"Then, in the name of Ling Zhou..."

"Stop it, Lancer's Master."

At this moment, Rider Iskandar, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, and he said with a hideous expression.

"Isn't there another way to break the deadlock?"

"Oh?" Sure enough, he took the bait.

——The purpose is successful.

Although he was happy, Ropey asked indifferently on the surface.

"What is the method you are talking about?"

"Hahahahahahahahaha, the little master hurry up."

Conquer Wang smiled heroically, and did not answer Luo Pei's question.

Then, the thunder hummed.

White light began to shine on Rider's bullock cart, its dazzling flashes that turned day and night upside down, and even a roar that sounded louder than thunder.


Lightning did not fall from the sky, but passed across the ground. No-the thing that looks like lightning is a galloping chariot full of thunder and lightning.


Lancer rolled over and jumped quickly, avoiding the chariot in time. But Berserker, who focused all his attention on Saber, didn't even have time to look back at what happened.

Along with Rider's cry, the two sacred cows kicked the black knight to the ground with four front hooves, and then ruthlessly ravaged the black knight with four hind hooves. A tumbling purple thunder and lightning was wrapped around the cow's hoof. Just a kick was also a very heavy blow. Berserker was trampled on by the sacred bull eight times, and the injuries he suffered must be fatal. After Rider's chariot whizzed past, Berserker didn't even have the strength to stand, and his figure in black armor was lying on his back and tumbled to the ground.

"As long as I join the war, will this deadlock break soon?"

Conquer Wang Xiao held the reins in his hand, not seeing the magic consumption of the treasure just launched.

"...Wise judgment, conquer the king."

Although it is not humane to his allies, Rope feels that this is already the best result.

The injured Berserker was inevitably recalled by Jian Tong Yanye, and his own combat power was preserved, plus all kinds of questions in his mind were now flooded.

Enough is enough, it's time for this battle to come to an end.

Rope needs time to sort out the information he has obtained. He can be sure that if the cause of the change can be inferred, this variable war will become clear again.

The fact is as Rope thought.

Berserker, lying on the ground, weakly stretched his feet to stand up, but because of the heavy blow, he seemed to realize that he couldn't fight anymore. As soon as he calmly stopped moving, the outline began to blur and disappear like a mist. The entity was eliminated, the spirit body was restored, and he ran away.


Saber bit her pink lips regretfully, but as if expecting the ending, he finally put away the holy sword and returned to Alice Phil.

Upon seeing this, Lancer put away his two magic spears and returned to Rope's back.


At this moment, a sneer came from the gradually silent night sky.

"Is the bastard's drama over?"

Archer squinted the scarlet vertical pupils and looked down at the three heroic spirits under his feet. The huge sense of presence instantly filled every corner here.

Are you in trouble, Gilgamesh...Rope gave him a gloomy look.

Although you have the power to destroy this place, but how is your Master a coward...

He didn't believe that time would make Gilgamesh's wayward behavior.

"Archer, do you have anything you want to say?" Rider asked wonderingly.

"Want to say?"

Archer suddenly exploded with murderous aura, more intense than when he confronted Rider just now.

"To fool this king with a clumsy performance, it is really hard to understand the hatred in your heart if you don't kill you!"

A strange and flaming air rose up on both sides of him again, the number was as many as thirty-two, among which there are countless treasures that can be called.

Durandal, Sword of Hegni, Gulam, Karadboga, Indra's Thunder...

The pressure of the gathering of many handed down treasures made everyone breathless, and even Rope, who knew everything, couldn't help but squeeze a sweat.

Lancer and Saber immediately blocked their Masters behind them when they saw this scene, holding their breath, only Rider was still the original leisurely look, touching the beard on his chin.

Just as the atmosphere was on the verge, just as Rope thought, Archer's angry eyes staring at the heroic spirits reversed direction.

He cast his gaze to the southeast. Over there are the hilly areas and high-end residential streets of Fukayama Town. There is the location of Tosaka Prefecture.

"Suppress the king with loyal words like His Royal Highness-is my anger? You are getting bolder and bolder, Shichen..."

Archer lifted the corner of his mouth in disgust, spit out such a sentence in a low voice. The countless treasures unfolding around him hid the brilliance together, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Mongrels. Just save your lives when you meet next time. At that time, the king only wants to see the real hero."

Archer's body disappeared after his last utterance. The golden armor lost its texture, leaving only some residual light, and then disappeared again.

PS: Jin Shining: Pickup? Pickup pickup!

Chapter 25 Reunion

The sound of waves hitting the rock wall, and the noise of the distant streets, began to spot the night sky in secret. It may be the reason for the gradual reduction in stress.

"What? In the end, he left without saying some pretty things."

Rider touched his chin and said. "It seems that his Master is not as bold as Archer."

Although he was slightly alarmed by Archer's power and power, he was not yet ‘scared’, because he conquered the king, Iskandall, also had a hole card to be proud of.

"That glittering Master is very cautious."

"Also. Miss Saber, don't you explain to your Master?" Luo Pei hugged Xiong, smiling at the delicate girl in front of him.

"If you make an offensive move without authorization, you will get your Master into a trap."

With eyes lowered in shame, Saber only spit out these three words from his hoarse throat for a long time.

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