Chapter 937

As time went on, the sacred ranks of the Ten Thousand Races were surrounded by dangers, and they were eventually shot down to the ground, and all of their arms were exploded.

“Li Chunqi, you still want to fight us because you still want to fight against us, do you know it’s great this time?”

A holy rank of Void Beast, with a grinning face, slowly walked towards Li Chunqi, holy rank of Clan Ten Thousand Clan.

The other cultivators of all races were severely injured when Li Chunqi was beaten up, and their hearts were lost.

Just at this time, the [Smart Chariot] flew over the island of Ligio.

Its appearance immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

This place is where the cultivators of all races and the void beasts fight, a silver spaceship suddenly appeared, very strange.

Isn’t it possible that the people in the spacecraft are not afraid of being affected and bombed into scum?

“People inside, get out!”

A Void Beast Holy Order glanced at [Smart Chariot] and shouted loudly.

Looks very arrogant.

Su Chen opened the door of the car and stepped out of the car.

Xia Tao followed Su Chen closely.

However, compared with Su Chen’s self-assured expression, he was shaking constantly at this time, with a look of fright on his face.

“Hey, it’s an individual!”

The holy-rank Void Beast saw Su Chen’s appearance, first gave a soft voice, and then sneered: “Boy, are you here to die?”

“I’m here to kill you!”

The corner of Su Chen’s mouth curled slightly, and Mental Energy was released instantly.

kill me?

The Saint-Rank Void Beast was stunned for a moment, and laughed wildly: “Boy, you are so special…”

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, a huge invisible force suddenly surged around, which firmly bound him.

“Mental Energy….”

The face of the Holy Rank Void Beast suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted at another Holy Rank Void Beast: “He is a Holy Rank Spiritual Master! Come and help me!”

Xia Tao next to him was dumbfounded.

He remembered clearly that Su Chen was clearly a saint-level evolutionary, why did he become a saint-level spiritual teacher again?

At this moment, another Saint-rank Void Beast rushed towards Su Chen fiercely.

“Looking for a dead end!”

Su Chen smiled contemptuously.

First, he manipulated Mental Energy to squeeze the bound Holy-rank Void Beast, and then punched the Holy-rank Void Beast that rushed up.

There was a loud bang.

This holy-rank void beast was blasted into powder with a punch.

Seeing this scene, the entire Ligio Island fell into suffocating silence.

Whether it’s the Void Beast or the Cultivator of the Ten Thousand Races, they were all dumbfounded.

Su Chen easily killed two holy-rank void beasts, and his powerful strength was vividly manifested.

Even, some people have already reacted. Su Chen is probably a strong man in the second stage of the holy stage, and he is still the second stage of the holy stage with dual professions.

“He is so strong…”

Xia Tao looked at Su Chen’s back and murmured idiotically.

As the two holy rank void beasts were killed one after another, the rest of the void beasts were panicked. After looking at each other, they fled straight towards Lijiao Island.

Su Chen directly opened the [Chaos Space] and [Pet Breeding Space], Li Kuiyang and others and the golden worms and other spirit pets filed out to hunt down the void beasts.

Su Chen also joined the ranks of chasing and killing.

“So many strong…”

Xia Tao saw that Su Chen summoned so many powerful men at once, and was once again deeply shocked.

“Xia Tao.”

At this moment, Li Chunqi’s call sounded in Xia Tao’s ear.

“Island owner, are you okay?”

Xia Tao slowed down and trot to Li Chunqi’s side.

“Xia Tao, who is this senior?”

Li Chunqi looked at Su Chen in the distance and asked in a whisper.

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