
  Chapter 213 Cloud Star is officially included in the bag

On the Internet, a person who was in the capital of Chak Country The video shot by the reporter has reached a full 500 million views.

In the video, a silver white is flying in the air like a large armor/mecha in a science fiction movie. Armor/mecha holding a huge gun, fired one after another bullet the size of a cannonball, which penetrated the bodies of countless soldiers. Broken limbs and broken arms, blood splashed everywhere, heavy tanks and armored cars were penetrated by shells and burst into flames, and finally turned into wreckage.

The entire battlefield is completely under the control of armor/mecha, and the steel giant over ten meters high is flying in the air like a Heavenly God. Where the armor/mecha passed, all the rebels went to see their Sun God.

The silver white body is shining in the sun. Those huge steel wings spray white flames. The heavy armor makes people feel a sense of violence.

A mecha alone has formed tens of thousands of soldiers into an army and has no power to fight back. It perfectly narrates that one person becomes an army, but it can be defeated by many.

comment section:

Youngster Under the Clunkster: [These humanoid armor/mechas are exactly the same as in the movie. When I first saw this video, my first reaction was Trailers of a movie. However, when I saw this video lasting three hours, I wondered which movie it was. ]

Moshell Lake Fry: [From the video, I can see a lot of cross-generation technologies, these ten-meter-high armor/mecha are so flexible, I doubt the operation method of these armor/mecha It is overridden by nerves. After all, if it weren't for neural manipulation, it wouldn't be a humanoid at all. ]

Meredith: [Indeed, the humanoid was originally not suitable for combat. Its own weight and bombed area were too large, while the Foot Sole Plate was too small and required very high terrain. In general, if it weren't for neural manipulation in order to make humans better adapt to armor/mecha, Large Humanoid Mecha doesn't need to exist at all. 】

[From this video, these large armors/mechas of more than ten meters high can act so sensitively, and they should have adopted very advanced neural control. Moreover, the weapons used by these armor/mecha are most likely electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons. Simply put, the guns in their hands are actually the so-called electromagnetic rail guns. 】

Maramee: [The war thinking upstairs is obviously still stuck in the last era. In the future, humans will face aliens, and the battlefield will be placed in the universe. The frontal battlefield should be given to those interstellar battleships, and the mission of Large Humanoid Mecha is raid. 】

[Humanoid is indeed very tasteless compared to airplanes and tanks, this kind of war machine, but the large-scale armor/mecha of the pedestrian is stronger in generality. He can act as a raid soldier on the battlefield, and he can act as the vanguard in interstellar exploration. 】

Meredith: [The battlefield in the future is indeed the universe. In the battle between battleship and battleship, armor/mecha can indeed act as raid soldiers for landing battles. If future wars require precise control and adaptation to various environments and terrains, the versatility of armor/mecha is indeed a good foothold. ]

Deez: [Compared to whether armor/mecha is reasonable, I am more concerned about the fact that Great Xia's technology has reached such a point. ]

Kerry: [Why Great Xia? Are these Mecha Units not the Special Law and Order Force of the United Nations? ]

Meredith: [Boy, haven’t you realized it yet? Great Xia is the coalition government, and the coalition government is Great Xia. 】

The comment section of the video is polarized, and we are seriously discussing how many kinds of cross-generation technologies are contained in armor/mecha. On the other side is the “rumor refuting” from suspected to be Great Xia people

Wearing Long Jones on the Outside: [This video is actually a virtual reality game that Qingtongxia Company is about to announce. In the game, you will play a War reporters on the battlefield of the future experience all kinds of dangers and explore the truth behind this cruel battlefield. ]

Michaks: [This game is called Truth Hidden in the Battlefield. I was fortunate enough to participate in his closed beta. The game is very fun.

Lisbon: [You told me this is a game? ! ]

The World is Already Speaking the Great Xia Language: [Have you never played a virtual reality game? Virtual reality games can produce these images. ]

Lisbon: [So how did the riots in the three countries of Shaq, Aria, and Sisi quell, and the war in the capital of Chak Country inside. The clothes worn by the rebels are indeed human Military uniforms of the army. ]

Wearing Long Jones on the Outside: [This is all to increase the player's sense of substitution, the game background is someday in the future. A human being betrayed by a human army attempted to destroy the Human Destiny Joint Body, so the coalition government sent Mecha Unit to suppress it. And the male lead in this game is a reporter, and the main plot mission is to explore the truth about the rebellion of this human rebel. ]

Ruya: [Then your Great Xia company is really amazing. Just after the game was made, there was a rebellion in reality. ]

Wearing Long Jones on the Outside: [This is just a coincidence. After all, you also know the situation of those three countries, one religious country, two countries where extreme nationalism prevails. And if it were not for the control of the coalition government, most areas of these three countries would still be controlled by terrorists. ]

Ruya: [Then there are so many coincidences. In the game, the rebels are garrisoned in Chak Country, and the occupied city is also the capital of Chak Country. These two coincidences are exactly the same as in reality. ]

Machine Made Prostitute: [hahaha, it’s getting harder and harder to do the unexpected work. ]

Wearing Long Jones on the Outside: [Friends upstairs, don’t you believe what I’m saying? ]

Machine Made Prostitute: [Well, of course, I believe that this video is actually a game video, and my circle of friends has gone crazy. don't trust rumors, don't pass on rumors. ]

Foot Sole Plate: [don't trust rumors, don't pass on rumors. 】

The World is Already Speaking the Great Xia Language: [don't trust rumors, don't pass on rumors. 】


Regarding the various videos and pictures on the Internet, the coalition government did not stand up to explain, but only issued a riot and quelling announcement.

Although the coalition government did not stand up to explain, the netizens who possess great magical power quickly got in touch with the people of these three countries, and even some people close to them went to these three areas to watch the battlefield. . In just one day, Mecha Unit has been confirmed to be real.

According to various videos on the Internet and the narratives of the people of the Three Kingdoms, the people really realized the power of the coalition government, to be precise, Great Xia's strength. In fact, although on the surface it is said that the coalition government is the Human Destiny Joint Body formed by the unity of all countries. But after more than ten years of life, all mankind has more or less realized that the so-called Human Destiny Joint Body is essentially the Great Xia Human Destiny Joint Body.

The coalition government is actually Great Xia's ruling the world tool, a reason that allows all nations to accept rule, a human orthodoxy.

The coalition government may actually be a statement of Great Xia. Even if the people were aware of this, they did not protest.

As for why? Generally speaking, after experiencing the catastrophe and the chaos during the revival operation, the people longed for the rule of a powerful government to stabilize the social order. To the younger ones, under the rule of the coalition government, they were not oppressed in any way. Even the coalition government’s guarantee for their daily lives is even higher than before the catastrophe, and the coalition government’s rule emphasizes stability.

Except that they need to learn some Great Xia language in their daily life, their daily life has not changed, and it is getting better and better. There is no flood of guns, fierce drug dealers, and crazy drug addicts. In the past, there were thousands of shootings every year, but now it may not be seen once a year.

People who gather together may be easily guided and even act stupidly, but when they are alone, they are generally aware of what they need.

This is also the reason why countries feel that Great Xia is more thorny than before. Great Xia has used various means to firmly hold the hearts of the people of all countries. Now the prestige of the coalition government among the people is equal to them, and some areas even surpass the local government.

Now the 【Coalition Government Full Revision Bill 】is released, Great Xia takes more control over them, as long as they find a suitable reason, they can directly interfere in their internal affairs.


United Nations conference.

At this time, virtual images of forty-five national leaders have been connected to the Conference Hall.

Because some countries jumped too hard, their government has just been killed by Great Xia, and no new government has been elected yet, so no national leaders have come to participate in the meeting.

Everyone said a few words of courtesy to each other, Li Zhiguo briefly explained the next three countries: Shaq, Aria, and Saxell.

In order to prevent this from happening again, the coalition government will purge all extreme nationalism organizations in this country. All high-level and key members will be taken and executed. No matter what your status is, as long as you participate in an extreme nationalism organization, you must be investigated. If you are indirectly or directly on your hands, you will be killed directly.

The processing method is very Great Xia style, harsh, indifferent, domineering, and treated equally.

This is also the place where great powers hate Great Xia the most, and there is no legal aspect at all. Regardless of their status, as long as they violate the law, they will be punished severely in accordance with the law. This makes them very insecure, the dignitaries of the above ten thousand people.

One of the national leaders raised his hand and asked: "If this method is to be implemented, it may cause violent turbulence in the three countries."

Li Zhiguo smiled Asked: "Why is it turbulent."

The national leader replied: "These three countries have extreme nationalism and religious beliefs are very serious. The extreme nationalism organizations that Chief Secretary Li wants to deal with are mostly local. High people’s hearts, we don’t know how many hidden members they have."

"For example, Aria Country, where the people since ancient times believed in the Sun God Church, and the head of the Sun God Church has extremely high Status. If we are really determined to shoot these people to death in accordance with the law, the coalition government is likely to be strongly resisted by many believers, which is not conducive to our rule over these three regions."

" What you said is very good." Li Zhigou nodded, agreeing, and then the voice changed, eyes slightly narrowed, and said: "But what about that?"

"Great Xia since ancient times, what I pay attention to is Order, since he has violated the law, he must be punished. I don’t care what his status is and what consequences will be caused when dealing with him. As long as he violates the law, he must be punished."

Sigeria The Democratic Republic President said: “If you really do this, many people will die, and even the coalition government will need to do something similar to the massacre.”

If you really want to bring the Chak Country backstage supporter, Sun All the high-levels taught by God are shot to death, which will cause riots among the local people. And it is very likely to cause violent conflict, and the people will attack the security forces.

The security forces will definitely fight back if they are attacked. If they don’t even violently fight back against this kind of thing, it will undermine the authority of the coalition government. You won't blatantly defy the coalition government and attack the security forces. I still want to let you?

Dongdong dong!

Li Zhigou reached out and tapped three times on the desktop, saying: "What you dare not control, Great Xia manages, people you dare not kill, Great Xia Kill. Just relying on those illusory beliefs, you want Great Xia to compromise?"

"He is not qualified enough."

Li Zhiguo's calm tone contained a sense of nonsense. Doubtful dominance, a kind of pride unique to Great Xia.

As soon as these words come out, everyone is not saying anything. Great Xia will deal with all kinds of things that follow up, and they don’t need to come out.

At the same time, leaders of various countries are also a little envious of Li Zhigou, the kind of domineering that our country can beat down no matter what the consequences are.

Li Zhigou said: "This matter is decided in this way, don't you have any comments?"

The heads of various countries have nodded and clicked to agree. Anyway, this matter is handled by Great Xia, they just need to watch it.

Li Zhigou clicked with satisfaction, and then said: "In this case, let us deal with one thing that concerns the future of mankind."

I thought the meeting would be there. The heads of countries who ended up looked a little puzzled, something that concerns the future of all mankind?

Li Zhiguo showed a mysterious smile and said: "Xia Spirit, give them the prepared information."


More than ten minutes Later, the heads of various countries opened their mouths and looked at the information in front of them with a dull face. If it weren't for such a formal occasion of the United Nations conference, they all suspected that Li Zhigou had taken a plan for a virtual reality game to entertain them.

Teleportation gate, New World, magic, immortality... a virtual reality game with a magical theme?

Sigeria Democratic Republic President lifts the head, staring at Li Zhigou, and asking: "Are you kidding us?"

Others also asked Li Zhigou cast a questioning look.

After all, this information is really too magical, just like making a movie.

Li Zhigou replied with a serious expression: "Do you think I am joking?"

Sigeria Democratic Republic President said: "But this information is really..."


"too magical? Unrealistic?" Li Zhigou interrupted: "Even aliens have come to us, what else can you not accept?"

The expressions of all the people present For a moment, he quickly put away the expression of lose one's head out of fear, and calmed himself again.

Heavenly Yuan Country President asked: "Great Xia, why did you tell us about this, Great Xia can be developed independently."

Heavenly Yuan Country asked all The voice of people, if you really control a teleportation gate leading to the New World. Then Great Xia can develop it by itself without telling them.

As for the so-called Human Destiny Joint Body? This is even more impossible. Putting aside other things, the current Human Destiny Joint Body is completely built on, Great Xia has the ability to maintain the order of human society after the catastrophe. As long as Great Xia's strength still crushes them, the human common body will always exist until they are assimilated.

Li Zhigou frankly said: "Great Xia needs your population, talents, and for the counterattack in the future, there can only be one voice on Cloud Star in the future."

Sigeria Democratic Republic President said: "Isn't Great Xia afraid that we would start a war for teleportation? This is a new world, and the benefits contained in chess are enough to make everyone crazy."

Li Zhigou Shaking his head, he said: "Great Xia's current strength can destroy all countries unharmed. If you don't agree, then sorry, Great Xia can only completely destroy you."

This is Great Xia's. Confidently, Great Xia is not afraid of these countries resisting, or that the countries of the world actually have no armies, and they don’t even have the ability to resist. On Cloud Star, all armies belong to the human armies that are mixed up by various countries. As long as Great Xia thinks, these armies can't take out any weapons from the arsenal.

In the past ten years, Great Xia has already held all countries tightly in their palms. As long as they dare to resist, Great Xia can crush them to pieces with a light grip.

Countries also know that at the moment they receive Great Xia assistance, they may not be able to look back. But they can't help but accept that if they don't accept aid, their country is very likely to die out completely in that way that is already on the verge of collapse. Even if they didn't die, without Great Xia's assistance, they would still be impossible to recover in just a dozen years.

The scene fell silent, and everyone knew that the time to make a decision had arrived. Now they have two options, first join Great Xia, and second destroy.

This is a very good choice to make a decision. There is one way of life and one dead end. Under normal circumstances, it is better to choose the way of life directly. But they were still a bit unwilling inside, fighting for thousands of years, and finally couldn't escape being annexed by Great Xia.

Looking at their silent expressions, Li Zhiguo consoled with a smile: "You don't have to put on this expression. Join Great Xia and your country will disappear, but your culture will not disappear. Xia Xuan pays attention to inclusiveness, seeking common ground while reserving differences. As long as it is not a bad habit, Great Xia will not actively destroy your culture."

Great Xia, indeed, will not destroy other titles, but will absorb good culture. But after a few generations, whether their culture can maintain its original posture remains unclear. But the only thing I can confirm is that at present

"Great Xia can give you hundreds of thousands of years of lifespan, allowing you to continue to enjoy the high position and great wealth for hundreds of thousands of years. This is the pursuit of countless emperors in ancient times. "

At this time, the heads of the world finally wavered. Immortality is a topic that mankind can never avoid and an irresistible temptation.

Now Great Xia's interstellar battleship is dangling over them, and any resistance will only bring disaster to the top.

Even they suspect that Great Xia is ready to destroy all opposition voices, even if it causes the death of hundreds of millions more than 1 billion human beings.

After a few hours, the heads of state finally succumbed after some inner struggles and exchange of interests.

After all, that is the lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years, which can't help them not being tempted.

Next, they will fully cooperate with Great Xia to cultivate the culture of people everywhere for 20 years.

As for the other world, it will not be announced to the public for the time being, but their family members can enter the other world first.

At the same time, in order to dispel their suspicions, leaders of various countries can take turns to enter another world to confirm the authenticity of intelligence.

The meeting is disbanded, and tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


In the next period of time, Great Xia sent out some more powerful Succubus, through some special means to make Succubus close to the heads of countries, and then use dream magic to them Psychological hints were made.

Although Great Xia believes that leaders of all countries are smart people who know how to make the right choice. But insurance is still necessary. Great Xia never overestimates human nature. Sometimes human beings are very stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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