It was a winged creature that looked like a hybrid... It was like something mixed with a crow, a mole, a vulture, an ant, or a rotting human corpse by a wicked deity, and he was smashing it to pieces. The wings opened his claws to Eomiya Kirito.


Without a moment's hesitation, Kirito Eomiya pulled the trigger.

The smell of gunpowder spread out from the barrel, and the air torn by the'origin bullet' hit the monster's body with precision, and punched a big hole in its body.

Perhaps because of the fear that this alien has the ability to regenerate, Mai Mai Jiu started to make up the knife on another roof.

Da Da Da Da Da Da —!

The sound of automatic rifles filled the entire night sky, and all the bullets poured into the unknown monster, splitting him to pieces.

"Muya, stop." Weimiya Kirisugu frowned and said to the person over the earphones. "It's not Lancer's Master, it may be a kind of enchantment or summoning thing, guarding the surroundings."

"Understand." Jiuyu Maiya calmly put away the gun, and re-observed the surroundings with the sniper lens.

Keiji Eomiya was not frustrated by wasting a ‘Origin Bullet’, he indifferently withdrew from the cartridge case and took out the lead-gray bullet from his pocket again.

But Rope didn't seem to intend to give him this opportunity--

From the floor, densely packed, countless dark green touch. Hands poured out from the corridor. They are like snakes, but they have human mouths on their bodies.

This abomination is like the tentacles of a monster, scrambling to rip apart the enemy in front of him and turn his flesh and blood into food for his own livelihood.


The reloading of the pistol was terminated, but this tentacled attack was much slower than before, and it should be possible to dodge it with his own speed.

This is what Eomiya Kiritugu thought, but the reality is cruel.

When he was about to think about all the actions, one thing made him stare in surprise.

That is-when he was about to roll over to the side, his body was like an old computer. Even though one order was given, the body was still reluctant to execute it. Not only that, but he found that his whole body was full of power. Fading. The hardened muscles can only perform about one-third of its effectiveness.

"The magic of the enemy!? Hmm..."

The momentary sluggishness of Weimiya Kirishu caused him a little trouble.

A tentacle hand drew off his back violently, and before Eomiya Kiritugu rolled over, he took a large piece of flesh and blood from his back.

Da da da!

Fortunately, Kuu Mai did not live up to Eomiya Kiritugu’s expectations. When the successful tentacle further wanted to take the lives of the people in front of him, countless bullets interrupted it to the ground, wriggling in pain, like a one. It was like an earthworm that was rolled into two pieces.

‘Intrinsic time control-double speed! ’

Irrespective of the pain in his back, Eimiya Kirisu continued to rush forward, placing himself behind a stone wall.

"This is really troublesome..."

After being temporarily out of danger, the magician killer painfully covered his head in the dark.

Relatively symmetrical with his body, his brain also began to change. There is no doubt that it was some kind of spiritual magic by the enemy, which gradually replaced his reason with madness.

For him, this is not good news.

Chapter 52 The King of Yellow Clothes

"Obviously weakened, is it still so agile?"

In the darkness, Rope, with his eyes closed, frowned.

Because he was afraid of Kiritugu's'origin bullet', he did not directly expose himself, but used the invisibility of the avatar to monitor everything outside, because Kiritugu's position was just outside the range of the avatar, so He can't attack or make up the knife.

"It deserves to be a branch of the'First Law.' Even such a small tributary has such a powerful effect."

"Intrinsic Time Control"-the unique magic of Eimiya Kiritugu.

He used this kind of magic in his body. It can speed up the flow of blood, the burning of hemoglobin, and the time required for the start to the end of muscle exercise, showing a physical stamina that ordinary people can't achieve. The disadvantage is that it will cause a great burden to the body.

Rope admitted that he somewhat underestimated the magic of ‘intrinsic time control’. He didn't expect that even if his body could be weakened, Eimiya Kirisu could also accelerate himself and escape the attack of his tentacles.

Moreover, the support of that woman is also a bit troublesome——

"Kiuu Mai...Do you want to summon a Baiyaki again to kill her?"

Luo Pei glanced at the green circle that stretched from his arm to the ground, and the abominable tentacles were still emerging from the middle, constantly pouring out of the door.

"No, the magic is too tight."

Rope shook his head, dispelling the thought.

He has released two Cthulhu great secret arts in a row. One of them is still working in the Desperate Prison of the Humble. The back hand. In this way, the magic power produced by the twenty-six magic circuits he inherited from Sola is obviously not enough, and it is also far away from the water source, unable to activate his title of "Prairie God's Protector". Special effects.

"I still have to hurt each other head-on, I hate this feeling."

Rope sighed and put his right hand back.

Immediately, the green circle on the ground gradually dimmed, and the tentacles emerging from it disappeared.

He stood up and moved his body a bit, a bit stiff, thinking carefully.

Weimiya Kirisu is between 27 meters and 28 meters away from him, while Kuu Mai is more than 100 meters away, so it is impossible to use a substitute to solve the problem without showing his face.


After chanting the spell silently, Rope slowly disappeared from the space.

Using the refraction and icy characteristics of water to hide oneself without being caught by the opponent's line of sight and thermal imaging is a more practical magic, but it will expose oneself when attacking.

He cautiously walked out of the door and approached the stone wall where Eimiya Kirishu was standing little by little.

In Rope's perception, Kuu Wuya still stared at this place, but did not find her own trace, which proved that Rope's magic was still very successful.

When he reached his stand-in range, Rope attacked without hesitation.

"Crazy hell, block him!"

Neither Kuu Mai, nor Eimiya Kiritugu behind the wall could detect it.

The fists entangled with chains in the crazy **** slammed out, not only destroying the stone wall, but also hitting Eomiya Kirito with a crisp fracture.

However, as Rope expected.

Despite the weakened physical abilities of Eomiya Kirito, his keen sense of battlefield smell still played a very important role.

When he got close with his fist in madness, he read his own magic spell——

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