Compared with what Acelia gave, these are really nothing.


As if shocked by Rope's sudden confession, Acelia only uttered a lovely single-tone word.

She asked in Luo Pei's head as thin as a hairspring.

"Just now... Is it serious to say "Love me"? ’

"Of course it's serious."

In the past, Rope always said "You are my only friend", even though Acelia knew that Rope was the kind of person who could do his best to not be obliterated by herself.

But this is the first time.

From Rope's mouth, I heard the word "love you".

Ecstasy and disbelief flooded Azalea's thinking circuit.

‘It’s not family affection or friendship. Does the "love me" you just said refer to human love? ! ’

She asked Rope carefully, for fear that the answer was not what she expected...

—— The head of the demon god, for the first time in his infinite life, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to human feelings.

Only humans can use such rich words to exaggerate the relationship between two beings, and only human feelings can let Acelia get what she wants.

""Human love"? How could it be that kind of stuff..."

‘...That’s what it said. ’

As Acelia's heart fell to the bottom, Rope continued.

"It's something more determined than that! If there is one thing more important than my life, then it is your joy, anger, sorrow, and joy-Acelia! This can never be described by human shallow love!",

There is often only a moment from **** to heaven.

‘Ah, Ape! ’

Moved to the extent that she was about to cry, Azalea heard the affirmative answer, and her heart became even more flustered.

She said incoherently.

‘Yes, but, I don’t have an ontology. And regarding identity, there are still many secrets that can’t be said...’

"Then what?" Rope asked indifferently.

"Is Palato’s spiritual love difficult? After saying that just now, do you think I will force you to say something you can’t say? Don’t be kidding.’

‘Then... Then, my body might be quite ugly... It’s a monster. ’Acelia was sad.

The most important point.

Even though she can be transformed into the appearance of a human being, her body is the existence that shoulders the "core of the chaos of the universe." No matter how powerful she is, it is impossible to change the form of the "head of the devil."

With Rope’s human aesthetics, it’s impossible to accept that his partner is that kind of monster...

The words that followed exceeded Acelia's imagination.

"If you are a monster, then I will abandon the concept of human beings, and then catch up. The monster and the monster are exactly a pair, aren't they?"

Rope's expression was joking, but the words resolutely said.

"Don't worry, Acelia, we will never be separated from any difficulty. From the moment you choose me, we are destined to be together forever. If you can't do it, let me die. "

'no! ’

Acelia screamed loudly.

‘Can’t die! Absolutely not! Only you, only you... Even if you fight, everything won't let you die! ’

Divine plan? What do the evil gods expect for thousands of years?

Go to hell!

If Rope's life is truly in danger, even if she tramples on the tremendous efforts made by the "All Things One" Yogg Sotos, she must use her own strength to protect Rope!

No matter who it is, don't want to take away her lover in front of her!

"I'm just kidding."

Luo Pei smiled, but he didn't expect his system to react so much.

‘No jokes are allowed! ’

"Well, don't be like a child." Rope sighed.

"After saying so much, do you feel at ease? Don't be suspicious all day long. I trust you more than I trust myself."

'Uh-huh! ’

Acelia was as sweet as she ate honey.

After a long absence, Rope pulled out an attribute box like a virtual display in his sight.

After the heart-to-heart talk is over, the next step is to see when I have gained. Just as most farmers would sit on the side of the field and lament the rewards of their hard work after harvesting their crops, Rope has almost the same mentality.

"Hey, call me the attribute box, don't be lazy."

'it is good! Acelia was full of vigorous and cheerful tone, and even Rope was happy.

This evil god... understands better than imagined... he smiled warmly.

As the text was refreshed, Rope's attributes soon appeared before his eyes.

‘Name: Rope

Sex: Male

Height: 186cm

Lineage: Nephelis (Intermediate) (In Alienation)

Titles: "Poseidon's Blesser" level B, "wave trampler" level C, "chaos messenger" level A, "secretary" level B.

Deity Killer Title Ability: "Sigh of the Shallow Sea", "Master of the Sky", "Guardian Oath", "Oriental God of War", "Ashar's Eye", "Unknowable Touch".

Special abilities: crazy hell. White nightmare, Cthulhu occultist, body of steel, affinity with light elements.

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