
  Chapter 216

Goblin Slayer world, No. 0 Base Teleportation Gate Area domain.

According to convention, New World's teleportation gate is generally placed in Goblin Slayer world, no matter what happens, the world consciousness is covered. Even if an extremely powerful lifeform breaks in from the teleportation gate, Great Xia does not have to worry about a moth coming out, because in the next second he will be sent to the Starlight Chessboard by the world consciousness.

Especially now that world consciousness has gained the power of four Goddesses and the higher dimension energy transported in by Great Xia, its power is even stronger, and a Class 6 powerhouse can be smashed to death by lightning.

At this time, the people gathered in front of the new teleportation gate are divided into two parts, one is wearing a white coat, the researchers of another world special exploration unit operating various instruments. The other is wearing black armor, a burly figure, and a pair of scarlet eyes. It is simply the Blood Origin Force that makes people shudder by looking at it.

Another world special exploratory force has restarted various detection equipment, and various exploration robots have been restarted. These exploration robots have been updated, and their appearance has also changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

At this time, the shape of the reconnaissance robot is a sphere with a diameter of one meter. There is a blue light spot on the top and bottom of the sphere. Twenty centimeters outward from the center of the light spot, there is a circle of jets. At the same time, since the Wireless Electronics wave cannot pass through the teleportation gate, there is still a long transmission line on these detection robots.

The movement method of the exploration robot has broken away from the original crawler, humanoid, multi-leg and other traditional movement methods, and all are equipped with the latest antigravity unit and jet system. The utmost speed of a single exploration robot can even reach Mach 1. Of course, if the speed is turned on to utmost, the energy consumption is also very severe, and the energy reserve of the exploration robot can only support half an hour.

[Reconnaissance robot has been activated]

[Antigravity unit is activated]

One after another iron ball-shaped reconnaissance robots slowly floated up, right next to the injection port A white flame was ejected and entered the teleportation gate.

In the next second, the robot transmitted back the New World image opposite the teleportation gate, and a picture appeared on the huge virtual screen.

Everyone put their eyes on the virtual screen. The first thing that came into their eyes was the gray concrete wall, and then the robot in charge of the video began to move the field of vision.

The ground is covered with gravel and all kinds of plastic garbage, and the huge concrete wall construction frame. This place is obviously like a human concrete building, and it is still half of the construction, but the rough frame is abandoned.

"It seems that there is a technology society similar to ours in this world. I don't know if the creatures in this society are humans," said the researcher.

Then the robot responsible for shooting, under the control of scientific researchers, slowly came to the window of the abandoned building. At this time, the huge window frame was covered by a piece of blue plastic. A mechanical arm slowly stretched out from the inside of the robot to tear the piece of plastic apart.

The moment the plastic was torn apart, the originally dim abandoned building began to gradually brighten up. The robot photographed a steel forest symbolizing human industrial civilization, and multi-colored neon lights shone into the dim building.

A scientific researcher said: "I bet there are still humans in the world this time, but the level of civilization does not seem to be high, only the level of the previous era."

Another companion Said in a joking tone: "Then if you guessed wrong, please ask us to go to the Succubus Dreamland once?"

My monthly salary is only five thousand. Even if I add the annual salary, I invite you to Succubus Dreamland."

Under the most advanced robotic camera, the city's picture is constantly enlarged and clear, and finally one after Another human silhouette appeared on the screen.

"It seems that it is indeed a human society."

At this time, the scientific researchers responsible for manipulating the camera robot suddenly discovered that the picture seemed a bit wrong. The researchers zoomed in on the screen and saw the words one after another on the shops in the city.

The researchers who manipulate the camera robot cut off the English in these shops, and then re-drew a virtual screen and placed it on it.

"Are you familiar with these words? I always feel as if I met them?"

As soon as these words came out, the attention of all other researchers gathered Up these words.

At the next moment, researchers immediately recognized these words and said: "These words seem to be the English of the Earth Coalition Government?"

Then the researchers asked Xia Spirit to use these Comparing the text with English, it turns out that these texts are indeed in English.

Ten minutes later, various data of this New World were analyzed. Nitrogen in the air occupies about 78%, and oxygen occupies about 20%. At present, no harmful gas to humans has been found, and the gravity is 9.8n.

These data all show that this New World is basically harmless to humans, but these are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that these data are actually the same as The Wandering Earth world. Earth is still there. The data in the solar system is so similar.

Coupled with those English and architectural styles, the researchers suspect that it is another Earth's parallel world?

At this time, a woman wearing black armor, black hair Akame, valiant and formidable looking came over. The researchers saw the women stop their work one after another and saluted the women.

The Special Investment Unit's Chief came to the woman and asked: "His Royal Highness, is there anything wrong?"

Akame pointed his finger at the huge virtual screen above and said : "Can you zoom the camera to the maximum there? There seems to be something there."

"Of course it's okay."

The special Investment Unit Chief immediately asked the camera to be aligned. In the quasi-distant dark night, as the lens kept zooming in, everyone saw an incomparable gigantic wall.

Since everyone’s attention just now was placed on the city below, which is full of neon lights, and the angle of view did not stay too much, I didn’t notice much here. abnormal. But now that I see this, there are 3~4 hundred meters high concrete walls, and everyone is very puzzled.

"What's the matter with this wall? Why build such a tall wall?" The researcher doubtfully said.

This concrete wall looks a bit shocking, but it seems to be just beautiful and has no practical effect. Say it is to prevent the enemy. In front of modern technology, a few intercontinental missiles can blast it through. If it is a landscape, it is even more unnecessary, because to build this huge wall of several hundred meters high will consume a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

"Will it be a super large dam?" A scientific researcher speculated.

"Which city will be built under the dam? And do you see a dam-like structure on this wall?"

An hour later, the special reconnaissance unit used the collected Kind of data, preliminary analysis of this New World.

The environment of this New World is currently harmless to humans for the time being, and humans can move freely in this New World.

There is a civilization in New World, and based on the current situation, it is an industrial civilization dominated by humans. And the technology level of this human civilization may still be at Level 0 civilization. According to the cars on the street, it is guessed that fossil energy should still be used.

The Chief of the Special Exploration Force passed the information to Akame while suggested: "Based on the above reasons, Blood Origin Force is the most suitable for this New World exploration. At the same time, this New World has a modern human society. There is a camera, so in order to prevent exposure, we recommend that Blood Origin Force do not wear armor to go in."

Akame took a ten-centimeter-long metal round stick. On the right side of the round stick is a virtual screen. Akame quickly read the information above, and then transmitted this information to all Blood Originator's tactical helmets.

Ten minutes later, all Blood Originator had already taken off their armor, and everyone put on their daily attire. She also brought cosmetic contact lenses to cover her own pair of scarlet eyes.

At the same time, I put on a layer of artificial human skin mask on my face to make my attractiveness a bit more ordinary, so as not to be too eye-catching.

Now all Blood Originators are just a group of brawny men with burly stature and strong imposing manner.

Akame said: "mission content, bring a miniature simultaneous interpreter, sneak into this human society to inquire about information and figure out the specific situation of this world."

"Next for Secretly, the location of the teleportation gate will constantly change. You can get the location of the teleportation gate through the communication equipment on your body. Remember not to let the communication equipment fall into the hands of other people."

"mission begins."

Hundreds of Blood Originators who were responsible for carrying out this mission said in unison: "Yes!"

"Go, target New World!" Akame turned and moved towards teleportation gate and walked away.

the next moment Her Adjutant stopped her suddenly.

Adjutant said: "Sir, Your Majesty just issued an order. You don't need to participate in this mission."

Akame looked at her Adjutant in confusion and asked, "Why? "

Adjutant shook the head replied: "The reason Your Majesty did not say, but I think this New World is not suitable for Sir exploration from the current situation."

Akame does not matter. It's combat awareness and on-site commanding ability. They are extremely powerful, but they are usually not so clever, that is, they will not deceive and act. I don't know anything about communication and other skills, and it's not suitable for missions to dive into modern human society.

(End of this chapter)

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