"?" Xima frowned.

"Then how did it get into your double."

Rope glanced at the cube that looked like an ordinary accessory, and pondered for a while.

"I guess it was at the time of the replacement. Because I passed out in a coma, I have no memory. The Cthulhu guys will subconsciously make arrangements even if they are good. This is probably Nyarlatotepu's back."

The ancient gods and the old rulers must have certain needs in themselves——

And this "demand" will become a boost for one's own growth.

"Are you going to throw it away?"

"No need, since it helped you, just keep it." Rope made a decision.

"This thing is the same as the "old seal". It doesn't seem to be useful, but it can always come in handy at critical moments. We have received the favor of the silver-haired girl, and it is in our service to help him complete the plan. "

"You decide."

Ximadu said that he incorporated the shining trio-octahedron into his body.

The breeze blew in through the uppermost window, bringing fresh air. The eyes are on the carpet, there is not much temperature, but it is enough to make people feel happy.


Standing on the opposite side of Xema, Rope confirmed again.

"If you don't want to, I can use divine magic again..." In the end, instead, he was a little bit undesirable.

"I was impatient to wait a long time ago." Cosma interrupted Rope, showing a gentle smile.

"All beings have gained value in their posts, and I am no exception. The value of a stand-in is to be your spear and shield and smooth everything for you."

"...Then, come back."

Rope closed his eyes, and the halo spread from his palm, covering Xima's whole body.


PS: One more

Chapter 201 Confession, newly acquired powers and abilities

The flesh and blood were being peeled off, the white bones, vines, and the core of the furnace made of unknown substances were the most familiar, but the appearance of his own double appeared in front of Rope.

Little by little, the crazy **** floated back into Rope's body like light smoke.

What he did during Avosta, the arrival of the king of yellow clothes, the danger of fighting Loki, and the feelings of Xema himself—memory flooded into his mind like a tide, but unexpectedly docile, Let Rope read it carefully.

After a while, Rope opened his eyes, his complexion was not very good.

"It turns out that you are so painful after separation, sorry..."

He stared at the double standing behind him blankly.

After lifting the gods, crazy **** no longer has the function of thinking.

It just stood there, waiting for any instructions from Lopez.

Withdrawing the substitute, Rope sat back in his position again, looking at the scarf that was thrown away by Xema, and the air was a little lonely for a while.

After drinking the remaining half cup of black tea, he knocked his head and said.

"Nobody is gone, I should wake up this time, Acelia."

Immediately, a familiar female voice came from his head.

‘...I’m sorry, Ape. ’

Acelia's tone was a little low.

‘At that time, Nutz, I didn’t mean to not return to you...’

She didn't worry that it would make Rope unhappy because of this, because Asaili's Oath of the Guardian Oath of Guardian Joa understood that Rope was better than any existence.

What is disturbing is the current situation-how to explain why Rope could not communicate at that point in time.

And this happens to be one of the most critical, unspoken words.

"It's okay. I probably guessed the specifics too." Rope didn't care.

Can't be known by the ancient gods, but ignore the old rulers.

Except for the evil gods of the same camp, Luo Pei couldn't think of other existences that would not mind that group of lawless, chaotic and strange existences.

——The answer is obvious.

"Although I'm not sure, Acelia, you are actually an evil god, aren't you?"

‘...’ Acelia was silent.

"Really, it seems like this."

Silence is sometimes the best explanation.

Luo Pei nodded to himself, and then smiled happily.

"It's great not to choose the wrong camp when facing that angel!"

‘! ? ’

Arcelia was stunned, and even her tone of voice began to tremble.

‘Ah, Ape, don’t you hate me? I, but I lied to you, and deliberately didn't tell you before...’

She is like a little rabbit who is worried and afraid, and she can feel the panic only by her voice.

In response to this, Rope not only would not be proud, but distressed.

As a Cthulhu who frightened the stars, although Rope did not know the true identity of Acelia, he became so scared just because he was "hated by himself", enough to see him in Acelia's heart, and his heart. Acelia is an existence of equal value.

It is enough to know this.

"I was a little surprised when I first thought about it, but that's the case when I think about it."

Rope comforted her system, dispelling her unrealistic fears.

"Why care. Whether you are a Cthulhu or something else, I "love" you. It was you who helped me get rid of despair, you gave me the goal of rottenness, and it was you who took me to see more and more of the world. Even more, you gave me the strength to look down on everything. Compared with these, what is your little concealment? "

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