
  Chapter 215 New World

Compared with room temperature Superconductive Ore, this mysterious black The value of cube is obviously not as good as room temperature Superconductive Ore before thorough research, but for the nobles of Earth, its value is hundreds of times more precious than room temperature Superconductive Ore.

From several room temperature Superconductive Ore samples and various data obtained from mining companies, it can be seen that this kind of ore can solve many technical problems encountered by humans, and it is very likely to make humans The technology has entered a new round of explosion. However, the technology explosion led by room temperature Superconductive Ore obviously does not include Life Domain, which cannot allow them to extend their lifespan.

In contrast, the special aura emitted by this black cube can greatly improve the physical fitness of humans, thereby delaying human aging, thereby achieving the effect of prolonging lifespan. Even if it is to extend the lifespan for a few years, it will make the rich and powerful on Earth crazy.

If we can thoroughly study this black cube and solve the mystery of long life, can human beings realize long life?

Long life is always a hurdle that human beings cannot overcome. Few people can resist the temptation of long life, especially for the powerful and powerful who want high position and great wealth. Long life is enough for them crazy.


In a standard Great Xia ancient garden, peach trees surround a crystal-clear lake, and the petals of peach blossoms slowly fall with the wind.

On the crystal clear lake, there is a pavilion made of redwood, with various exquisite patterns carved on redwood. There are three men sitting in this antique pavilion, namely Xia Xuan, Xia Yang and Ancestor Xia.

Ancestor Xia looked at the beautiful peach garden around, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This peach garden is really beautiful. Just being in it makes people feel peaceful and comfortable."

Xia Xuan nodded agrees: "Indeed, the surrounding sights make me feel comfortable after a long absence."

Xia Yang slightly smiled, introduced: "This is my favorite in the Imperial Palace. I would come here to sit in a courtyard whenever I was upset."

The three people began to chat, Ancestor Xia spat bitterly to the other two, describing his own history of difficult development.

Just come to that primitive era, Ancestor Xia's System has been activated. Although his Survival System was not as magical as Xia Xuan and Xia Yang's System, it was the most suitable System for him at the time.

The Survival System greatly enhances his immunity. Even if he is bitten by an unknown poison insect, he will not die because of it, so that he can survive in the primitive era of danger lurks on every side.

Ancestor Xia has crossed over to a male of the primordial tribe who is about to become an adult. Although humans were still in an extremely barbaric primordial tribe at that time, the evolution of humans is almost the same as it is now, walking upright and most of the hair on the whole body has fallen off.

Ancestor Xia thought that human life in that era would be very difficult, facing the hunting of all kinds of powerful beasts, but after living half a month, he found that the facts and what he thought was exactly on the contrary. The humans who use lance in groups are the highest hunters, and all large animals are within the hunting range of humans. Even a fierce tiger the size of a buffalo would not dare to attack humans easily.

The power of a single human may be very weak, but a group composed of dozens or hundreds of humans will be a force that can crush all beasts.

The greatest enemy of mankind is not all kinds of ferocious wild beasts, but nature, which is all kinds of diseases and infections.

Relying on the various knowledge provided in Survival System, Ancestor Xia used some herbs to treat the injured or sick clansman. This made Ancestor Xia's status instantly elevated, after all, once injured or sick in that era, he could only survive on his own, and most people could not survive. With the help of those weeds, Ancestor Xia can actually save them. This is simply the gift of Spiritual God.

As Ancestor Xia uses his knowledge and thinking to solve various problems of the tribe, his status in the tribe is getting higher and higher, and finally the tribe leader surrenders his position to him.

The next thing is as recorded in the history books, Ancestor Xia led Xia Tribe into a more productive farming society, and began to grow food on a large scale. The increase in productivity brought about a surge in population. In that era, as long as the fertility remained, human beings would give birth to a child every year. The stable food supply in the agricultural society makes it less easy for these newborns to die.

Then Xia Tribe, with the help of Ancestor Xia's bronze weapons, began to expand all around, continuously annexing the surrounding tribes to absorb the population. In that era, human emotions were more manifested in instinct, and everyone obeyed the weak are prey to the strong law of the jungle. As long as they have the ability to conquer them, most people will be obediently and honestly obedient. Even most of the time, the lower tribes do not need to use martial power to annex other tribes, they only need a lot of food and the temptation of a superior life.

With the continuous expansion of Xia Tribe, they have also encountered some more powerful tribes, but those tribes still have not entered the real farming society. The powerful productivity of the farming society allowed the lower tribes to have the ability to raise soldiers specializing in warfare. In front of the Xia Tribe's army and bronzes, all other tribes did not even have the ability to resist.

At this time, Xia Yang asked: "Ancestor Xia, you just woke up?"

Ancestor Xia was nodded without thinking, replied: "Yes."

"Then how did you recover from main consciousness in such a short time?"

Xia Yang looked at Ancestor Xia with suspicion. National fortune is his final reward for completing the System mission, even him It will take more than half a year to recover from the national movement and fully recover from main consciousness. And Ancestor Xia was able to fully recover from main consciousness in just a few minutes.

Ancestor Xia replied: "In fact, this is my second resuscitation. As early as the main body awakened my memory, I was vaguely awake. But for some reason, I chose to fall asleep again "

Xia Yang doubtfully said: "For some reason? Is it because you have been sleeping for too long and your consciousness has a problem?"

"No, my consciousness is not If there is any problem, it is because of the woman." Ancestor Xia replied faintly, and his expression became more and more vicissitudes at this time.

Woman? Is it difficult for Ancestor Xia to experience a heart-wrenching love?

Ancestor Xia stretched out his right hand and said: "I will directly transmit the memory to you for the specific reason."

Although that memory is his shame, he will never outsiders I mentioned it, but after the body knew the memory, Ancestor Xia suddenly found that he felt much better. So he decided to share that memory with everyone. After all, a good brother is blessed and enjoys the same difficulties, let alone the relationship between them is closer than the biological brother.

Xia Yang didn't think too much, stretched out his hand to hold Ancestor Xia's right hand, he was also very curious about what kind of woman it was that could make Ancestor Xia pass more than five thousand years and still remember it.

Xia Yang, there is hell ahead.

Xia Xuan, who has been watching by the side, looked at Xia Yang with sympathetic eyes. However, sympathy belongs to sympathy, but Xia Xuan did not stop it. After all, this thing cannot only be suffered by the two of us.

A few seconds later, Xia Yang stood up abruptly, the muscles of his body were tense, and a drop of cold sweat remained on his forehead. This first emperor, who created the first centralized dynasty in human history and established the feudal social system of the world for thousands of years, showed a look of fear.

Immediately afterwards, the first emperor Xia Yang came back to his senses, reaching out his hand to cover his mouth and retching.


If there is a System panel that displays status, Xia Yang should have a negative status, [Gynophobia] or [Misogyny].

A few minutes later, Xia Yang darkened his face and said: "I thought my life was miserable enough, didn't expect your experience one night to be like this..."

"Also I think your attractiveness is not handsome, but at least it is normal. Why are those women so ugly." Xia Yang took a look at this man with a vicissitudes of life.

In terms of attractiveness, Ancestor Xia is much inferior to Xia Xuan and Xia Yang. It can even be said to be a bit ugly, but the special temperament on her body makes people subconsciously ignore him. attractiveness.

Ancestor Xia waved her hand and said: "Even food and drink were a problem in that era. Nutrition could not keep up. Coupled with the poor quality of life, how good can people look? With the current aesthetics At that time, human beings were a group of wild people. Because they didn’t take a bath, they had a fishy smell all over their bodies. They had rotten teeth and rough skin. It was so ugly and ugly."

"After entering the farming society, I As a leader, you don’t have to go out to work hard, three meals a day, and meals with meat. This makes me grow up like I am now. My appearance is the Peak of that era."

Next The three people had an hour of idle talk, chatting about almost everything and telling about their own experiences. After all, both Xia Yang and Ancestor Xia are extremely lonely people.

For example, in that primordial society, Ancestor Xia has no one who can talk to him. Even after more than ten years of teaching, some people have mastered the knowledge he taught and can speak clearly, but these people's thinking still can't keep up with Ancestor Xia.

Xia Yang, the experience of his life is narrating his loneliness. As the first emperor, he is destined to have no one to have an equal dialogue with him.

Finally, there are a few that can be completely trusted. Of course, I have to talk about them.

At this time, Xia Xuan's expression was taken aback, and System's voice rang in his ears.

[New World has been searched, please confirm the world information as soon as possible by Host. 】


Inside Xia Origin Tree, after Xia Xuan closed his eyes, the people who accompanied began to do their own thing.

Goddess of Knowledge also closed his eyes and put his mind far away. Mother Earth Goddess assisted in setting up a technique covering the entire planet.

The cartoon dinosaur is still floating on Xia Xuan's head as usual, and the silver eyes are looking down quietly.

Elena and Stephenie are enthusiastically feeling the huge higher dimension energy contained in this Xia Origin Tree, especially Elf Queen, they have no resistance to this giant tree.

gu lu ~

Akame touched his stomach, thinking that he was going to eat a big meal, didn't expect to come here to sit.

At this time, Xia Xuan, who was sitting on the bronze throne, slowly opened her eyes, and then everyone's eyes gathered, even Goddess of Knowledge opened their eyes.

Goddess of Knowledge asked: "Your Majesty, what happened in the national fortune?"

Just now when Xia Xuan closed his eyes and devoted his mind to the national fortune, Goddess of Knowledge also felt There was a certain change in the national fortune.

Xia Xuan replied: "There are two consciousnesses that have been revived in the national movement. Now that they are in the national movement, I no longer need me to sit here."

Xuan got up from the bronze throne, walked off the bronze throne, and said: "The new world has appeared, Akame, wait a moment to go back and summon the Blood Origin Force to prepare for the exploration mission."

Hearing what was Said, Akame's expression instantly became very serious, and an imposing manner of iron and blood erupted from her, making her look more valiant and formidable looking. Straight back gave a military salute and said: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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