"As long as you look at me, they..."


Rope raised his eyebrows displeased.

Sumona instantly dumbfounded, lowered her head timidly, and entangled her index fingers with her hands.

"...I, I will try my best to build a good relationship with my sisters, and at the same time, I will try to resolve the jealousy of my sisters."

"Well, this is the style that the eldest sister should have."

Luo Pei put his hands on Sumona's shoulders, and said earnestly.

"Listen, Sumona, they are not your enemies, they are your closest sister. There may be differences, quarrels, quarrels, and even fights, but whoever you are is my Rope’s family. Wind and rain It will be clear after that, and I hope you can be like the sky."

"Yes, my father."

Sumona readily accepted, lifting her skirt and saluting.

Rope picked up the coat on the back of the chair and walked out the door with a smile.

"Come with me, I will show you the world I live in, it's very interesting..."

Chapter 91: Human right and wrong are trivial

The rebels at the lower level of Hakata and the "dystopia" of the demon king who was finally tested by mankind have entered the final stage of the war.

The Black Death and Enlightenment, constructed through sacrifice and eulogy, have advanced, and the decline of dystopia is gradually appearing. The gods seduced by the dystopia, for the sake of faith, are madly trying to prevent the attack of the lower alliance. The lower-level alliance also realized that the war had entered a critical moment, and resisted regardless of sacrifice.

Most of them may only have the strength of seven to six figures, but for the sake of Hakata, for the inherent freedom of human history, and for the possibility of human history, they have not compromised with the gods who once bowed to their knees.

The lower ground was shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

On the five-figure West Side, the blonde girl is supporting the death **** with a top hat.

"Well, put me down here... my stupid disciple."

Gloria Baron said weakly, pushed away the support of the canary, and fell into the rubble next to it.

"After a series of battles, it is already the limit to get here. If I go deeper, my current spirit will be wiped out by the dystopia in an instant."

"Are you sure you have no problem staying here alone?"

Canary looked around.

"This place... The Western District is the inner territory of dystopia. If you are in danger, no one will come to rescue you."

"Hahaha, when will the Baron of the Cross have your turn to worry about as a stinky kid?"

Gloria Baronqiang held up a playful smile.

"If I die here, it just means that I have bad luck. And you say that the possibility of me being found is very low. I support the largest dystopian **** system. The Bible **** system has been trapped in the distortion of the upper turmoil long ago. , It’s just a few demons who crave faith and fear. That kind of guy, even the current me... ahem!"

"Being strong is not good for you."

"Don't be wordy, idiot!"

Cloya's mouth stinks as always.

"At this point, don't stop because of me. Hurry up and end the dystopian rule, so that the plague we spread for this, the people who sacrificed outside will have meaning!"

"I will do that."

Canary nodded solemnly.

"At the celebration party, I will prepare rum for you. Try to live your life, Reaper."

"Haha, we deserve to be our stupid disciple..."

Gloria Baron touched the pocket of his jacket, took out a cigar from it, and took a sip after it was lit.

Canary no longer looked at her master, clenched the stick in her hand, and walked towards where she started in the first place.

After achieving a lifespan far beyond that of human beings, it really took a long time.

The girl was born from a dystopia, and was taken by the **** of death of voodoo by chance, and she has grown up as a hero with an impossible mission. Now she returned to dystopia after a long journey to school, just to bring destruction to the demon king who had enveloped her first half of her life.

But can it really succeed?

Use the Black Death and thought enlightenment to reduce the concentration of dystopia, and finally put the "poem" into the dystopia, and let it completely return to zero.

Can you take this last step as you wish?

Even the canary, who is like a self-confident body, can't help but have such doubts.

But she didn't hesitate in her footsteps, and she walked firmly toward the center of the West End.

Neither squalls nor frost and hail could stop the seemingly slender girl's steps.

She has no retreat, only success, and only success.

At this time, Canary saw a family.

It was a native resident of a dystopia, a simple family consisting of three units: father, mother, and son.

They huddled in the ruined wall, and the three huddled together to keep warm. Seeing that the canary was neither crying for help, nor screaming for joy, there was only a dazed expression in their eyes.

Of course, how can domestic animals living in a dystopia feel the cruelty of war?

A hint of compassion flashed in the canary's eyes. She walked up to the family and used rune spells on them to dispel the lingering chill.


Thank you mechanically like running a program.

The so-called human nature cannot be seen by the canary in the person in front of him.

"It's okay, it will end soon, so be patient for a while."

Canary whispered, not so much comforting others as telling herself.

"Soon, I will be able to take that culprit Demon King..."

"I am opposed to your words."


The monotonous voice from the side made the Canary sweat instantly behind her.

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