
  Chapter 211 Mecha Unit

Fourth World War.

This term has gone through more than ten years of peace after the establishment of the coalition government. Everyone thought that there would be no world war between humans. Mankind has united, and it is impossible to conquer each other on such a large scale again.

For more than ten years, Great Xia has provided a lot of assistance to various countries to help them quickly restore their economy and stabilize their society quickly. Of course, Great Xia's assistance is not completely free. While helping countries, Great Xia also penetrates them to varying degrees in various fields.

For example, now that humans are occupied, 95% of the virtual reality games in most leisure time are produced by Great Xia. In this era of universal virtual reality, Great Xia controls the entertainment and soft culture of all mankind.

Although Great Xia's help to all countries is purposeful, it is undeniable that they are relieved with Great Xia's help. Great Xia's attitude towards them over the past decade or so can be said to be the best attitude ever, a world-friendly big brother.

This state has lasted for more than ten years, giving countries an illusion that Great Xia is a peaceful and friendly country.

At this moment, the heads of countries wake up from that illusion, Great Xia is still the coercive world, destroying the civilization of countless countries and nations. Great Xia is friendly to them, just because it makes it easier for people from all over the world to accept Great Xia language.

The scene was silent for a while, and the heads of countries suddenly realized that they did not know what to say.

When the coalition government was established, Great Xia proposed a fifty-year human unification plan. The coalition government will guide and promote in the next 50 years, all human beings will be integrated in culture, economy and other aspects to form a real Human Destiny Joint Body.

When this plan was proposed, countries knew about this Human Destiny Joint Body, and it is very likely that it will be called Great Xia Human Destiny Joint Body after it is formed. But even so, countries still agreed to the human unification plan.

Because at that time Great Xia still retains most of its vitality, and they have been maimed, all united together are not Great Xia's opponents.

So the world fuse together for the first time, and a new international pattern emerged. Under the rule of the coalition government, the world ushered in the greatest peace in its history. At the same time, a war without gunsmoke broke out, a cultural war.

Judging from the current situation, Great Xia has pressed fiercely from all countries to the ground, exporting its own culture crazily. By giving aid to countries, we can penetrate into their various fields. Through the power of the United Nations, the Great Xia language scores for the college entrance examination, which is 20 points more than other languages. Through colorful virtual reality games, inculcate Great Xia languageization to all human beings...

Over the past ten years, Great Xia languageization has been known to all mankind and sought after by all mankind. Under this wave, their culture began to be worn down gradually.

Faced with this situation, countries know that they will definitely lose if this continues. The moment when the human unification plan is completed, it is the moment their country perishes.

For these years, countries have also worked hard to cultivate the people's sense of identity and pride in their own culture, but the effect is not significant. If they do not get rid of their dependence on Great Xia, no matter what efforts they make, the people will continue to learn Great Xia as a language. Because in this era, you can find a good job in Great Xia language and Great Xia language.

When the people just learned the languageization of Great Xia, most of them did not like the languageization of Great Xia, but because of various reasons they passively or actively learn. Such as exam points, work needs. The language in the virtual reality game is Great Xia. Although there is a translation, I will say a few words after listening...

Everyone will go there only because of some life needs at the beginning Contact Great Xia language, but they have become accustomed to Great Xia language subconsciously.

Living in this era full of Great Xia languageization, even if you don’t actively contact, learn Great Xia languageization, or even repel, you will be passively accepted by the surrounding environment. Great Xia language.

When it is useless to cultivate a sense of national identity and pride, some countries have begun to adopt more extreme methods. Since there is no way to resist Great Xia's assimilation by strengthening one's own culture, then directly reject him and oppose him!

Of course, these countries also know that they cannot directly and openly reject or oppose Great Xia, because if they do so. In a few minutes, the human army stationed in their country will arrest them for attempting to destroy the human common body.

There is one thing in common among the armed forces stationed in various countries. They are not soldiers of their own country. These troops composed of soldiers from other countries will not give them face.

Since I cannot target Great Xia, then I will target everyone, exclude all foreign cultures, and protect my own culture as the name suggests.

Secretly continue to promote that we are the most noble nation, we are the best race. Even some of them have been typed out. Great Xia's various assistances to us are all because of our worship. To win the support of extreme nationalism and win a large number of votes.

As for whether such publicity will lead to Great Xia sanctions? Of course, these heads of state know that this will lead to Great Xia sanctions, making their domestic recovery extremely slow or even stagnant, but they still did it even then.

Because if they don’t do this, they won’t be elected, they won’t be able to kick the top guys down and take the stage by themselves.

The scene was silent for five minutes. Everyone was thinking and began to think about how to stabilize Great Xia.

At this time, the President of the two major northern mainland powers, the Georgia Democratic Republic, took the lead in breaking the silence and said: "Chief Secretary Li, please calm down. There are indeed some people who do not abide by the law and engage in small actions in secret. , But things have not yet reached the point of splitting."

The only thing to do now is not how to solve this problem, but to stabilize Great Xia and avoid the outbreak of the world war. After all, Great Xia is really too strong now. Simply the space fleet that went to the rift two years ago can destroy all of their countries.

After the birth of the first person, the leaders of various countries echoed:

Heavenly Yuan Country: "Yes, we can’t be destroyed by this kind of thing. The established Human Destiny Joint Body."

Qi Country: "Human Destiny Joint Body should not be destroyed by some villains who seize every opportunity. They are not qualified."

The major powers have spoken out while holding on to Great Xia, while taunting certain people overtly and secretly.

Although they are unwilling to be assimilated by Great Xia, it does not mean that they want to lead things to extremes. The current situation is the best situation so far. Great Xia conquered them with soft power, rather than conquering them with hard power.

Several fools who came to power by virtue of extreme nationalism thought that they could alleviate domestic problems after sitting in that position. But once extreme nationalism lifts the head, it is difficult to suppress it again.

Li Zhigou was silent for a few seconds, and then opened the mouth and said: "Indeed, the Human Destiny Joint Body, which was finally established, should not be disbanded for a few clowns."

Hearing what was said, everyone secretly sighed in relief. Although they knew Great Xia, Impossible would dismantle the coalition government that had been built up so hard because of this, it would not do any good to Great Xia.

Strictly speaking, the coalition government is a system established by Great Xia, a way to obtain the unification of all under heaven in a peaceful way. Until the last moment, Great Xia will not abandon the human coalition government.

At this time, Li Zhigou said: "But now the problem has arisen. If this problem is not solved, then this problem will become a bomb for the collapse of the Human Destiny Joint Body in the future."

The eyes of the heads of countries moved slightly. They knew that Li Zhigou's tough attitude before was not really to start a world war, but to use the topic.

"So I suggest strengthening the United Nations' control over countries. This is my proposal."

At the next moment, a virtual screen appeared in front of everyone.

[Proposal to revise the power of the coalition government]

The content of the amendment: the original [The coalition government only has the power to supervise the internal affairs of various countries and cannot directly interfere. 】

Change: In the case of actions against Human Destiny Joint Body in various countries, the coalition government has the right to supervise and reserves the right to interfere, and does not rule out the interference of martial power.

After everyone read it, Li Zhigou showed a kind smile and said: "Great Xia agrees to this proposal, please raise your hands if you are against it."

Silent, his expression is very calm, but his heart is madly complaining.

Raise your hand and shoot it? !

After ten minutes of discussion, the first vote was held: six votes in favor, three votes against and 40 abstentions.

The first vote was 6:3, the proposal passed the first round of voting, the meeting was disbanded, and everyone waited for the second round of voting seven days later.

In the next few days, Great Xia's space fleet circulated in the air over the capitals of all countries, as it was called a military exercise to prevent aliens from coming again.

At the same time, the most powerful heads of state a while ago began to seek solutions, but they suddenly found that they had no turning back, and they simply could not suppress those extreme nationalisms.

They succeeded in coming to power with the support of extreme nationalism, but now they are in trouble because of extreme nationalism. Now they are like dancing in handcuffs, they can only move forward and cannot retreat.

Once you lose the support of extreme nationalism forces, you will completely fall. And the loss of his identity as a national leader also means that the next thing waiting for him is death. So they can only brace oneself to go on, and one step counts as one step.

Seven days later, the coalition government made every effort to revise the proposal and entered the second round of voting.

Before the meeting began, Li Zhigou said: "[The coalition government makes every effort to revise the proposal] After all, it is a proposal that concerns all countries, so I hope everyone will exercise their right to vote."

second round vote: forty-five votes in favor, three votes against.

[Proposal to revise the power of the coalition government] passed smoothly, and then an announcement was made to the entire human society.

[The United Government Powers Amendment Act] Once announced, it was like a boulder falling into the water, which immediately caused an uproar.

Demonstrations broke out in some countries to oppose the coalition government's power to amend the bill. In the face of these demonstrations, various countries quickly arrested the leaders on charges of disrupting public order and illegal demonstrations, quelling the demonstrations.

According to the Human Destiny Common Body Law, an application is required for demonstrations, and any demonstrations that are not approved are regarded as disrupting public order or even terrorist acts.

But there are three countries that are very special. Their demonstrations have not been suppressed, but have become more and more fierce. The governments of these three countries began to request the garrison troops to suppress the demonstration, but they did not receive a response from the garrison troops.

World countries also pretended not to see the things of these three countries. Everyone ignored these three countries tacitly. The next three countries will be the chickens for them to see.

On the tenth day of the announcement of the Power Amendment Act, the Aria Country, Saxell Country, and Chak Country marches intensified, rising to violent conflict, and began to fight for independence and separation from the coalition government.

Unlike the lively scenes of Chak Country, Saxell Country, and Aria Country, the rest of the world is peacefully terrifying. All countries are waiting for Great Xia's performance to see how he kills these three chickens.


Great Xia Dongda Road, 1st Military District Teleportation Gate Area domain.

bang! bang! bang!

Heavy metal crashes and mechanical running sounds rang out, and one after another large armor/mecha with a height of 15 meters came out of the teleportation gate. The armor/mecha body is silver white, holding a five-meter-long gun, and behind it is a pair of steel wings composed of six huge jets.

Because the antigravity unit is too expensive and the Large Humanoid Mecha is too large, the current antigravity unit equipped with the Mecha Unit can only last for ten seconds at a time and cannot be used continuously.

However, Mage's Guild said that it is necessary to develop a flying magic that can make a huge monster weighing tens of tons, such as Large Humanoid Mecha, float.

[No. 001 Mecha Unit has all entered the main world]

[No. Mecha Unit-002 has all entered the main world]

[No. 003 Mecha Units have all entered the main world】

On the huge military take-off runway of 1st Military District, three hundred ten-meter-high steel giants lined up in three rows in an orderly manner. A full ten-meter-high steel body, heavy armor, huge steel wings, and huge guns in hand, these armor/mechas are full of a violent beauty, which makes people excited at the first glance.

[Repeat the content of the mission]

[mission: Suppress the rebellion that broke out in Chak Country, Saxell Country, and Aria Country, try to avoid civilian casualties, and annihilate all armed forces. 】

【001Mecha Unit mission target :Aria Country 】

【Mecha Unit-002 mission target :Saxell Country 】

【003Mecha Unit mission target :Chak Country ]

[mission begins! 】

bang! bang! bang!

The armor/mecha standing in the front row took a step, and after a run-up, the antigravity unit started, and the huge fuselage began to float a few centimeters off the ground. Immediately behind the steel wings ejected a white flame, and the fifteen-meter-high steel giant rose into the air.


Three hundred Large Humanoid Mecha took off and flew towards their mission target.

World countries think that the next Great Xia action of killing the chicken to warn the monkey should be the use of the interstellar battleship seized from alien civilization to suppress martial power. However, Great Xia took out something more interesting and opened their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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