"It's a bit difficult..."

Faloth’s face was no longer crazily and distorted. It looked carefully at the information stored in Einzbern’s castle, hoping to find out what information it had missed.

"The technology in that old man's brain is just a rough frame, which needs to be filled in by the minutiae, but the magicians of Einzbern don't seem to like to write records. I can only reason backwards... Fortunately The subject of magic that the original owner of this body studied in the "Wandering Sea" is "life," which is somewhat of a touch. Sir, where is your side? "

"I gave up."

Rope threw away the head from his hand.

Ahad's head fell on the wooden table, and Guru Guru rolled off the table.

——That thing is no better than **** now.

"Snatched magic knowledge includes "Spirit", "Five Elements", "Insects", "Curses" and "Rebirth". There is no humanoid teacher alone. Even if it's a little involved, it's far from nothing. Alas, who made our occultists stare at the "soul" element. Apart from alienation in the flesh, there are those mysterious rituals that are indescribable..."

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with abandoning falsehood and pursuing the truth."

"But when you encounter this kind of trouble, you feel embarrassed, isn't it?"

Luo Pei cocked Erlang's legs, staring at the ceiling and sighed.

"Life extension, transfer of the little holy grail carrier...just make it difficult to avoid the mistakes of the time before, and help her change her body..."

"With all due respect, sir, why bother with that young man? It's easier to take out the soul and change the body, right?"

"Leave me alone."

Rope gave Faloth a glance, got up from the chair, and moved his shoulders.

He planned to run away shamelessly.

Staying in the basement and stuffing your head and studying will make you feel sick.

"I'll leave the rest to you, my trusted servant. My eyes caught black. This thing is really boring without systematic learning."


Fallows also temporarily put down the information in his hand and turned his head to the corner.

Those were mass-produced, impersonal humanoids who were caught by monsters as test samples. It was something like a tool, but now Einzbern’s talkers Alice Phil and Ilia have no objections, and they simply surprised Rope.

I thought it would lose favorability.

Sure enough, the concept of a woman born in the family of magic is unsurprisingly extremely abnormal. Like the original Nasaka Rin, who is not much different from the normal girl, it may be the "heterogeneous" among the magicians...

"The lifespan problem is easy to solve, and a practical plan can be drawn in about a week. However, the transfer of the little holy grail carrier is not a simple matter. It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than five months."

"Don't worry, we have a lot of time." There is still more than a full year before Ropey's mission and the start of the Fifth Holy Grail War. How can it be enough.

"...You really don't think about it for me." Fallows smiled bitterly: "My lord, when you are playing, don't forget that your servant is still studying the complicated things you don't want to touch in this dark basement. "

"Ah, I can't hear it."

Rope covered his ears, humming his own out of tune, and walked towards the door of the basement exit.

At the door of the wooden door, he stopped, turned his head, and showed a bright smile.

"Thank you, Faloth."

"...There, it's my honor to work for you."

The wooden door closed with a muffled sound, and Faloth was left alone in the room.

Picking up the information again, using a quill pen to calculate the next experimental plan, it unconsciously put on a stiff smile on the corner of its mouth.

The life meaning of a servant is to serve the master. This is not servility, but a gift that gives it a living value.

There is no human heart, and the monster born out of thin air is proud of it.


Noon, after lunch.

The sun hangs lazily in the sky, not very hot, and the climate is quite moderate. Einzbern is surrounded by a warm atmosphere, and the cold fortress built of stones also brings a touch of human touch.

The disaster a few days ago, the mass murder of the Einzbern family did not seem to have caused any bad effects. As a candidate for the Patriarch, Illya and the former "Miss Alice Phil" easily gained the allegiance of the robots who lost their original owners.

The corpse was cleaned up and the blood was washed away.

In addition to the artificial reduction of traces of human life, the castle on the edge of the city has once again returned to its usual appearance.

On the second floor of the castle, in Ilia’s room——

"I do not want!"

The silver-haired and red-eyed loli tantrums at the older girl who has the same hair color as her.

Illya's eyes were fixed on her mother, her face was full of twists and turns.

"Why do I have to agree to that guy's invitation. Also, mother, why do you always speak for him, he is the culprit who killed Dad! Even if... even if you thank him for his great favor, such an attitude is not too much for Dad. Is it unfair?"

Alice Phil was condemned by her daughter, and lowered her head with lack of confidence.

She is a weak and uninspiring woman, even if she is facing her own daughter.

Nevertheless, she explained.

"Mr. Rope, he just wants to take you out and have a look."

"Grandpa is dead, Illiya can go out by herself now, there is no need to ask him!"

Ilia frowned, walked to Alice Phil's side, and hugged the silver-haired doll's waist.

She said softly.

"Mom, even if Einzbern is only us, I will take care of it, and I don't have to force myself to resort to the help of the enemy."

Alice Phil did not answer directly, she touched Ilia's long hair, her eyes full of affection.

"Mom thought the same at a certain moment, but our destiny does not allow for such naive thoughts. Mom wants to live with you and does not want Ilia to follow her mother's old path. For this reason, Mr. Rope is a must . That man is already a "god" in a certain sense, now... Illya try not to resist him, only he can end everything... Sorry, mother is so useless. "

The doll that gets a second life can only rely on Rope.

Depend on him who is strong, like a god.


The fate of longevity and the little holy grail, two heavy burdens weighed on Ilia to be unable to breathe at all.

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