
  Chapter 212 Suppression

During this period of time, although countries in the world have All events in these countries are selectively ignored, but media coverage is not prohibited.

Every day, the media reports in detail on various domestic events in these three countries, and countless reporters flock to them like sharks smelling blood.

Western people advocating freedom began to applaud the demonstrations in these three countries because they did what they could not do. Governments of various countries are now extremely strict in controlling demonstrations, and the current government does not even care about the votes of voters to force them to suppress their demonstrations.

Faced with the dual control of the national government and the coalition government, even if they dare not mess around, after all, those gigantic in size units will really shoot. Although they drove a stun gun, it was enough for them.

But with the passage of time, people suddenly noticed that the parades in these three countries have slowly changed. The original parade evolved into a violent conflict. The parade crowd one after another dressed like a terrorist, holding guns in hand and wearing ammunition.

Immediately after some pictures and words that could not be reported in the news gradually spread on the Internet, the parade of these three countries began to carry out various criminal activities with the firearms in their hands. Such as robbery, homicide and rape, and even some videos of torturing and killing officials.

Then the protesters in these three countries circulated their information on the Internet. These tangible backbones and most of the members are extreme nationalists, even the Inciter behind the Chak Country parade is a notorious terrorist organization. Of course, the public cannot tell the authenticity of this information, but one thing can be confirmed from the picture. There are indeed terrorists who get involved.

Next, various experts and Internet celebrities commented on the parades of Chak Country, Saxell Country, and Aria Country: This parade was not a pursuit of freedom and democracy, but a meeting of the ugliness and greed of human nature. Crime feast.

Only restricted freedom is true freedom. Absolute freedom is called crime.

The public opinion on the Internet began to slowly change, and the support and applause from the very beginning turned into resistance and abuse. At the same time, the people realized that without the control of the coalition government, they would not be allowed to become those oppressed in the video.

Although there are many protests against the coalition government in the West, in essence, most people's resistance to the coalition government is not as strong as imagined. The reason why they marched is actually not all for freedom and democracy but for fun and just and honorable paid vacation.

Just like the daily fishing and paid shit of social animals in Eastern countries, they are essentially lazy.

Seeing the changes in public opinion on the Internet, governments of various countries know that this is Great Xia using the power of the coalition government to guide. But they did not stop it, but provided assistance.

If it were in the past, they would definitely not let Great Xia unscrupulously manipulate global public opinion, but they didn't make sense for this matter. Those three countries did jump too hard.

According to the current information they have obtained, these three countries have exchanged their own domestic troops with soldiers from their own countries. This kind of thing can be said to be an intention to destroy the Human Destiny Joint Body, which is the rhythm of preparing for rebellion.

These three countries may not have thought about rebellion for the time being, but their attempt to secretly regain military autonomy is undoubtedly a rebellion.

Now Cloud Star is playing a peaceful game called Human Destiny Joint Body. All countries realize that the trend of human beings as a whole is irreversible.

Because they can't beat Great Xia, if Great Xia really starts Fourth World War and has to fight a real Human Destiny Joint Body through war, then they have no chance of winning in this war.

So they began to use various methods to allow their civilization to occupy a place in the future humanity. And now there are people who want to lift the table, and other countries will certainly kill the person who breaks the law.

The countries expressed their helplessness. In the present situation, after several decades, they are most likely to be assimilated by Great Xia, but they cannot resist. Because the Great Xia Human Destiny Joint Body looks like a peaceful development, there is no reason for them to fight for either the fish dies or the net splits.

All countries suddenly discovered that this fisted and reasonable Great Xia seems to be more difficult to deal with than before.

In the past World Wars, they were able to survive the nation's life and death, allowing the people of the whole country to work with a common purpose against Great Xia. Now this reason doesn't work, and speaking it out will make people suspect that the high level of the country is trying to break away from the Human Destiny Joint Body and become an enemy of all mankind.

Under the indifference of the coalition government, the three countries fell into civil strife, and the scale of violent conflicts became larger and larger, gradually becoming somewhat out of control.

In the face of this situation, the governments of these three countries should let the police suppress them, but the current government came to power by relying on extreme nationalism forces.

The forces of extreme nationalism have lifted the head, and more than half of the people in the police system that simply maintain public order are extreme nationalism.

This is why the governments of the three countries knowing to openly prevent their own culture from blending with other civilizations and defying the integration of the Human Destiny Joint Body will make them consigned to eternal damnation. They still brace oneself and continue to support extreme nationalism. Various actions. Because they have no retreat now, they will fall immediately without the support of extreme nationalism forces, and once they fall, they will be greeted with death.

The three heads of state, Chak Country, Aria Country, and Saxell Country, came to power because they promoted extreme nationalism, and now these three heads of state have also been pushed into the abyss of ten thousand zhang by domestic extreme nationalism.

[Coalition Government Full Revision Bill] On the afternoon of the tenth day of the announcement, the governments of Saxell Country, Aria Country, and Chak Country, which could not withstand extreme domestic pressure from nationalism, issued an announcement:

Chak Country: [our country strongly opposes the all-out revision of the coalition government. Shaq will always be a Shaq nation, and no one can interfere with our nation's affairs. ]

Saxell Country: [The great Saxell since ancient times is the center of the world, and the Saixi nation is the descendant of Sun God. Chigo’s Sun God gave us this piece of God’s chosen land, and no one can interfere with this sacred land. ]

Aria Country: [Ackdun nation is the best and bravest nation in the world. Aria is a nation created by the Ackdun nation. It belongs only to the Ackdun nation. Outsiders are not entitled to interfere with Aria. No matter how powerful he is, he is not qualified to interfere with Aria. We have the courage and strength to fight to the death against foreign enemies. 】

In the announcements issued by these three countries, there is one thing promoted in each announcement. That is, their country belongs to their nation alone, and they can represent the entire country.

Now these three countries should have been controlled by extreme nationalism forces. They are extremely averse to world Confucianism, and even full of hostility. They think that other nations are not qualified to blend with them. They admire their own culture, and at the same time they will go crazy to destroy cultures that are different from them.


Saxell Country, Augustus City.

At this time, the entire city has fallen into chaos, the parade has completely lost control, and countless armed militants carrying weapons are carrying out various criminal activities unscrupulously.

The shops on both sides of the road were looted, and all the vehicles on the road were smashed. The incendiary bombs were thrown into various high-rise buildings, violent flames rose, and billowing smoke rose.

The city is full of cheers from the militants and the wailing of the victims. The order of the entire city collapsed completely, and the absolute freedom they were pursuing finally arrived. Here you will not be subject to any restrictions, murder, robbery and other acts will not be punished by law.

This unrestricted freedom has lasted for two days.

At an altitude of several kilometers in Augustus City, ten large Humanoid Mecha fifteen meters high flew from a distance.

【Mecha Unit-002 The third squad has arrived in Augustus City. 】

[The mission begins, put down the Augustus City rebellion, annihilate all terrorist organizations, and try to avoid civilian casualties. 】

Ten mecha began to adjust the direction, dive into the chaotic city below, and lower the altitude at a very fast speed.

The carnival that belongs to them is still going on in the city, and countless people are walking on the street holding up their anti-epidemic cards or firearms. The shops on both sides have been smashed by bits and pieces, and the various items inside have been looted.

The parade team came to a hero monument built by the coalition government. The leader stood on the hero cup with an AK-47 in his right hand, raised his left hand and fisted, loudly shouted: "Against the coalition government!"

The tens of thousands of people below also clenched their fists and raised their hands and shouted: "Against the coalition government!"

"We are free!!" The leader felt that he had become A big character, a loud shout of thousands of people responded.

"We are free!!!"

The leader said: "Let the human knowledge of the whole world see the courage of our Saixi nation. They dare not defy the coalition government. We Dare! We are descendants of Sun God, we are fearless!"

Tone barely fell, a huge black shadow fell from the sky.


There was a loud noise, and the earth began to tremble slightly. Everyone suddenly turned their heads, looking towards the place where the shadow just dropped.

A fifteen-meter-high steel giant stood on their right side, and the huge head looked down on them. The 15-meter-high Iron Body, huge steel wings, and the silver white body are shining in the sun, just like a giant in myth.

Everyone stood motionless on the spot, their expressions were completely frozen, and their faces were dull. They didn't know what posture they should face the steel giant.

At this time, a voice came from the steel giant: [Here is the United Nations Special Law and Order Force. Your parade has not been approved by the United Nations and has caused tremendous damage to society. The act is defined as a terrorist act. 】

[United Nations announced that all those who participated in this terrorist act were deprived of their legal rights and no longer protected by law. 】

Armor/mecha raised the electromagnetic kinetic rifle in his hand and pointed it at the leader standing on the hero monument.

Electromagnetic kinetic rifle: high-speed kinetic energy weapon, the main weapon of large armor/mecha. The use of a special 50-centimeter bullet that can withstand electromagnetic acceleration has strong penetrability and is suitable for short- and medium-distance combat.

Considering that energy weapons consume too much energy, and in addition, they will be affected by various influences in the atmosphere, unless it is the super large Plasma Rail Gun on the battleship. Therefore, the Large Humanoid Mecha is not equipped with energy weapons, but equipped with this modified electromagnetic kinetic rifle, which is suitable for ground combat.


A huge sound rang, and then the body of the leader standing on the hero monument exploded like fireworks.

At this moment, the sluggish thugs finally came back to his senses.


"Run away!"

Tens of thousands of thugs fled around in an instant, and it took no less than ten in just ten seconds. In the stampede incident, some people who fell accidentally were trampled underfoot by countless people. For these people who are about to be trampled to death, no one cares about their lives and deaths. Now all the mobs are busy running for their lives.

This is the essence of this demonstration. They are not for freedom and democracy, they are just for their own greed. They relied on the guns given by terrorist organizations to become thugs, venting their emotions to the entire city, beating, smashing, and looting!


The steel giant took a step forward, and a mob was instantly trampled into meat sauce. The steel giant began to trample the fleeing mobs with that huge body, and countless mobs were trampled into meat sauce.

Considering that the electromagnetic kinetic rifle will damage the terrain greatly, it is very likely to accidentally injure the civilians hiding in the building, so the driver did not use the electromagnetic kinetic rifle to annihilate these thugs.

The original chaotic city became more chaotic after the steel giant joined, and the scene was like making a movie.

The mobs who were tyrannize in the city instantly became the hunted party, and the huge steel monster trampled them into meat sauce.

Of course, the Large Humanoid Mecha is not trampling on anyone. Everyone killed by the driver is actually on the list of the coalition government. Each of them is the perpetrator of this activity, and the coalition government has deprived them of their legal rights.

Part of the mob began to pluck up the courage to attack these fifteen-meter-high steel giants with weapons in their hands. The bullets of the thugs kept hitting the silver white armor, but unfortunately their attacks could only leave a trace on the armor at best.

Half an hour later, Augustus City, which had been chaotic for ten days, finally quietened down, and everyone hid in the building shiver coldly. Looking at the huge armor/mecha standing in the city outside, the eyes are full of fear.

[Augustus City's suppression was completed, a total of 506 thugs were wiped out, and the remaining 1,030 thugs have been hiding in the building. In order to avoid civilian casualties, the subsequent capture mission will be handed over to the security forces. 】


Chak Country, the capital.

At this time, the war has been ignited here. Dozens of fifteen-meter-high silver white armor/mecha are flying over the city, and the electromagnetic kinetic rifle in their hands is constantly shooting out huge bullets.

[Chak Country's garrison army left the station without permission from the United Nations, entered the city, and used martial power to seize control of the city. ]

[Your actions have violated the Human Destiny Joint Body military law, and you have betrayed humans. 】

Countless Shaq extremist nationalists in military uniforms raised their weapons and kept attacking the armor/mecha in the sky. However, armor/mecha's actions are very flexible, they can evade most of the attacks every time, and give them a fierce counterattack.

With the help of Nerve Worm, the drivers drive a huge 15-meter-high armor/mecha just like their own bodies. As long as the energy can keep up, the sensitivity of the fifteen-meter-high huge fuselage is even higher than that of the physical body.

a mecha flew over a commercial street at a very fast speed and low altitude, raised his electromagnetic kinetic rifle and aimed it at the tank below.


the next moment The heavy armor of the tank was instantly penetrated by a special bullet, and flames spewed out from the inside of the tank.


The battlefield is showing a one-sided trend. No matter what method the Shaq garrison uses, it cannot destroy even one mecha. Most of their attacks were blocked by the annoying energy shield. At the same time, they couldn't figure out why such a huge body was so sensitive as a monkey! ?

After half an hour of fighting, the Shaq garrison with tens of thousands of people finally surrendered after being massacred for nearly half.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the Chak Country, Saxell Country, and Aria Country rebellions were quickly suppressed by the Special Security Department of the coalition government. The security forces who rushed to the end later arrested the high-level governments of the three countries on charges of sabotaging the Human Destiny Joint Body.

In the past, the senior government officials of the three countries danced with handcuffs, but now they even wear the handcuffs.


On the second day of the end of the rebellion, the network exploded in an instant.

When all netizens saw the armor/mecha in the video, they were stupid and wondered if they were dreaming.

When countries in the world saw the armor/mecha, they found that the melons in their hands suddenly didn't smell.

(End of this chapter)

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