Humans are like ants, waiting for death. Those who could not leave Avosta, it was only a matter of time before they stepped into death, and their lives were harvested like straw by the farmer.

These Nutz looked in the sky and felt a slight pain in his heart.

As a good god's instinct to have mercy on fragile lives, she acted very stupidly.

The glorious wings hung down, giving up his continuous output of light, mimicking it into a band of light and restraining Hasta's tentacles raging on the ground, preventing the latter from swaying his authority.

At the same time, she separated the divine power and turned it into a light barrier to cut off the low altitude and shelter the refugees from falling stones, buildings and the spiritual erosion of the old rulers.

The king of heaven immediately tasted the bitter fruit for this move-

"Are you underestimating me, the ancient god? The self-disrupting divine art means that the threat to you by the "Master of the Deep Sky Star Sea" Hasta is nothing more than that? ! "

The light blue filthy wind gathered in front of Hasta, and gathered into a translucent hammer-shaped spear, rushing towards Nutz with supernatural power.


The entire sky was like a nuclear explosion, shaking the atmosphere.

The barrier activated by Nutz's instinct was smashed, and the right abdomen of the humanoid figure was completely cut, and endless light spilled from the wound to the ground, like wounded blood. The cement ground penetrated by the light flowing from Nutz's body has incredibly turned into a botanical paradise, and all kinds of flowers, plants and trees are growing rapidly, as if they were spawned by endless vitality.


Driven by the pain, Nutz's beautiful cheeks changed a little.

Incarnation is the product of God's division of soul and divine power. The battle between God and God is almost always an attack on the soul. That kind of heart-wrenching feeling, I am afraid that only an old **** like Nutz would have such a dull reaction.

Don't you see that after Xema was burnt, he almost felt strenuous to stand. Not to mention the pain of Hasta's attack, cutting away a piece of the soul.

Although the power is not as strong as Nutz, it is not much worse. Even the Winged of Light who has experienced many battles, it is very dangerous to be distracted in the battle with Hasta.

"... The Ninth Heaven. Neville. Clear!"

Will not complain about the enemy's plotting, in the ancient times, Nutz has experienced more tragic and despicable acts.

She has too much feelings for things, and she easily falls into this dilemma. If it hadn't been for the strong power to support the king of the heavens, he would have fallen when he fought with Sabk Nicholas.

The wound healed, and the spear swung, she instantly adjusted the composition of the divine arts, and when the light element was abundant, she transformed the domain into a direct attack form.

Countless lights compose mysterious runes, and those runes seem to tell the deepest mystery of photons in the multiverse. Hasta's magic wind was torn to pieces by the riot of light, and was forcibly suppressed to her side, only thinly protecting the yellow-clothed king's body from being corroded by the light.

Nutz's attack was just the beginning.

"Suto Dan Yavish--"

The ancient, incomprehensible spell was spit out from Nutz's mouth.

The light runes were entwined with each other after receiving the command from the master, and began to revolve around Hasta like a cocoon wrapped in spider silk thread.

After a while, Avosta appeared a huge shuttle-like object composed of dazzling light.

"In this way, the movement of the King of Yellow Clothes is temporarily blocked."

Nutz breathed a sigh of relief, and the two light wings retracted, and his beautiful eyes looked around.

The humans protected by the king of heaven gathered around Avista, but no matter what they did, they could not get out of this cursed town. The effect of the three stars is still working, preventing any life from escaping.


Of course Nutz would not sit idly by.

The spear pierced the false sky, and the ability of the color of stars was destroyed.

The three arrogant children of the stars are like a mouse meeting a cat. They don't care about the contract they signed with Xema. They scrambled to shred the space and fled to the depths of the multiverse.

joke! The ancient gods didn't notice that they might still want to pass the blunder and finish the contract. If you are caught directly, you can run as far as you can, how many can you run.

It's not a dimension at all. The color of stars as an independent race is unattainable in the eyes of mortals, but in the eyes of ancient gods, especially the outstanding "king of heaven" Nutz, it is really no different from humans.

People who were still in panic and frustration suddenly discovered that the invisible walls and boundaries that originally restrained them have disappeared? !

As a result, the remaining people rushed out of Avista like a river, desperately trying to escape from this land that had been living for countless years and had now become hell.

Seeing this, Nutz's mouth wore a faint smile.

The continuation of life and those who escaped from misery will make her show heartfelt joy.

The power of Gherros in the sky is slowly fading. Although Nutz wondered what role Gherros played in this incident, the immediate priority was to expel Hasta as the primary goal, and he did not take care of it.

With his right hand holding the divine weapon "Glory Spear" high, and constantly injecting power into it, Nutz intends to send Hasta away from this world forever at the next level.

Without the concealment of the color of stars, the world will perceive the two supreme ones.

While fearing the power of Hasta, it also drew power from the planet and contributed its own strength in an attempt to help Nutz.

But the latter gently refused.

The world that has been eroded by chaos is the existence of order and comfort, and of course it cannot be squeezed unscrupulously and quickly. Perhaps the "star-brighter" Tibos would take it all without paying attention, but Nutz is not that kind of deity.

"That's it, leave." Nutz's gun pointed brighter and brighter.

"Order has taken shape, chaos may be the essence of the multiverse before the birth of the multiverse, but compared to stability and peace, this kind of thing is still sleeping in history and seals forever."

Throw the spear in his hand and turn it into a meteor.

Among them, the lodging was the magical technique of "Incarnation Repatriation." Feeling the panic of the will of the world, Nutz was even more reluctant to use the powerful attacking magical technique.

Even if it can destroy Hasta's avatar, she does not want to see the damage to the world.

"The seal of the yellow suit."


Before the spear touched Hasta, the cocoon of light was torn.

Four light gray tentacles protruded from behind Hasta and gathered in front of his chest. A twisted spiral pattern appeared in the empty position of the four tentacles, resisting the advance of the "Glory Spear".

Under the faceless white mask, the Cthulhu's voice was low and full of anger.

"It started in chaos and ended in chaos... The poor creature who clings to order, it's not your turn to preach to me!"

Chapter One Hundred Ninety Three

"...Is it not clear what I said."

No longer entangled with Hasta about the root problems of "order" and "chaos", Nutz sighed and shook his head at the huge body in yellow clothes.

"The fight of the incarnation has no meaning at all. The result of fighting to death and life is not the end of the seal of return... Your old rulers always do this, and you have to make the process so cumbersome--they call it "change." "

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