It seemed that it was the mercy given to Senna by the gods. After repeated movements and even the blood was rubbed out from the fingers, Senna's hand finally touched something.

Black scarf-something Xma once wore.

A miracle in a miracle, in the final battle between Loki and Xmar, this simple ornament was magically preserved, and was buried in the mud with Senna.


The memory switch was turned on, and Senna gradually recalled everything.

Being kidnapped... Rabbi and monster... The contract of the master and apprentice... The first time killing... My mother was turned into a fish-like monster... Hunting the gods in the sewers of Avista...

Finally, in the blue and orange light, the **** and the monster disappeared together.

Existence, once the object is observed and perceived to be related to the eliminated existence, it will produce a chemical chain reaction.

The scarf is also evidence of the existence of Xmar. When there is a contradiction between "existence" and "non-existence", Loki's magic will be cracked.

The world is fair, there is no absolutely invincible ability, just the size of the flaw.

When Senna realized the "existence" of Xema, his death was not a decisive result.

Loki probably never thought that in the nightmare, high temperature, weird, and dangerous enchantment, an ordinary girl with toughness and talent was deeply buried in the ground, without letting go of any action, watching the whole process. His battle with Xema.

——The contract between the occultist and the disciple, shouldering the glory together.

The void in front of Senna began to twist.

First the feet, then the body, and finally the head.

At a height of two meters, it is like a human being stripped of flesh and blood, a skeleton-like body, covered with vines.

The chest is protected by white ribs, like the unknown power source of a stove, and the eyes are also burning with flames of the same color, an abomination human form that can only appear in nightmares.

It was completely different from what Xmar was before, but with the contact of the contract, Senna recognized it instantly.

That is her master, who brought her extraordinary and made her hate but should be grateful for the master who gave her enlightenment!

After a long silence, Xema said in a low voice.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be someone who is not even an apprentice saved me in the end..."


Rocky's last counterattack against Xmar also thought that closing the "Eye of Gherros" is a dangerous behavior in front of the God of Incompliance, but in order to concentrate his spirit and magic, he had to do this.

He didn't expect that Rocky's last move was so powerful.

"Existence Elimination"-In Rope's memory, probably only the high-end world of "Shakugan Shana" has this power.

It is ridiculous that his temporary intention has become the most critical part of victory.

Xma looked at the changes in her face, like a happy and regretful Senna, and once again sighed the impermanence of fate in her heart.

However, it is finally over.

The tired body will get an eternal rest, without the feeling of thinking and acting on its own, making Xema feel like an unprecedented tax evasion.

‘Hey, bastard, answer the phone soon. ’

The voice from the heart interrupted Xima's thoughts.

The voice of Rope.

‘...I’m here, don’t be so loud. ’Click on his temple, and Xema responded in a hurry.

The "Death Star Furnace" cut off all communications, so during the battle with Loki, Xema couldn't receive the voice from Rope.

‘Huh... that’s great. ’Rope’s voice seemed to have taken a reassurance.

‘The throbbing just now, I thought you were killed by Loki. ’

'……how is this possible. ’

Xma was a little embarrassed, but in fact he was almost overturned in the gutter.

‘Loki has been settled, you should now receive the increase in power, right? ’

‘There is power coming in, so don’t rush to check the details. ’

Rope said lightly.

‘I’m in Northern Europe now, give me eight minutes. Three minutes to look at the map, five minutes to the station-I will come to Avosta, Sweden right away. ’

‘? ? ? ? ’

Just as Xema tried to stop Rope, the riot in the sky attracted his attention.

Sena and Xema raised their heads, speechless for a while.

The huge wings of light obscured the sky, as if dispelling all evil and shrouded the earth. Opposite the wings is a huge monster wearing a yellow robe, a white faceless mask, and octopus arms and legs——

With the foreword retracted, things seem to be getting more and more troublesome.

PS: The story of Loki is finished, the next step is Monkey King and the remaining gods.

Soon Godkiller will be over. Hashihime feels that it’s not that I wrote it long, but that I’m slower... Hahaha, if I didn’t say this... (guilty conscience)

Chapter 192—The Battle Between God and God

It is hard to imagine that two completely different physical phenomena, "light" and "storm", will collide.

The storm was cut off and the light was blown away.

The sturdy buildings of the city's high-rise buildings are like papers under the hands of the two gods, and they are so fragile that they are horribly fragile. Hasta just moved his arms and legs, and the earth would tremble and set off a "storm wave" of mud. On the contrary, Nutz is very stable, occupying the sky tightly, and the huge, motionless wings continue to emit light, which counteracts Hasta's vague wind, and faintly suppresses it a bit.

"Ahhhh! Help!"

"I don't want to die yet..."

"Cursed, cursed by God here!"

The human beings who were dispelled by Nutz's ray of monsters ran frantically to the periphery.

Their fate is still rough, if the alienation that turned into a monster before can still be called "living in disguise." Then the spiritual erosion shrouded by Hasta's huge body, as well as the physical destruction caused by every move of the huge transformation, are undoubtedly massacres!

It was blown away and weakened by the wind of disease and turned into bones. It was smashed into meat sauce by falling rocks from tall buildings. Or when he was stomped on the run by other people who never knew where to rush out--

Compared with Xma's little family, Hasta is a well-deserved "Cthulhu."

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