Jian Tong Yanye closed his eyes tiredly. "The address of Ma Tong's house, Berserker, will take you there... Only now, let me rest for a while..."

In the darkness, the pitch-black knight began to gradually transform into a body, with no violent posture at all, and walked towards the exit self-consciously.

Seeing this, Luo Pei nodded at Jian Tongyan at night, did not disturb him again, and silently followed Lancelot behind.

PS: I'm about to suffocate, darlings, give some flowers a reward...Hashihime is uncomfortable...

Chapter 26 The Conquest of the Tong Family (1)

It was already midnight, and Rope followed Lancelot through the quiet streets, and finally stopped at a wide bungalow.

The color of the wall is a combination of red, black and gray. There are a few poplar trees planted outside, coupled with the fully enclosed gloomy door frame and the decadent smell floating in the air, there is an indescribable sense of depression.

Luo Pei can guarantee that if you stay in this room for a long time, you may have brain problems. For details, please refer to Ma Tong Shinji.

"That's it."

After the black knight led Rope to here, he immediately disappeared in spirit. In any case, he would not be able to participate in this battle. If the trail of Berserker is found by the dirty inkstone, he will most likely be forced by the engraving insect. Yan Ye used Lingshu to attack Rope's side in turn.

"Master, do you want to make a positive breakthrough?"

After Dilumudo was relieved of spiritualization, he settled in front of Rope, looking serious and waiting for further instructions.

"Wait first."

Rope squatted in the corner of the wall and pinched the dirt in the cracks between the bricks on the floor with his fingers.

It is strange that it has been sunny recently, but the dark soil contains an unreasonable sense of dampness. Not only that, Rope also keenly discovered some white granular objects.

——It is the ashes.

"Huh, I knew it wasn't that simple."

Rope sneered and put down the things in his hands, stood up and patted the dust on his hands.

"The buried bones and the foundations on the undercurrents imitate the ancient Egyptian temple building rituals, thereby achieving a magic fortress-like workshop... It is indeed a filthy inkstone, the old insect who has lived for five hundred years is really a general' The'guardian' characteristics of water have been brought into full play."

"Excuse me."

Hearing Rope's explanation, Di Lumuduo frowned insignificantly, but then smiled confidently.

"Master, my'Red Rose of Devil' has the characteristic of completely cutting off magic. As long as it is not magic, even the great magic is powerless in front of me."

"That's true."

Luo Pei was taken aback, then laughed.

"In the eyes of you heroes, modern magic is as ridiculous as children's juggling, right?"

Are you too cautious...

Dilumudo's magic power is B, which means that he can negate magic below three knots without difficulty, even great magic and ritual spells can hardly inflict damage.

"Lancer, take out your magic spear and cut off the stone slab directly."

Luo Pei pointed to the bluestone slab three meters ahead.

"Ordinary magic enchantments are generally triangular or square, adopting the concept of'stableness.' But the water magic enchantment is different. The most important thing is'circulation'. That is, it is circular. You only need to circulate this magic power. If you destroy it, you can break the barrier."

"Are you going, Master, too?"

Dilumudo said worriedly. "Actually, just leave it to me. You can't commit a personal risk."

"Dangerous? Hahaha."

Rope covered his face and laughed out loud.

He pointed to Jian Tong's room and said. "Where could it be risk, that is a huge treasure."

No one knows better than him, why he would attack one of the three families so simply.

Compared to Tosaka Tokimi, Makiri's dirty inkstone had an immeasurable fear buried in his heart.

Because of fear of death, he abandons his own rotten body and exchanges worm magic for hypocritical immortality, which leads to the withering of the soul.

Because of fear of death, he desperately wanted to get the Holy Grail, and kept doing demonic things in order to complete the mysterious third method.

Because of fear of death, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone will be killed by himself——

As long as he uses the power of Lancer to induce Tongzang inkstone's fear of death, no matter how he can reach the sky, he can't escape his palm.

——That is the knowledge of a great magician who has lived for five hundred years!

If Rope gets it, then he is likely to be the only ‘magician’ in this war.

Your own strength is more important than anything else. In this extraordinary war, Lancer still does not have the advantage in terms of combat effectiveness, so now only desperately uses the characteristics of heroic spirits to create strength for himself.

"Since you insist on doing this, please don't leave my side."

Seeing that his lord was determined, Di Lumu no longer discouraged him.

The red rays of light gathered, and he summoned his own treasure-"The Devil's Red Rose". Afterwards, with a light wave of his right hand, the sharp tip of the gun immediately cut the stone slab with moss. That easy gesture did not seem to be much easier than cutting tofu.


With a weird soft sound, as if something in the air had been removed, Rope felt the magic power drifting in all directions, which was the manifestation of the barrier being broken.

When this happened, the master of Jian Tong's house couldn't sit still anymore.

"who is it?"

At this moment, the front door of Jian Tong's house came out, and a group of black shadows continued to gather, entangled, and finally formed a low human form.

——Jiantong Dirty Inkstone.

It is the first time that Rope has seen such a disgusting appearance. Regardless of his character, the appearance alone is enough to classify him as an ‘evil person’.

Jian Tong's dirty inkstone was dressed in a kimono of light blue and dark gray. He was bald, short and humpbacked, and his limbs were as thin as a mummy, and his deep-set eye sockets showed awkward light.

Not only that, when he appeared, the original smell of corruption in the air became stronger.

Rope frowned and covered his nose.

"Old guy, you smell so bad, how long have you not taken a shower?"

"...Lancer's Master?"

Jian Tong's dirty inkstone narrowed his eyes slightly, and the crutches held in both hands paused on the ground, making a deep noise.

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