—Saber, she knows the real name of the shadow in front of her.


Saber didn't answer him, just waved his sword in silence. The continuous offensive kept pressing Lancer, trying to get him off the road.


Just when Lancer was struggling to deal with Saber, his nominal "ally", Berserker-Lancelot wailed inhumanly.

It seemed to be a sound rising from the ground. It looks like a monster is haunting and cursing. It was a moan full of resentment, without any meaning. It was the first time anyone except Saber heard Berserker's voice.

His eyes full of resentment stared at Saber, originally planning to attack Archer according to the Master's order, and disappeared without a trace when he saw Saber rushing over.

—It's like a flower that attracts bees.


The black knight was like a curse in the shape of a human, with murderous aura swelling all over his body, rushing towards Saber wearing a silver armor.

"and many more!"

Dilumudo's melancholy eyes condensed, then quickly backed away, blocking Berserker.

"She is not the one you are dealing with now, Berserker..."

Then, he was speechless.

Picking up a piece of iron pillar at random, Berserker's "Knigh of Honor" played a role, and its magic eroded ordinary steel like a scarlet snake pattern, turning it into a conceptual treasure.

He slammed down at him suddenly, making Di Lumuto forced to assume a defensive posture.


Berserker didn't listen to this ‘ally’’s persuasion, but attacked frantically, as if anything blocking him and Saber would be destroyed.

"...Lancer, please get out of here!"

Saber pointed the blade at Berserker and said solemnly.

"This is a long-standing grievance between me and him, and it must be resolved by me personally."

"Even if you say that..."

Di Lu Muduo reversed the red rose, cut off the enchanted steel with a single shot, and stepped back with a bitter smile.

Obviously, I just want a fair duel, but now it’s not people inside and outside...

‘Lord, please make a decision. Berserker did not attack Archer as you said. What should we do now? I didn't expect this "First Knight" to have such a big grudge against his former lord..."

Hearing Dilumudo's question, Rope also had a headache.

He glanced at Rider next to him from the corner of his eye, and Archer who was looking at the street lamp with excitement, and then bit his nail.

Lancelot could not continue to run away, Tong Yanye could not last long in such a battle, and he must be allowed to use his limited life in the battle with Gilgamesh. If he exits early, leading to Lancelot's dissipation, then the biggest disadvantage is himself.

But why does Saber know the real identity of Berserker?

One of Lancelot’s treasures, ‘not for his own glory’, should be able to conceal his identity perfectly, and he did not come up with his iconic ‘indestructible lake light’...

But even so, she made the decision to abandon the sacred duel between the knights, and launched an attack on Berserker.

Rope felt as if he had grasped the very important information, but he was suffering from the environment and couldn't calm down and think carefully.

-The status quo must be broken.

Rope swallowed his heart and walked slowly towards Alice Phil.

"What do you want, Master of Lancer."

A rough voice rang in Rope's ear.

It's Rider. The red-haired man was looking at Luo Pei under the chariot with slanting eyes, and the saber in his hand was firmly in front of Luo Pei.

"Do you want to do something to Saber's Master? It's not the work of a real man that the opponent's lady who has no power to bind the chicken can do it."

"No, you misunderstood the Conquer King."

Rope calmly pushed away the ancient bronze sword with his fingers, and said to Alice Fier:

"Surely this situation is not what you want to see, right? Saber's Master, Miss Alice Phil."


Alice Feila looked like a frightened little rabbit, looking at the situation with a cowering expression.

The three people present-except for the hero king, were waiting for her reply, which made her panicked, who had always been very uninitiated.

"Saber had some problems, which made her lose her ability to make rational judgments. Not only did she let my knights ignore it, but she also added new opponents to herself." Rope lied and said to Alice Fier.

"Please make a decision. If she is allowed to continue to be willful, then I will use the spell to order Lancer and Berserker to attack her together."

"I think you don't want to lose your qualifications in the first battle, do you?"

PS: Ask for some flowers and rewards... The collection is still not very gratifying, at least make my panel look better (crying)

Chapter Twenty-Four

Luo Pei tried his best to bring the situation under control.

Unfortunately, the current situation is like a wild horse running out of the way, running in a direction that even he doesn't know. What Rope can do is to try his best to gain an advantage for himself on the existing basis.

Those words weren't meant to be addressed to Alice Fei, let alone to Eomiya Kiritsugu.

"What do you think?"


Facing Rope's pressing attitude, Alice Phil stepped back helplessly.

Without Lingshu, even if she wanted to stop Saber, she couldn't do it. But she couldn't say such a thing. In order to hide Kirishu Eomiya's own purpose, she acted as Saber's disguised Master. If other people present knew her trueness, then it is very likely that Kirishu was in danger. middle.

For a long time, the three heroic spirits remained deadlocked.

There was no sign of Eimiya Kirsu using the magic spell.

"Really? Is this your decision..."

Rope lowered his eyes and raised his left hand wrapped in a bandage.

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