tiansan is at least the sixth stage of the holy stage…” Su Chen took a deep breath.

The sixth stage of the holy stage can definitely crush him, and it can’t help causing him a strong heart pressure.

However, he recovered quickly.

Without pressure, there is no motivation, so what if Daoist is the sixth stage of the holy stage? Sooner or later, he will also be promoted to the sixth stage of the holy rank.

And with his many methods, as long as he was promoted to the fourth stage of the holy stage, he could break his wrist with the Daoist of Tiansan.

“Do you know why Daoist Daoist is dealing with me?” Su Chen asked.

Whether it was because of Xian Yuancao, he didn’t know, and he wanted to figure it out.

“What he arranged for us to do, he never told the reason.” The white giant ape shook his head and said.

Su Chen didn’t struggle with this matter, and instead asked, “Why didn’t Daoist take the action personally?”

With the strength of the sixth stage of the Daoist sacred stage, if you really want to kill him, there is no difficulty.

Then why arrange for others to kill him?

This is where he is more puzzled.

The white giant ape explained: “Because this space can display the strength of the first stage of the holy stage at most, once it is higher than the first stage of the holy stage, it will collapse.”


Su Chen felt enlightened.

Knowing what was going on, he squinted at the white giant ape, his mind slowly turning.

The white giant ape is a holy Demonic Beasts, if it is a spiritual pet, it can indeed Ascension strength.

However, in his eyes, the white giant ape is just an ordinary commodity, with no potential.

With the continuous Ascension of Cultivation Base, it will definitely become a tasteless one.

Thinking of this, he calmly opened the [Pet Breeding Space] and communicated with the Gold Devourer, “Little Worm, if you swallow a Demonic Beasts of the first stage, can you Ascension Cultivation Base?”

“Master, the promotion to the false saint should be almost the same.” The Gold Devourer said conservatively.

Su Chen nodded slightly, making a decision in his heart.

After the Golden Devourer is promoted to the False Saint, his strength will not be lower than that of the White Great Ape.

And killing the white giant ape can get a 12-level energy stone and a lot of fragments.

It’s more cost-effective than keeping the white giant ape as a spiritual pet.

Su Chen’s mouth slowly appeared with a strange arc, and he looked at the white giant ape and asked, “How can I leave this space?”

Seeing Su Chen’s smile, the white giant ape felt a little hairy in his heart, but still honestly replied: “Once this space is activated, it will last for only one hour, after which it will collapse and be teleported out.”

“Where did it go?” Su Chen asked.

“Teleport to the place of entry”. “The white giant ape said the truth.

“That’s Yunluo Mountain Range.” Su Chen groaned.

All the questions were asked, and there was no need to keep the white giant ape.

Then, he shot and killed the white giant ape without hesitation.

Dig down the energy stone, collect all the fragments, and go straight to the tree of life.

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