
—Saber still didn't explain like Alice Phil.

Seeing this scene, Rope nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, it wasn't my illusion, and it had nothing to do with Eimiya Kirishu. All the points of change were you, Altria.

"Hehe, is that so... Okay, Lancer, that's it for today."

Rope got his own answer and said to Dilumudo.

"There are many opportunities to fight, but now this situation can no longer fight, right? We have other things to do."

"Lord, you decide."

Lancer nodded sadly, and pointed the spear in his hand at Saber.

"Knight King, let the duel between us stay next time. I will forgive you this time. To be honest, you disappointed me so much. Not only did you violate the duel between the knights, but you also treated your Master so rudely. ."


Saber opened her mouth with a low expression, but the unspeakable hiddenness of her belly made her unable to speak.

"Oh? Is this leaving now?"

The King of Conquer scratched his head. "I said you really don't think about it anymore, I am willing to share the joy of conquering with you..."

Obviously, no one was there to care about Rider.

Until Luo Pei and Lancer left together, from the beginning to the end, Eimiya Kirishu, the cautious and cold man did not shoot, which made Luo Peibai worried.

I don't know if he is observing the intelligence of the heroic spirits, or is afraid that the power that transcends humans has not easily exposed himself.

In short, the first battle of the Holy Grail War finally came to an end.

—Although it is not perfect.

After the battle, Jian Tong Yanye's situation was not optimistic.

During that battle, the foreign body in Yan Ye's body was awakened, began to squirm, and invaded his flesh, smashing his bones. The false magic loops in Yan Ye's body engraved insects, absorbing the maximum magic power he could provide without thinking, and supplying Berserker.

The so-called magic cycle is activated. For him, it was just the pain of being eroded by the engraved insects, making him worse than death.

Although Berserker was injured and turned into a spirit body in stealth, the consumption of magic power can reach the lowest limit. Even so, Jian Tong Yanye is now caught in an uncontrollable sequelae—increased heartbeat and dizziness.


With the last bite of the engraving insect, Yan Ye, who was hidden in the darkness, desperately resisted the cry, and kept scratching his chest and throat. Yan Ye's skin cracked, and at the same time he oozes blood, the nails on both hands were peeling off.

"You don't look good."

When the consciousness was about to collapse, a clear voice rang.

Rope held a bladewing insect in his right hand and slowly walked into the dim sewer—it was this insect that brought him here.

He looked at the inhuman Jian Tong Yanye who was tortured by the insects with pity.

"Can you hold it?"

"You finally came…"

Panting, Jian Tong Yanye forcibly raised his spirit, trying to stand up against the wall, but his broken body did not allow him to do this, so he could only helplessly sit on the ground.

"Sorry, the time for me to become a magician is still too short. Although he tried desperately to control Berserker, he still ran away at a critical moment and did not follow my instructions to act..."

Seeing that good old man turned into such a ghostly look, Rope's eyes softened.

His right hand lit up with an azure brilliance, and the healing properties of'water' began to work, alleviating the pain in Jian Tong Yanye's body.

"It's okay, you're already doing your best to help me, just as you agreed. Berserker's runaway was just an accident."


Jian Tong Yanye's expression gradually eased, he raised his head and looked at the dripping dirty slate with a blurred vision.

"I can feel... it's hard for my life to last until this battle is over."

"I know."

"...So!" Yan Ye suddenly raised his head, with unyielding flames in his eyes.

"Rope, this is my request to bet on my life, please save Sakura. No matter what I do next, I will use all my remaining life to help you win this Holy Grail War."

After he finished speaking, he smiled mockingly again.

"That old guy... he put Sakura when he got the Holy Grail, just to give me a false hope, I won't believe him..."

"Save Ying... even if you already have a hero, can't you do it?"

Rope asked the question he had always had before crossing.

—Why did Jian Tong Yan Ye have Lancelot and not resist Jian Tong Zangyan's rule?

"Hehe, stop joking."

Jian Tong Yanye smiled bitterly and raised his dissatisfied hand with wrinkles.

"Look at me like this, I'm all the old guy's bugs in my body... I'm already his puppet..."

Luo Pei was silent, then slowly put his hand on his chest.

"I swear in my name that your wish will be fulfilled."

Watching Luo Pei's sincere eyes, Jian Tong Yanye suddenly laughed, but then he was interrupted by the blood pouring in his throat, turning into intermittent coughing.

"Ahem...You are really weird. You were still using words to force me to make choices, but now you have become so compassionate for the weak... You really don't look like a magician."

"As I said earlier, I am a stand-in messenger, and the magician is only a part-time job."

Rope stood up and looked down at the poor man eaten by worms in front of him.

"What's more, people always have to have some bottom line, and my bottom line is that if you say it, you have to do it. Even animals that can't be done are like no."

Although Rope took advantage of Jian Tong Yanye, he was definitely not a villain who broke his promise.

"Really, that's great, I beg you..."

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