Just like when facing the Marquis of Woban, Rope pulled out the second golden sword from the light.

That is the blade that specializes in slaying the "Magic Snake".

"Your name is "Samuel", and the world is known by another name-"Angel of Death" Samuel! "


The light blade turned into a soft sword-like existence, wrapped around the scales of the serpent of hell, cutting continuously, causing the serpent as hard as stainless steel to scream in pain.

Forcefully, it loosened the big mouth that was biting the blade of Rope's "volcano".

Therefore, Rope stabilized his heels on the ground.

"You are one of the seven angels who live in the seventh heaven and rule the fifth heaven. It is also the most confusing existence of mythology in Christianity. According to the records of the pseudo-canon "The Revelation of Baruch, Greek", It is wrong to think that you are "Satan", the chief culprit who tempted human ancestors. "

Fortunately, Rope had reviewed the knowledge of biblical mythology before, otherwise he really didn't know the truth about Samal.

The more and more painful Samael kept swinging his body, trying to get away from the **** of the sword of words, even like Luo Pei spit out the venom enough to melt gold and iron.

But that was just in vain.

Rope, who was protected by the "Guardian Oath," was not afraid of these poisonous things, and continued to forge the legend of Samal if nothing had happened.

"In the canon "Genesis", which entered a thousand years earlier than the pseudo-canon, you are an accuser and a saboteur, a member of the heavenly army, to purge God’s infidels who do not obey his commands. This proves that you are the coexistence of good and evil. In the Talmud, you are known as the patron of the Roman Empire and the guardian angel of Esau in the Talmud—you are not simply a fallen snake!"

"That is the slander imposed on you by later generations. Justice requires sacrifice, and Samal is a sacrifice. You have to put on snakeskins, join Satan in hell, and merge with Asazil."

"This is the truth about your ancient snake Samal!"

Withdrawing the golden soft sword abruptly, the serpent of **** also stopped twisting, and then turned into broken pieces of rubble.

If Samal can come as an independent person, he must be an extraordinary **** of disobedience. But it's a pity that this summoning ceremony is Asazli's home field. He is only an accessory to the same person, and at most he has only the power of the beast level.

Under such circumstances, it was unable to resist Welles Lana's words and spirits, and could only watch as its godhood was thoroughly dissected and shattered, leaving the world and returning to the myth.

What is surprising is that in the sky, Azazel was completely indifferent when facing the killing of his pet. He just looked at Rope with scrutiny.

This condensed the latter's heart.

‘He is testing your golden sword. ’

Acelia reminded. ‘You have to be careful, you won’t be his opponent in melee...If I’m not wrong, he was born in BC, he should be a **** born by some powerful natural effect. ’

Volcanoes, ground veins, heat, eruptive forces, earthquakes...

There was a flash of inspiration in Luo Pei's mind, and an unbelievable thing came to mind.

"B.C....it was the period of high incidence of the continental plate drift...could it happen!?"

‘It should be that one. Acelia said solemnly. 'You seem to have drawn a bad card. If you follow the pure melee strength, not to mention the "Bull" of Velesrana, even if all the mythological Hercules are added together, you can't compete with Assaz. Le wrestling. ’


Rope took a bite unwillingly, and the blade in his hand gripped tighter.

"From just now to now, is his power only the level of "playing"..."

In his sight, Asazli finally had a reaction.

Waving six-winged wings, he landed on the ground from the sky, looking parallel to Rope.

Chapter 107 Blood Connection, Seriously Azazel

The scorching scarlet magma set off Asazli's white wings, giving him the feeling of "an angel of salvation in the filth".

But Rope knew well that if his conjecture was correct, let alone save the world, as long as Azazel was allowed to wreak havoc in this country for a few days, then this island country would definitely be sunk into the ocean and be removed from history forever. .

Azazel is a **** of nature.

His birth is related to human civilization and the biosphere of the entire terrestrial world.

Even his existence is much longer than that of Christianity. I don't know how many times it is. When mankind is still in the primitive stage of society, the worship of him has already been seen in detail.

He is a well-deserved ancient god.

"Nizi, it seems that your sword is a bit different from Michael's."

Assazli struck the scepter of the sheep's head, and looked up and down the two golden swords that Rope was holding in his left and right hands.

"Successfully sealed my "volcano" and "snake", and this seal turned out to be irreversible, much stronger than Michael's sword of thorns and fire. "

The right-hand sword and the left-hand scale are Michael's standard image, symbolizing "sanction" and "balance."

His sword of fire with cross thorns has the effect of completely purifying the units whose target is "evil", and can't shed their power in battle.

But there is no doubt that Velesrana, as his origin, is better than the golden sword that repels the gods.

As long as Azazel does not kill Rope or break his sword of speech, then this seal will never be unlocked, even if Azazel's power is strong, it will be useless.

——According to the restraint of myth, it is so unreasonable.

"What do you say, father. This strength is nothing compared to you."

Ropey glared at the two knights who were about to sneak behind Azazli while in the chaos and motioned for them to leave.

Just kidding, it's true that Azazli is a **** of inconsistency like Mekar.

Later, when the real sword and the real gun were to be fought, even Rope was also guilty in his heart, let alone Liliana and Erica who had only gained the power of "young".

Certainly one round will be given away by AOE.

"Are they your wives?" Asazil glanced sideways, Erica's disguise was invisible in front of him.


"Stupid, as the purest existence of Nephelis, why do you want to intermarry with humans? It is the most stupid thing to do innocently to tarnish one's blood."

Somehow, the lord of **** actually regretted it, and he looked at him with embarrassment.

What kind of wife am I looking for to care about you...

But this is also to say in my heart, face-saving work still has to be done.

"There is no more of my clan on the earth, even if I think there must be another non-profit female willing to marry me." Rope said helplessly.

"There is indeed such a problem..."

Assazli touched his chin and stopped the scepter of the sheep's head on the ground.

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