Chapter 936

“You just lead the way, you don’t need to do anything else!” Su Chen said in an unquestionable tone.


The thin old man was startled, and replied with a trembling voice.

Later, under his guidance, the [Smart Chariot] drove straight in one direction.

On the way, Su Chen chatted with the thin old man about Ligio Island.

Ligio Island has existed for thousands of years, and after so many years of multiplication, it seems to have formed a new race.

“Lao Xia, since the living conditions here are so difficult, why don’t you return to the mainland?” Su Chen asked strangely.

Lao Xia is a thin old man, his full name is Xia Tao.

Life is on the mainland, no matter what, you don’t need to worry about it all day long like Void.

Su Chen didn’t understand this very much.

“Senior, there is no difficulty in returning to the mainland. You only need to pay some Void Energy Stones or Void Energy Stones.”

“However, the cultivation resources in the mainland are limited after all. Ascension Cultivation Base is very difficult. On the contrary, in the void, even in barren places, some high-level cultivation resources can be found.”

“My generation of cultivators pursues the Ascension Cultivation Base, and one day they will become a holy powerhouse, so no one is willing to return to the mainland.” Xia Tao explained.

For this, Su Chen can understand.

If he were replaced by him, he would choose this way too.

“Let’s take a break. You should be able to reach Ligio Island in less than an hour.”

Su Chen said, then sat on the driving chair.

Then started [Chaos Space] and connected with Li Kuiyang and others.

After all, there are more than a thousand void beasts on Lijiao Island, and he can definitely kill them all by himself.

But the Void Beast is not a fool. If he finds that he is not an opponent, he will definitely run away.

This requires the help of Li Kuiyang and others.

Su Chen explained the situation and closed [Chaos Space].

Anyway, it’s not yet Ligio Island, so don’t worry about calling them out.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for more than an hour, Xia Tao reminded: “Senior, there is a turbulent space ahead. You need to make a detour.”

“Is it ordinary spatial turbulence or large-scale?” Su Chen asked casually.

If it is ordinary, ignore it at all.

“Ordinary space turbulence, but there are more.”

Xia Tao didn’t think much, and said straight.

“Don’t worry, just go through.” Su Chen’s tone was very flat.

Go through?

Ignore the turbulence of space?

Xia Tao was dumbfounded.

What kind of spacecraft can ignore the turbulence of space? Dare to pass through the space turbulently, is this horrible?

Xia Tao’s heart suddenly rose up and down.

But Su Chen had said so, he didn’t dare to ask more, he could only bite the bullet and give directions to [Smart Chariot].

Soon, the [Smart Chariot] entered the turbulence of space and passed through it easily, without any damage from beginning to end.

Seeing this, Xia Tao was surprised and undoubtedly added.

“Master, I found the trace of the Void Beast.” [Smart Chariot] reminded.

And put the picture on the central control screen.

Su Chen squinted his eyes, but saw two holy rank void beasts besieging a holy rank of ten thousand races.

Judging from the scene, this ten thousand clan holy rank was at a complete disadvantage, fearing that it would be annihilated before long.

“Xiaozhi, how long will it take to reach Ligio Island?” Su Chen asked.

“It doesn’t take three minutes.”

Su Chen nodded, if the Ten Thousand Clan Saint Order could hold on for three minutes, he would have a chance to survive.

Can’t persist, it can only be a bad life.

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