However, thanks to Rope's water barrier, the maidens at the foot of the mountain had time to escape and would not lose their lives here.

"Show me the ferocity of steel. You shouldn't take this little heat in your eyes? If you run away, the Valkyrie who was sent back to mythology by you will be crying, and he was lost to a coward!"


Ignoring his father's provocation, Rope lowered his head to avoid another splash of lava fireball, and stopped on a towering rock.

Almost all around him was flooded with lava rivers, and there was no place to stand on the spacious platform anymore.

This is also what Azazli did deliberately.

"Face me! Since you dare to raise your mind, be prepared to endure the wrath of your fathers! When you die, I will forgive your soul and lead you to **** and become my powerful weapon!"

The arrogant did not intend to let Rope go.

Such a good heir, of course, should be held tightly in his hands, working for himself.

"Ah, my father, I didn't plan to go to the place where **** doesn't shit."

The pointer re-pointed to the "warrior", and the light of Mingwu began to shine in Rope's blue eyes.


Not only the power of Velesrana, but now when the smoke rises and a dark cloud is constructed in the sky, Rope has used his second power-"Master of the Sky."

Storm and Thunder, the two twin brothers began to wreak havoc above Asazli.

But they were all blocked by those six brilliant wings, unable to harm the body of the King of Fallen Angels.

But originally, Rope didn't intend to use the Thunder to defeat him to create such a scene, but gave birth to their child-Tempest.

In order to alleviate the heat, but also to allow Rope to think calmly.

Magma...volcano...devil...unrivaled great power...

Heat is the source of the power of the planet, and the pulse brings unlimited vitality to all things.

Azazel has the identity of a "snake" and is the ruler of the earth. The title of "power of the gods" does not mean "anger". Therefore, he is the embodiment of the anger of the earth, the fire in the heart of the earth that melts steel!

No, not only that!

"My father, your background is really big."

Light gathered in Rope's hands and became a long sword etched with ancient Persian characters.

"You have a deep relationship with the earth, but it is not a regular **** of food, forests, hills, but a deeper underground than darkness...that is, flames."

Insert the sword into the magma.

When he turned around, the dark red liquid around Rope was deprived of its meaning and turned into cold volcanic rock.

""On the day of the final judgment, Asazil will be thrown into the lake of fire to purify his sins." This sentence does not mean death, but rebirth. It symbolizes that you will get rid of the shackles of Christian mythology and become the most primitive posture—that is, the **** of volcanoes! "

The spirit of words kept gushing out, and the essence of Asazli was revealed.

At the same time, Rope couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat.

If Azazil had used Christian mythology to forge the sword of gold just now, it would definitely not have any effect.

The existence of the King of Fallen Angels is not just the Lord of Hell.

"Volcano? This is indeed my essence, but don't just be complacent..."

A trace of ridicule hung on Asazli's handsome face, and the light wings shook violently behind him and disappeared into the air.

The crazy alert of the sixth sense made Rope erect a golden sword that had not yet been forged.

Then a strong force was passed to his body along his wrist, knocking Rope off like a cannonball, smashing countless rocks, and falling into the lava that was not dry in the distance.

"Compared to Michael's sword of thorns and fire! Yours is still too shallow!"

(Second more... I was a little late...)

Chapter 106-Slaughter the Snake

The huge force shattered Rope's hand bones and fell into the dark red lava.

Keep diving down.

In order to avoid the pain of being burned, he had already put a thin layer of death water on the surface of his body skin at the same time he was in contact with those hot Ye bodies to insulate the heat.

At the same time, his hand bones are being repaired.

"what happened?"

Rope frowned and couldn't help asking for help from the system in his brain.

"Acelia, logically speaking, his huge power should be based on the concept of "volcanic eruption". Why did I seal Azazel's "volcano" and he could break my steel body? "

Because the magma contains a large amount of volatile matter, and the confining pressure of the overlying rock layer, these volatile matter can not overflow when dissolved in the magma. When the magma rises close to the surface, the pressure decreases and the volatile matter is released sharply, thus forming a volcanic eruption.

That is almost the strongest and most powerful phenomenon in nature.

This is also the reason why Azazler, in Rope's imagination, has the power that rivals or even surpasses "Banteng" and "Steel".

Acelia was silent for a while in Rope's mind, as if thinking, and then said.

‘His legend is a little deeper...Christianity was founded in the first century AD, which is also the anniversary of the birth of the Son, **** Christ. According to the legendary time, Azazel deduced that the Son **** fell when he was created by God, which is the last century BC. ’

"Does this have anything to do with time?"

Rope erected his golden sword, slashed the surrounding magma to lose its heat and broke through the cooling rock formation.

Before he could catch his breath, Asazil’s **** serpent rushed over like a black and impermanent soul-chaser, opened its mouth full of fishyness, and used snakes’ most common predation method to try to kill Rope. Swallow it directly.

How can you make it happen?

‘Of course it has something to do with time... Wait a minute, you should solve this snake first. Remember to use another golden sword, this snake and Azazel are two different legends. "Acelia reminded.

"I know."

Rope held the sword backhand and stuck the blade in the snake's mouth.

But he himself, under the influence of the impact force, retreated quickly, and made two deep marks on the hard rock.

At the same time, the light converged on the other hand.

"—Speaking spirit is light, and light is sword! This is a spell that is powerful and eloquent!"

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