Chapter 938

“He didn’t tell me the name, and I didn’t dare to ask.” Xia Tao said with his head lowered.

“Then how did you meet him?” Li Chunqi asked.

Xia Tao talked about everything about Su Chen.

“Anyway, it was he who saved us. We must thank you very much.” Li Chunqi groaned.

It can be predicted that if it weren’t for Su Chen’s action, Ligio Island would be destroyed today.

Su Chen can definitely be regarded as their savior.

Ten minutes later, Su Chen led a group of strong men to kill all the void beasts.

After collecting the fragments, digging down the Void Energy Stone, he returned.

“Senior, thank you for your help!”

Li Chunqi, supported by Xia Tao, came to Su Chen’s side and bowed to thank you.

“I’m not here specifically to save you.” Su Chen said lightly.

If it weren’t close, and if killing the Void Beast could explode fragments, he wouldn’t be here to waste time.

“Anyway, thank you senior.”

Although Su Chen spoke lightly, Li Chunqi was still respectful.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and then asked, “Are there many void beasts around here?”

“This is a barren land in the void, and there are almost no void beasts around it.”

“And it is a group of wandering void beasts who have entered Lijiao Island. They have no fixed place. They wandered around in the void. After they discovered Lijiao Island, they paid attention to snatching.” Li Chunqi explained.

“I see.”

Su Chen murmured, and continued to ask: “Have you heard of Void Battle Base?”

The Starry Sky Competition will be opened in less than half a year, and the most important thing right now is to go to the Void Battle Base and make peace with Qi Mufeng.

However, the communication beads Qi Mufeng gave only had the function of guiding, and did not indicate how far apart they were.

In order to avoid missed major events, he felt it necessary to inquire about it.

“Battle of the Void…”

Li Chuqi groaned, and tentatively said: “Senior, is the Void Battle Base you mentioned, the home of the top ten hidden families, Qi family?”


Su Chen’s eyes lit up.

Li Chunqi was able to name the Qi family in one mouth, and he should have known the Void Battle Base.

Li Chunqi breathed a sigh of relief and said: “The void battlefield is not far from here. I don’t know how many miles away. If you travel by spacecraft, even if you don’t suffer from space turbulence and interception on the way, I am afraid it will take at least a year.”

One year?

Su Chen frowned deeply.

A year later, the Starry Sky Contest was over long ago. By that time, I couldn’t even drink the soup, and even the past would lose its meaning.

But he immediately thought that Qi Mufeng had entered the void a month earlier than him. If he took a spaceship, it would be impossible to return to Qi’s house in half a year.

This shows that there must be some shortcuts.

Thinking of this, Su Chen asked: “Is there a way to get to the Void Battle Base quickly?”

Li Chunqi replied: “Senior, there are many places in the void that are occupied by our cultivators of the ten thousand races, especially some big forces have teleportation formations, but I don’t know how to go through those teleportation formations to reach the void battle base. .”

The teleportation array can indeed greatly reduce the time, even if the distance is far apart, it will not take long to pass through the teleportation array.

Su Chen could guess that Qi Mufeng must have returned to Qi’s house through the teleportation array.

“Where is the teleportation array nearby?” Su Chen asked.

“There is a teleportation formation in Yanye Forest.” Li Chunqi replied.


Su Chen wondered: “There is still a forest in the void?”

Li Chunqi explained: “The Yanye Forest is located on a small fragmented continent, because only one kind of plant, the Yanye Tree, grows on it, so it has this name.”

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