No, it shouldn't be said to be "Rope's feet." People throughout Chiba Prefecture were aware of the strong tremor.

Like a magnitude six or seven earthquake, it is enduring for a long time, as if the earth is accumulating its power, preparing for a greater catastrophe.

Rope noticed something was wrong, and quickly got away from Azazli's side, and jumped back to a big tree behind him, watching the black gas become more and more dense, almost covering the figure of the **** lord.

"Are they scorched earth tactics again?"

Like the power of the Marquis of Wuban, the "criminal convict of karma," Asazil planned to divide his power equally and completely shatter the land.

‘You’d better not let him use this trick. If the power to tear the continent is divided equally among this city, then Chiba Prefecture and your girls will be gone. "Acelia said.

"It's really troublesome. You can't use "Rain of Death" here..."

Luo Pei took a deep breath, holding the sword of gold upside down, lightly tapping into the void.

It was like a small pebble being thrown into the calm lake, and golden ripples spread out in the void.

The scenes included in the ripples are changing, becoming a dazzling, golden world, and there are countless branches of the sword of speech all over the earth.

In this world, even if it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, and there is no need to worry about Azazel's overwhelming power.

‘Pull into the world of the Golden Sword and what are you going to do? "Acelia asked. ‘You don’t understand either the Egyptian mythology or the Mongolian mythology, right? Two-fifths of the essence of Asazil has not been forged, and the sword of spirit can only weaken him, but cannot completely destroy his power. ’

"You don't have to rely on words, I'm not Kusanagodou who can't live without the golden sword."

Rope looked at Azazel, who was still focused on the power sharing, and he felt viciously and lifted the sword of words that contained three-fifths of the "plate drift" essence in his hand.

Then cut his own wrist.

Blood spurted out.

"——Mythra, the shining sun lord, praised! In order to conquer all enemies, please give me the strongest one, the light of a thousand and the sword of a thousand! Put blood on that sword again! That brings death The filthy blood! At this point, my sword will pierce through the enemy! Send him eternal death!"

Chapter 110 The Final Strike of the Angel of Despair, the Destroyed Sword Realm

This is a technology that can be used only when the two incarnations of "white horse" and "warrior" are merged together, allowing the sword of the word spirit to be launched at the speed of light, passing through them when the enemy does not react.

But Rope was not satisfied with this, and added a new language spirit to the two chanting speech spirits.

-The blood of death.

He injected Basatan's death water into his body and mixed it with the blood, so that the "death" contained in the body was guided out, and he used the blood as a carrier to smear the blade on the blade.

As long as he is hit by this attack, Rope believes that even if Azazel has a strong and solid defense like the earth, he will definitely drink hatred.

‘Are you crazy? ’

Acelia asked suspiciously. ‘You are now a "living person." Being able to manipulate the water of death is completely different from directly containing it inside! ’

"I know."

Rope bent down in pain, bloodshot biting his lips.

"Sooner or later, there will be such a day. It is not my style to rely on the original effect of power to stand still. If I can survive this time, my body will become resistant to "death", which will improve my survival ability and overall strength. of. "

‘What if you don’t make it through? ’

"Then die. Power will give me a dramatic improvement, but it will also be difficult to get to the next level. Killing one more **** and two gods is just an increase in the way of power, and has nothing to do with the essence. This If you can’t make it through this time, just stop here, why bother with a stale waste."

‘But, but. ’

When Acelia heard Rope belittle herself so, her voice became anxious.

‘Don’t rush for a while, you have a substitute, and the words of the White Gospel should also be able to solve Asazil... Let’s finish the task slowly, and I will strengthen it for you. There are even more advanced secrets of Cthulhu. You can also ask those evil gods for it. I can’t do it anymore...’

Acelia lost her voice.

It's not that she didn't want to say it, but the restriction of the rules forcibly eliminated her voice in Rope's mind and prohibited her from telling the host's news.

If possible, Acelia really wants to tear up some of the hypocrisy and cunning, the rules set by the ancient gods.

——But she can't do it.

Arcelia’s is incomplete. All her powers are stored in the "chaotic side." Now she is just an empty and sensible soul. Just talking must be attached to the power of the system, let alone doing something. Other little moves.

Therefore, she can only watch Rope's willful and nonsense movements, and is powerless.

Feeling the concern in Acelia's words, Ropey's face was slightly relieved, and he smiled calmly and comforted.

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of suicide yet. I will control the amount of injection... Um!"

After speaking, he was another mouthful of blood.

‘Hope your sanity can guarantee your life. "Acelia said sadly.

No matter how strong the physique of the Philistine is, the direct injection of death still caused irreversible damage to Rope's body. Until these toxins are removed, his body will always be in a period of weakness.

But at the same time, within the blood, as Rope said, traces of black threads are circulating along the blood vessels of the whole body.

Life and death, death and vitality.

The two absolutely incompatible things have reached a new cycle in Rope's body. Although it represents the faint of death, it is enough to prove that Rope has opened a new door for himself by virtue of his own strength.

Of course, Rope, who was focusing on making swords, didn't know these things.

He cut off his pain with magic, held upside down the sword of words that was covered with blood and turned from gold into a blood blade, hurled it into the sky, and then issued an offensive command.

"——Through him, the sword of light and blood resides, hundreds, hundreds of thousands, this is the blade of a thousand blood, pierce through my mighty enemy Asazil! Send him back to the coldest and deepest **** Place!"

The **** Sword of Speech began to split in the sky, just as it had dealt with the Marquis of Woban at the time, it became a branch of the Sword of Speech that resented the sky, like the stars.

Red stars.

Just by looking at it, you know how dangerous those blades are. The air of death entwined on it was so cold that the air began to freeze, and white snowflakes drifted down.

Luo Pei moved his fingers slightly, and the blood-colored sword of the word that plucked the bowstring turned into a scarlet brilliance, and it pierced Azazel in the black mist.


At the same time that the blade was in contact with the black mist, an explosion occurred.

Azazel's curse power was annihilated by the death attached to the Sword of Words. Point by point, the huge number overwhelmed his defenses and gradually revealed his demonic figure.

Then tear open the scale armor, let the blood of death penetrate in.


The eroded Asazil let out a painful roar, the hands that were originally held high seemed to be unable to support, slowly wilting.

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