Especially when the mother did not die, the "mission first" concept that was instilled from childhood to adulthood was loosened.

No one would want to die, no one would be willing to their "inevitability".

After all, even the Einzbern family is now in a state of existence...

Ilia said in a low voice after being silent for a while.

"Well, Illia knows."

——The girl's mind is not as young as her appearance.

PS1: The number of chapters yesterday was wrong. This is the ninety-three chapter. Today I will contact the editor to modify it as soon as possible.

PS2: "Stones of Destiny 0" will be in April next year. It just came up with a knife in my mouth, and the timeline of the assistant's death... I don't dare to watch it...

Chapter 94 White Loli and Black Loli (1)

After enjoying a hearty dinner in Einzbern, Rope and Iliasfell prepared to experience the exotic customs the next day.

The sudden invitation, in the final analysis, is still boring.

In that dull castle, every human being looked like a clockwork. The appearance is exquisite but exquisite, but the long time it takes to look like a robot will not work. The members of the order believe in the secret spirit. As long as they are not deliberately summoned, they will not show up in bright places and act quietly. Many times Rope almost thought that he had encountered a ghost.

So he can only hit Ilia with his attention.

"Let you wait a long time."

The crisp voice of a girl rang in Rope's ears, turned her head, and the dressed-up Ilia was standing in front of the castle gate, behind which stood two exclusive maids, Serra and Ligelit.

The lovely silver-haired elf did not wear the purple dress when Rope first met her. Today's Ilia is a bit more "civilized".

The long silver hair is tied to one side by a lilac ribbon. Because the weather is not so hot, the upper body is put on a small lady's casual suit. The lower body is a versatile style of skirt and white stockings, plus black. Small leather shoes, very elegant and elegant girly dress.

Sure enough, he was a nobleman, so he would not be seen as a monkey when he walked into the street... Rope sighed and looked at himself again.

It seems that he has no position to take responsibility for Ilia.

The pure black suit matched his face, and the degree of eye-catching was not inferior to Ilia.

"Is there anything Miss Ilia would like to go? As far as Germany is concerned, you should have more ideas as a native? I'll just do what I want."

"Yeah." Illiya answered plainly.

Rope didn't care much. With this kind of semi-command invitation, the silver-haired loli was so happy that she had a ghost.

However, it may be because of the first time she was out of the castle, Illiya didn't look much disgusted on her face, and there was a little curious interest in the depths of the red pupils.

Out of the forest path, a wide and winding road stretches down the hillside, below which is a modern and exotic city.

There was no one around, and there were a few bird calls. Walking on such a road, Rope had the feeling that his mind had been purified--or an illusion.

He is about to become the source of all evil, so how about purification...

"Master Rope..." After a long time, Illiya spoke first.

"Just call me Rope. Your mother can't change her acquaintance before, and now she always adds "sir" to my name. Don't be too alienated. "Rope smiled.

Who wants to get close to you!

Illiya glanced at Rope dissatisfied, but she obediently removed the honorific title.

" and your father fought in that war eight years ago, right?"


"Then, do you know what kind of person your father is?"

Asking this kind of question to the murderer of her father and enemy, Illya felt a little strange, but she was still very well pressed in her heart.

"Huh? Haven't Ahad and Alice Phil ever said it?" Rope looked at the silver-haired loli who was just about her waist tall.

"Rather than knowing from me, your mother's words are more credible?"

"No... Grandpa only said that he was a loser, and my mother avoided talking about Dad." Illiya shook her head: "I want to hear the comments of the opponent who defeated her father."

"Opponent's comment..."

Rope raised his head.

It may be a preconceived thinking. Whenever I see a silver-haired loli, I can think of the wayward, innocent, and cruel girl during the Five Wars. Such a conversation full of "adults" makes him a little uncomfortable.

She is a 16-year-old girl who has been educated by nobles. It is enough to thank Alice Phil for not blowing her hair in the face of an enemy. Really...

He thought for a while, then said.

"Although I might make Ilia feel disgusted by what I said, but at the time, Kirishu Uemiya was really a hypocrite who was intoxicated in fantasy."

After saving Shiro Wimiya, the righteous partner will be much more normal, but for Torope's blessing, Kirishu Wimiya will never be able to become normal again.

Illiya frowned insignificantly.


"For example. If there are two boats, one with three hundred people on one boat, and the other with two hundred people. These two boats happen to have holes that only Ilia can repair, and they are about to sink. There is only time to repair one. And you were caught by the people on the 200-person boat, would you compromise to repair the 200-person boat?" Rope added: "The boat is panicked. Ordinary people can be called the kind in general."

"I will kill all the people on the boat, and then threaten the captain to sail back."

Illiya said of course.

"Why do I have to save them?"


Is there a problem with my ability to describe it? Rope recalled the question that the Black Holy Grail asked Chesi at that time, and always felt that he had missed something important.

——Can't remember clearly.

"Ah..." Luo Pei coughed lightly without being overly entangled: "... You treat me as I did not ask. Your father has no education and experience like yours. He is a righteous partner, so he will try his best to save what he sees. Everyone."

"Then, if your father chooses this question, he will abandon the two-hundred-person boat and choose the three-hundred-person ship. For this reason, how to deal with those crazy passengers?"

Rope made a pistol gesture.

"The answer is-kill them. Unlike Illia, who is thinking about himself, the "kindness" that Kirito Uemiya has is a more terrible digital salvation. He ignores his own selfish desires. He has always followed this concept in his life. Treat it as something like faith. That's why I would say that he is a naive hypocrite. "

"……Always like this?"

"Yes, he has made this choice countless times since he was able to fight."

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