"——Thunder and storm! Let the sharp blade of sanction pierce the enemy in front of you!"

"Master of the Sky" is activated.

Because there is time for brewing, so this time the storm and thunder have a lot of weight.

The thunder pillar that fell from the top of Azazel's head was mixed with strong winds, and it was ten meters in diameter, like a sword of authority that fell from the sky, to wipe out all the existence on the ground that dared to resist him.

The gust of wind caught Azazel's feet, and the thunder numbs his body. Although time is absolutely impossible for long, it has also won precious time for Rope to forge the Sword of Words.

‘Take advantage of it now. ’Acelia urged.

‘Don’t wait for him to open the shackles of wind and thunder, you really want to be resurrected after a few strokes. At that time, you may only be able to summon the Cthulhu to save the scene. ’

Rope was sweating coldly at the thought of the scene when Aberhorse was summoned.

"Forget it for the time being, I don't want to summon anything weird anymore-the spirit of words is light, and light is sword! This is a spell that is powerful and eloquent!"

The legend of Asazil has been touched seven or eight, and there is no problem in forging a complete sword...

"The gods of volcanoes and hells are just an illusion of you! Asazil! Your true identity is hidden in your title-"The Power of Gods"! "

That is the Hebrew word that praises Asazil, which means "an angel as powerful as God."

This is why God once loved Asazli so much.

The strength of his own son is always so pleasant to hear, of course, if he rebelled, it would be a different matter, how much he loves, how much he hates.

"In the last century BC, it was the last sudden period of earth's crust change. The ancients did not understand the sudden earthquake, and can only be attributed to the gods or angels... and the person who was identified was you! Because Azazel has "the power to completely remove the mobile wilderness and the sea"! "

The moving wilderness is the island, and the power that even the ocean cannot stop is only the change from the earth itself.

-Plate drift.

From the center of the earth, the hot material below rises from bottom to top, then diffuses and cools, and finally sinks into a denser material. Such circulation will bring the rigid skin and crust of the upper mantle from the hot ascending zone to the colder sinking zone, thus forming a convective system.

It is this kind of convection that has become the driving force for plate movement-a planetary power that cannot be matched by a single individual.

When the ancients thought of hot matter, they could only understand it as "a lake of fire buried in the ground", that is, magma.

Therefore, Azazel was given the title of Earth Wrath, manipulating volcanoes and magma.

"You are a **** born according to the times! Ancient Egyptian mythology, the **** of the earth, Gebu, Mongolian mythology, the **** Gejiru, and even Maya Puch are the evolution of your legend, tearing the earth, symbolizing the planetary flame "Anger"-this is the truth about you, Azazel! "

"Nizi, shut up for me!!"

From the beginning to the present, Azazel's was finally angry.

(If you think that painting is weird, just talk in your heart, don’t say it, people give me the painting for free, I can still BB people say this is not good and that is not good? Isn’t that appropriate? Also, I won’t be a mother The protagonist, please rest assured, the picture is just showing it)

Chapter 109: The Sword of Light Smeared with Blood

(I went to the hospital to take care of my grandmother yesterday. The past two months have been misfortunes that never come singly)

From the beam of thunder and storm, a large hand covered with scales stretched out.

That weird hand was like grabbing the two sides of a wooden door, holding the invisible wind and thunder in his palm, and violently tore a gap to one side.

The creatures that came out of it had nothing to do with the word "human".

A huge body resembling an upright dinosaur, on its slender and soft neck are seven snake-shaped heads with venomous saliva and a crazy look. On each head, there are two faces on the left and right, which are called "compassion" and "anger" respectively, and the shining wings behind have completely turned into ugly flesh wings. Azazel's entire body was covered with scales of pitch black and scarlet, which looked mighty.

But in Luopei's view, the old man in front of him was completely close to the aesthetic concepts of those evil gods in the sky.

Completely abandon the person of "angel", making people lose their rational form.

Azazel smashed the beam of power, and the seven heads made sounds at the same time, roaring at Rope.

"Oh rebellious son! You are not allowed to recite the disgusting past! I am not Geb! Not Gejiru! It is the "fallen angel" and "lord of hell" Azazel from the biblical mythology! "

"...Just kidding, do you still love God even if you become like this?"

Rope asked incredulously.

Can't understand.

In his opinion, Asazil, who was ordered to be enclosed in **** and will die even when Judgment Day approaches, would definitely hate the God who brought him this fate. But now Azazel not only does not have the slightest resentment, even Rope's voice feels that it is an insult to him, and flatly denies it.

Athena has never done anything to deny her origin, which shows Azazel's madness.

‘Although it’s rare, it’s not uncommon. ’

Acelia analyzed. ‘He may regard the follow-up myths like the Bible as his only legend, denying his previous myths... weird guy. ’

Denying one's own origins can still remain undiminished, and it can only be attributed to the particularity and importance of the attribute of "plate drift."

——A strong foundation and self-willedness.

The fourteen mouths of Azazel's seven snake-shaped heads spit out heat, and raised the blade in his other hand.

"God abandoned me, but I did not abandon God. All the sins I have committed will be cleansed in the lake of fire and finally returned to the sky. Before that, I will destroy this dirty and profane world and make it pure There is no time to descend on the earth again!"

The sharp blade cuts the air vigorously.

Azazel did not use any spell power, but simply wielded his strange power.

"Intrinsic time control-ten times faster!"

Entering the realm of acceleration, Rope didn't mean to fight head-on with his father at all, just like a dexterous hummingbird, constantly launching attacks around Azazel.

He discovered that in the latter "demon" form, the speed is far less than the "angel" form with light wings.

At least if it was in the previous form, Luo Pei was abruptly smashed his arms while driving the "Phoenix", not to mention the "Intrinsic Temporal Control" that was only ten times faster.

However, at the price of sacrificing speed, Asazil's defense power was significantly improved, and even the Spiritual Sword, which contained at least three-fifths of his essence, could not leave scars on his body.

Whenever Luo Pei's blade approached his body, the six pairs of meat wings behind him seemed to have their own consciousness, blocking the slashing trajectory and blocking the attack.

——The strength of Yan Ling is not enough.

"Let me break your "gold"! ! ! "

The snake-shaped demon roared to the sky, and drew a river of magma from the depths of the earth, and poured it directly on his own head, burning the scales and eyes red.

Not only that, but Azazel also gave up the useless slashing against Rope, and after receiving the blessing or calcination of magma, he slammed his sword into the ground.

"——Follow my orders! Earth, sacrifice yourself! Create an unprecedented collapse! All creatures here will be unavoidable, and I will sound the horn of doom in the name of "The Wrath of the Earth"! "

Under Rope's feet, the earth shook.

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