"Intrinsic time control-quadruple speed!"

When Rope heard this sound in his ears, Eomiya Kiritugu wearing a black coat, accompanied by scattered stones, had already rushed in front of him.

The blood was constantly flowing behind his back, the physical strength of the barrier was weakened, and the crazy **** had just broken his left arm bone-in such a desperate situation, Kirisu Eomiya did not choose to sit and wait for death, but like a hand. Like a wolf, he showed his determination as a soldier.

Before the enemy kills himself, kill the enemy first, that is victory!


One, no, it should be two gunshots.

Frontal Eomiya Kirito squeezed the trigger of the origin bullet, and the moment Luo Pei appeared, the Kuu Maiya on the roof next door did not look at him, and attacked him together.

King car translocation, offensive and defensive reversal.

It's so unreasonable on the battlefield.

"The King of Yellow (TheKinginYellow)!!!"

Regardless of keeping it, Ropey chanted at high speed the great secret technique he had prepared-The King of Yellow (The King of Yellow)

This terrifying secret technique can be ranked in the top ten even in the ‘Lalay’s text’, and its use conditions are even daunting. It requires the operator to dedicate all his intellect to accommodate that power-the power of the incarnation of Hasta, the King of Yellow Clothes.

-A terrifying force enough to make the earth tremble.


Rope was penetrated.

It was not an adjective, but he was actually passed through by two bullets.

The Origin Bullet first opened a big hole in Rope's heart, and scarlet blood gushed out, and then the bullet that flew from a distance penetrated his skull, and the white brains flowed all over the ground.


Luo Pei fell to the ground, and the blood continued to spread around the ground along the ground, and the breath of life gradually disappeared in Qiji's eyes.


Weimiya Kirisugu adjusted his breathing and said with difficulty.

"Did you kill it... It's really dangerous. As long as the invisible spirit body is a little faster, my head will turn into that broken stone. Miya, how about you?"

"The signs of life are weak, and his body temperature is gradually disappearing." Jiuu Wuya said.

"Really... great... cough... poof."

Eomiya Kiritugu fell to the floor and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Even if his body is damaged to such an extent, he forcibly uses the'four times speed'. If he is not lucky, he might become a suicide. Magic is always eroding himself in exchange for strength.

Just as Uemiya Kiritugu was about to close his eyes and take a rest, waiting for Kuu Maiya's rescue, a dull sound pulled his vigilance to the highest level.


The indescribable sound is like tens of thousands of hearts trembling, and the strong vitality can be heard even by listening.

"Muya, did you hear a strange sound?" Weimiya Kirisu watched Luo Pei who fell on the ground vigilantly, and asked Kuu Miya.

"I heard it too."

"Then shoot him a few more shots to make sure he is really dead."

My instinct about danger is frantically reminding myself to leave, but Kirishu Eomiya's body can't move, so I can only place my hopes in Maiya.

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Chapter 53—Incarnation of the Old Dominator

Bang bang!

With two more gunshots, Kuu Wuya accurately shot through Lope, who fell on the ground, and added new wounds to his body, and there was no doubt that it was fatal.

what happened…

Uemiya Kirishu was covering his ears in pain, but the strange magic sound still passed into his mind, disturbing his thoughts, and attempting to make him kneel down to worship the great...

What is great? !

—Lord of the deep sky star sea.

-The High Priest who cannot be described.

His eyes widened in horror, the strange voice infiltrated Eomiya Kiritugu’s thoughts with a foreign object, constantly eroding his spirit, turning his personality into a chaotic original appearance...

"Ahhhhh...Get out! Get out!!"

He smashed his head frantically with the only intact right hand, his body rolled around on the ground, and the blood from the broken part of his back and left hand flowed down, mixing with the blood oozing out of Rope.

Not only that, he saw an illusion.

My father, Xia Lei, Natalia...There are many people who killed themselves. They smiled and stretched out their hands to constantly tear the blood/flesh from their bodies.

‘Kiji, why did you kill me? ’

Xia Lei pulled off his eyes and asked with a smile with blood and tears.

‘Obviously, I have become a dead man, and I can be with Kirishi forever, why kill me? ’

‘When are you still going to stick to your distorted beliefs? ’Natalia took out his heart.

‘Despicable rebellious son. Juxian Wei Gong coldly took away his lungs.

A handful of one person, in the demonized illusion, Kirishu's body was quickly eaten up, leaving only a thought to be thinking.

‘Is it our turn this time? ’

At the end of the hallucination, Alice Phil and Ilya held hands and looked at Kiritugu Eomiya with a crying face.

‘You... total murderer! ’

"No, no, no, no, no!!!!"

Awakening from the hallucinations, Eimiya Kirito crawled towards Rope on the ground with tears.

He wants to solve this magician.

"These are sacrifices, necessary sacrifices for greater happiness! What do you know, a magician who lives only for himself!"

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