She jumped backwards at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and at the same time used spells that could affect and shorten the space, not forgetting to teleport the innocent residents of that house.

What appeared in front of the canary was a weird existence covered by white cloth and wearing a black mask.

The strong sense of presence on her body made the girl immediately recognize her identity.

"...Humanity finally tries "dystopia". "

"Is that the name you waited for me? It's not bad as a code name." The dystopian raised his head: "To be precise, I am a product of the concept of dystopia extending to reality. My spirituality is rapidly declining, not only affecting The scope is shrinking sharply, and even the broad concepts are forcibly fixed in reality."

Dystopia is a demon without an ontology.

Now appearing in front of the Canary as the main body, this is the result of their long efforts.

But on the contrary, the devil in front of him possesses the unquestionable three-digit "realm of full power" spirituality.

For the lower level, it is impossible to imagine the absolute terrifying strength.

Canary is not in the slightest fear, she knows that she can no longer know that human beings have their own rules in the final trial, and it is impossible to kill qualified challengers with violence alone.

The blonde girl stood up with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"Finally can't stay? You will appear in front of me, which means that you have noticed my danger, and it also means that I do have the ability to destroy you."

"Negative." The dystopian shook his head: "I came to you only because of curiosity, my child."

"Disgusting rhetoric."

The canary showed a look of disgust.

The dystopia turned its sights into the distance, which was the direction the Canary had just sent the family of three away.

"You said that I was the culprit who caused everything, but I did not admit your accusation. Isn't the war in front of me provoked by you? Those residents who live and work in peace in our midst are a series of you waiting. Action led to their death and disaster."

"If it weren't for your actions, why should we start a war?"

"Then I want to ask you, the challenger to the final trial of mankind."

The dystopia stood in front of the canary, behind his hands, two blue flames in his eyes faintly leaped.

"What's wrong with me? I let humans get rid of the torture of disease, let them get rid of natural oppression, so that humans no longer fear the fangs of beasts, so that they have enough food to fill their stomachs, so that humans no longer have thinking. The estrangement between the two has allowed disputes, discord, contradictions, dangers, and classes to disappear among human beings."

"Since I was born, I haven't killed any human beings. On the contrary, I tried my best to protect them."

"Because of my existence, mankind does not have to worry about energy crisis. Because of my existence, human sorrow is occupied by beauty."

"I have built high walls to protect them from danger, and you will do everything possible to break that wall and introduce flames and death into the paradise. Those who have acted like this will accuse me of my mistakes. Out of logical common sense?"

"I never thought that the demon king after dystopia personification would be so sophistic!"

The canary played with the cane, turned around and then slammed on the ground.

"You want the answer? Okay, I'll give you the answer! Human beings are a race that grows in progress and setbacks. The history of mankind is the history of resistance. Your captivity is not a paradise, but it is the deepest **** that drags mankind into the deepest **** that can never be restored! There is no survival! Pressure, no joy, anger, sorrow, and vitality, then mankind is destined to degenerate! Until it becomes the dust of the universe!"

"The heaviest pressure of human beings is the pressure of survival. I moved it away from humans. What's wrong with it?"

Dystopia asked.

"You feel angry just because you have angry emotions, so if you delete the angry emotions, don't you feel happy? If it is someone else, I will not be curious, but you are my child and walked out of here. The lost, don't you know the happiness of "nothing"? "

Canary was silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

"...It is because of knowing that I will come to you."

"It is the stupidity of human beings to deny the road if you don't accept it."

Said the dystopia.

"But I will not blame you for your stupidity, I will protect you, even if you have to fight with you before that. Come on, challenger, representative, only as the ultimate test of human beings, "dystopia" admits Your correctness, use the behavior of surpassing this trial to prove your correctness! "

"I will."

The Canary knew that the dystopian attack was coming.

Sure enough, in an instant, the spirit of the demon king who was finally tested by mankind shone with dusky light.

The endless world and fragments of civilization, like a rushing river, shrouded the canary in it.

In it are human beings, and it is impossible for other races to enter.

Burning, killing and plundering; infringement and oppression; class differentiation; enslaving of the same race... the bad habits of human beings are presented in the most vivid form before the eyes of the canaries, and the final dawn is the demon king of dystopia.

The blond girl didn't close her eyes, and calmly carved those miserable pictures into her mind.

The mouth is silently spreading poems praising human courage, wisdom, and evolution, bit by bit, stripping out positive concepts from the numerous negative effects of stars.

At this very tense moment, I don't know if it was a canary's auditory hallucination, and a soft sigh came into my ears.

"Human right and wrong... trivial."

The girl looked up.

Flowing through the weird space of civilization, falling black snowflakes.

Chapter 92 The Possibilities of Human Beings Are Only Worthy of Shaking Under the Stars and Darkness

Unbelievable black snowflakes are falling clearly and densely.

Their shape is not the hexagon of ordinary snowflakes.

Irregular like star dust, shining with a dark and sublime light.

Attracted by those psychedelic lights, Canary almost forgot that she was on her way to the final trial of the tense mankind.

But at any rate, it was a hero and a poet. The blonde girl immediately reacted, thinking it was a dystopian trick. She held a cane in both hands to be extra vigilant, and the acura in her mouth did not stop at all.

Until a warm palm covered the top of her head.

To be honest, the Canary was taken aback at that moment, and sweat broke out from behind.

As a result, when she waited for the familiar face to appear, her constricted pupils relaxed slightly.

The handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes, the impossibly demon king, the final trial of mankind, "all things are useless," appears in this world that has been drawn into power by dystopias.

"Human right and wrong are completely boring and irrelevant."

Rope smiled and walked to the canary, speaking to the dystopian demon like a small chat.

"Human beings are always arrogant and arrogant to equate themselves with the whole world, but they don't know that as parasites of the planet, birth or extinction, detachment or death are insignificant for the planet and the universe itself. Whether it is to make every effort, sacrifice Forging a path of evolution with blood, or realizing a utopian life, is just a dream of racial self-satisfaction."

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