
  Chapter 222 Great Xia Fleet: Didn’t expect it, younger brother (6000)

A barren There is not a trace of green on the earth, not even a weed. The sky is yellowish like silt, the entire world has no vitality, but this world, which has no vitality, is very lively at this moment.

Various biological weapons on the earth were roaring and roaring. Their thousands of tons of bodies stepped on the barren earth, causing the earth to tremble slightly. Countless Kaijus on the planet are running wildly, and all Kaiju tacitly moved towards a certain direction.

At this moment, on the desert on the planet, there is a huge hole with a diameter of one thousand meters. In the center of the hole is standing a silver armor, holding a golden holy sword, and having fiery-red hair. Young girl.

A few minutes ago, this was the entrance of a small Wormhole Space, a plundering station established by a Cardinal Precursor. It is said that the wormhole here is followed by a planet with an atmosphere and life, and now this planet has developed a civilization.

This attracted a lot of Cardinal's attention. They wanted to wait for Cardinal at this plundering station to make a mistake and let them take over. Just a planet with an atmosphere has the potential to develop into a colony planet. The most important thing is that this planet has developed a civilization. This civilization may be able to inspire them more and create a more powerful biological weapon.

Just yesterday, their chance finally came, Cardinal from the plundering station asked Planet Bishop for support. It is very likely that Cardinal was repulsed by the civilization on that planet. There was really no way, so I asked Planet Bishop for help.

However, when all Cardinal was gearing up to intervene in this matter, this wormhole connection station exploded. The entire Space station was engulfed by a huge flame, and the violent explosion sounded throughout the continent.

All the senior leaders of Precursor were confused at first, and then saw the wormhole connection station raze to the ground through the planet eye on the orbit. At the same time, there was also a short body with a red hair standing upright. biology.

The first reaction of all Precursor executives is: The enemy has hit home!

This is the first time that Precursor civilization has encountered this situation. In the past, they hit the enemy's home through the wormhole directly, but now they are hit by the enemy through the wormhole.

Immediately afterwards, the senior leaders of Precursor issued an order to let all Precursors in the area control their biological weapon to destroy the enemy. At the same time, because of this incident, Earth Wormhole immediately attracted the attention of all Precursor executives. This civilization, called humans, has the ability to attack them in turn, indicating that the strength of this civilization is not bad, and it is very likely that they have a certain degree of understanding of their wormhole technology, so they can pass through their wormholes. Come and attack them.

Roxi raised his right hand and placed it on his forehead, looking at the huge Kaiju rushing towards her in the distance, and said: "It's really a lot. It's just this battle. It's more than the monster of the faction war. Many."

In the distance, some monsters with long-range attack methods stopped and began to use their weapons and organs to launch attacks.

Xiū xiū!

Electromagnetic beam, ultrasound, Fireball, venom... all kinds of attacks hiding the sky and covering the earth flew to the humans ahead.

Seeing the attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth, Roxi didn't have the slightest panic on his expression. He clenched the golden holy sword with both hands. Fiery-red hair moved with the wind, and an invincible imposing manner erupted from her.

"Look at my 50% normal attack!"

A sword was swung out, and the wind whizzed out. The violent hurricane carried a force to cut everything, instantly smashing everything The attack was dismembered and blown away.

"Next is my round." Roxi clenched the holy sword with both hands, squatted slightly with his knees, and his leg muscles began to tighten.


With a loud noise, the earth was stepped out of a small pit by a huge force. Roxi shoots out in bursts, so fast that people can't even see the afterimage, and the whole person seems to have disappeared.

In the next second, Roxi traversed several kilometers in an instant, passed the giant beast that was constantly charging, and came to Kaiju, who had long-range attack methods.

"The back row is in hand." The holy sword in Roxi's hand burst out with a bright golden light. With a sword swing, all the remote giant beasts felt that the world was enveloped by strong rays of light.


A small sun rose slowly, and dozens of giant beasts around were instantly swallowed by the sun, and there was no chance to react at all.


The shock wave spread to all around, setting off a violent hurricane, howling gusts, and countless stones splashing. This sun vented his violent power, the earth was trembling, and the sky was wailing.

The biological weapon that survived had a rare fear in his eyes. For a moment, he broke free of Precursor's control and took a few steps back. Then Precursor came back to his senses and immediately regained control of his biological weapon.

A few seconds later, sun disappeared, leaving a huge pit. The dozens of biological weapons with remote attack methods that stood there have been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

A young girl is standing in a huge pit, her fiery red hair is moving with the wind, the holy sword in her hand emits a faint glow, and those eyes that shine like the sun are staring at the surrounding Kaiju.


With a loud noise, the red-haired girl's body disappeared out of thin air, leaving a small pit.


A Kaiju flashed by cold light and was instantly cut in half.

Next, Roxi did not continue to use the attack like a nuclear explosion just now. After all, the trick was not very expensive, but she couldn't bear it if she used it too much.

The battle is on the verge, and the silhouette of fiery-red shuttles back and forth in the giant beast. Every time the fiery-red silhouette shuttles, it takes away the life of a giant beast. One giant beast is cut in half, and a large amount of blue blood containing Extreme Poison is swayed in the air.

These giant beasts, which are thousands of tons at every turn, are like paper in this girl with only 1.6m. Every time the girl swings the holy sword, a giant beast will fall. The difference in size between the two sides is like the difference in strength between them, out of reach.

Continuous biological weapons flooded from all directions, and Kaiju, with various abilities, stepped onto the battlefield. Some were spraying venom, some were discharging, some were freezing, some were fire-breathing, some were ultrasonic...

Hundreds of thousands of monsters surrounded the red-haired girl and unfolded violently Siege. However, these monsters did not cause much damage to Roxi. Except for infrasonic range attacks, few attacks can hit Roxi.

These giant beasts are powerful and capable, plus their outer skeletons that are as hard as steel plates. The modern army encounters this group of Kaiju. If the weapons of mass destruction are not used, the whole army will be destroyed. But their biological weapon, which is specially made to deal with other civilizations, is particularly tasteless against this extraordinary lifeform.


A sun rose slowly again, hundreds of monsters were instantly swallowed by the sun, and the giant beast's encirclement was cleared out of a clearing.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the movement is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more biological weapons are coming from all around. On this battlefield, there is only one enemy of Precursor, but it is precisely this one enemy who crushes them with thousands of giant beasts, and the battle is in a one-sided situation.

The Precursors were also shocked by the power of this human at first. It was the first time they encountered a lifeform with a small size and such a powerful force. Although their Kaiju army is now being crushed and beaten by this human, Precursor did not think they were going to lose.

On the planet controlled by Precursor, the biological weapon is the most indispensable. This man seems to have killed a lot of biological weapons, but for the total amount of the planet’s biological weapons, it can only be said to be one hair from nine oxen. Every time she kills a biological weapon, their Precursor will change to a biological weapon and continue to fight until they grind the human to death.

Their Precursor civilization is best at fighting wars of attrition.

The violent soldiers, fighting, the corpses are pulled back to the furnace to rebuild, continue to explode, continue to fight......


The other side is completely covered in flesh and blood In the composed room, a Precursor stands in the room. The crown of this Precursor is 3~4 times larger than other Precursors. At the same time, the crown is crystal clear and near-transparent, which emits a faint red light like red crystal. It is the highest leader of this colony planet, Precursor Archbishop, also called Planet Bishop.

In front of Precursor Archbishop is a wall made of blue flesh and blood. There are more than a dozen pairs of eyes on the wall, each of which has a mouth directly below the middle.

At the next moment, all the eyes that were originally closed on the wall were opened, quietly looking at Precursor Archbishop. They are the Cardinals of various regions on this colony planet, and they are now connected through a biological network.

This meeting of Precursor is similar to a human video call.

When the Precursor Archbishop saw everyone here, his voice hoarsely said: "You should already know, 810 Cardinal Region, an enemy came to our planet from the wormhole."

"Now all the biological weapons in the area have been dispatched and they are besieging the human being. According to the current situation, even if tens of thousands of biological weapons in that area are all on the field, it may not necessarily kill the human."

A Cardinal Precursor said: "According to intelligence, this human civilization, even the planet did not come out, why can we use our wormhole to come to this planet?"

"Could it be the 810 rebellion, he Open the door to this human being?"

"I think the probability of betrayal is very low. 810 should be very aware of the strength of our civilization. And with the power shown by this human being, they use some means to use us The wormhole is not impossible."

At this time, Precursor Archbishop interrupted their conversation and said: "Let's not discuss this problem. Now our most important thing is how to solve this human being."

"Through the eyes of planet, I feel that continuing to use this huge biological weapon is obviously not suitable for dealing with this small, powerful lifeform."

" However, all of our current advanced biological weapons are huge. If we turn our heads to study, the biological weapons with small size and powerful strength are obviously too late."

"I think we can use a variety of special treatments to deal with them. The biochemical virus of carbon-based life."

Cardinal Precursors suddenly found that they had one more shortcoming, that is, they did not effectively deal with this kind of biological lifeform that is extremely fast, small in size, and powerful. weapon.

Finally, Precursor Archbishop decided on the next strategy.

The first focus is on consumption, and the continuous investment of biological weapon into the battlefield, to consume the physical strength of the human, until the mankind is exhausted. Precursors want this human DNA, so they don't plan to use weapons of mass destruction.

Precursors have a hunch that this human being will take their biological technology to a new height.

Second, in order to prevent humans from escaping through the wormhole, check whether the wormhole leading to Earth has been closed. If it is not closed, try every means to close it at all costs.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Precursors are afraid that more such humans will gush out of the hole. If thousands of humans of this level come to this planet from the wormhole, then the Precursor will consider whether to escape.

Or abandon all cities to board the biological interstellar spaceship, and use the advantage of distance to continue to consume these humans.


In outer space, on the orbit, there are various biological spaceships composed of flesh and blood.

Immediately after all the biological spaceship sprayed out light blue flames, the huge body began to move, and followed the orbit to a certain position to fix it.

Immediately after these dozen biological spaceships gave birth to one after another huge tentacles, connected to each other, countless flesh and blood intertwined with each other, and soon a biological interstellar spaceship that was more than twenty kilometers long , Or a biological fortress.

The whole body of the biological fortress is blue, emitting a faint blue light, and a transparent crystallized substance is condensed on the surface. At the same time, there are two huge tentacles extending over a thousand meters on both sides of the biological fortress, and the tip of the tentacles is a strange eyeball.

At the next moment, the flesh and blood under the biological fortress suddenly began to squirm, and then one after another incomparable gigantic giant cannon was quickly formed, and then one of the flesh and blood giant cannon began to emit a strong current.


A huge electromagnetic beam flew out, moving towards the planet below at a very fast speed.

The electromagnetic beam penetrates the clouds through the atmosphere, and the ground is riddled with holes underneath.

Countless monster corpses covered the whole land. One after another Kaiju, who was huge, came from all directions, constantly attacking a red-haired girl.

The red-haired girl constantly waved the holy sword in her hand, chopped one huge monster after another into several pieces, and the blue blood was swayed on the ground. With a lot of monster blood plasma, this desert was dyed a yellow and a blue. At the same time, the air is enveloped by the strong fishy smell emitted by the monster's blood. These gases are extremely toxic, and various diseases will appear when an ordinary person takes a sip.

And Roxi stopped inhaling gas as early as the beginning of the battle. Although these poison qi bodies would not cause any harm to her, they were really smelly.

the next moment Roxi, who was constantly waving the holy sword, suddenly felt a sense of crisis on his head, and immediately slapped her on the ground with an electromagnetic beam of hundreds of meters.


The surrounding Kaiju was also exploded by the strong current emitted by the speed of electric light.

The attack came very fast, and Roxi was completely unprepared.

Two seconds later, the electromagnetic beam disappeared, the surrounding monster corpse had turned into a piece of coke, and a large amount of blood had evaporated.

Roxi was standing on the scorched ground. At this time, her original white and tender skin had become scorched black, her hair was completely burned, and her whole body was alive with black charcoal. The armor and holy sword on his body still maintained their original luster, without being affected in the slightest.

Just when all Precursors thought that this human being was finally dead, a more terrifying imposing manner rose from Roxi, and the biological weapon they controlled almost turned around and ran.

Roxi gnashing teeth said: "70%!"


He stepped on the ground under Roxi's feet into a huge hole with a radius of ten meters. Her figure burst out at an incredible speed and flew to Kaiju ahead.


A Fireball that is larger than all the suns in front of it slowly rises, full of Annihilation Power and swallows everything around it.

Sun has just disappeared, and all the monsters charge forward again, wanting to continue besieging this human. Then the next fiery-red meteor slammed into the densest area of ​​the monster, and then another sun rose.


The attack just now made Roxi look very embarrassed, but it did not cause much damage to her. Of course, if you continue to be attacked at this level, even Roxi will be a little unable to handle it.

Great Xia has also used high-end powerhouse and interstellar fleet to do exercises. If the interstellar fleet does not carry out large-scale orbital bombardment, it is difficult to kill the Class 6 powerhouse. However, if the Class 6 powerhouse does not have special means, it will not be able to fight the interstellar fleet, only escape and be beaten.

Because of the attack just now, Roxi's offense was even more violent, and each attack was like a nuclear explosion. The battle started from a war of attrition between the red-haired girl and Kaiju Legion, and turned into a red-haired girl chasing Kaiju Legion to fight. Each attack of Roxi will take away dozens or hundreds of Kaiju. Slowly, the speed of Kaiju's support began to fall short of her killing speed.

Although the battle situation has become worse, Kaiju Legion has vaguely signs of collapse, but the morale of Precursor has not declined. After seeing the power of this human being, the Precursors had anticipated this situation a long time ago. After all, their biological weapon was not originally used to deal with this extremely powerful lifeform, and they had never encountered this kind of lifeform before. .

But after this time, I believe the direction of Precursor's biological weapon will change. Precursors will study a biological weapon specifically designed to deal with this small, powerful lifeform.

All the biological weapons of Precursor civilization were not all the huge Kaiju at the beginning. The reason why they all became the huge Kaiju later was tailored for the civilization they encountered.

At present, Precursor civilization has not encountered such a small, extremely powerful lifeform, so there is no specialized biological weapon developed because it is not useful at all.


On the orbit, the Planetary Giant Beast of the incomparable gigantic, observed the human through special organs, and still moved freely.

The Precursor responsible for the control of Planetary Giant Beast thought about it. Considering that this human is moving faster than before, it is difficult for a single electromagnetic beam to hit this human, so he decided to do it once on the battlefield. Even bombardment with minimal power.

After all, they still need this human body. He would rather continue to lose biological weapon like this than this human being explodes into waste by electromagnetic beam.

The hundreds of flesh and blood cannons below Planetary Giant Beast emit a faint blue light at the same time, and a strong electric current starts to flow inside.

However, the Precursors in Planetary Giant Beast never thought that when they first launched an attack, they had already exposed their position, and the next person to greet them would be hiding the sky. and covering the earth's plasma bombardment.


An incomparable gigantic black crack suddenly appeared 100 kilometers away from them, and then a thirty kilometers long silver white interstellar master battleship flew out of it, followed by countless medium interstellar battleships.

The silver white battleship group is like shooting stars in the starry sky, dragging the flames of cyan to arrive from the depths of the starry sky. The incomparable gigantic railguns on the battleship narrated the human violent aesthetics to the enemy.

This is Great Xia's strongest army, Great Xia's sharpest spear and shield.

[Super Plasma Rail Gun is ready]

The main battleship immediately locked the incomparable gigantic biological spaceship made of flesh and blood 100 kilometers away, and the huge Super Plasma Rail Gun began. Strong rays of light were emitted, and the horrible energy quickly gathered together.


Thousands of meters wide plasma beam flew out, like a shooting star across the dark universe, slamming straight into the distant flesh and blood Planetary Giant Beast.

At the next moment, a layer of cyan shield appeared on the surface, blocking the terrifying plasma beam. However, without adequate preparation, this is only an emergency preparation for the biological spaceship, and it cannot stop the plasma beam that the human fleet has prepared for a long time.

The cyan shield began to crack, then collapsed inch by inch, and finally the plasma beam fell on the blue crystallized substance on the outer layer of the biological spaceship.

Blocked by this special blue crystallized substance, the biological spaceship barely survived the attack this time. At the same time, the crystallized substance on the outer layer of the biological spaceship has been blown out of a gap, and they will not be able to resist the attack just now.

"What's going on?!"

Biological spaceship All the Precursors in the biological spaceship were confused by the sudden attack this time.

The Precursors who are in charge of controlling their eyes slowly turned their eyes and saw the stars exuding white radiance all over the sky. Seeing this scene, all the Precursors were almost scared to death on the spot. They knew that this was not a star, but that the enemy was accumulating power and preparing to attack!

At this time, countless interstellar battleships have already spread out, forming a huge disk around the main battleship. Numerous interstellar orbital guns emit strong rays of light, and the entire human battleship group seems to be shining brightly. The stars.

The rays of light of the stars are getting stronger and stronger, the stars are shining, and the plasma beam hiding the sky and covering the earth flies out.

Xiū xiū xiū!

The white meteor swarm cut through the dark universe. The Precursors in the biological spaceship saw the wrath of the stars and the endless rays of light.

The huge biological spaceship was swallowed by the plasma bombardment of the human fleet. The two layers of protection of the biological spaceship have been shattered just now, and the Precursors have no time to rebuild.

After the plasma bombing ended, the huge biological spaceship collapsed instantly under the sneak attack of the human fleet, leaving only some hard crystallized substance floating in space, proving that it had existed.

[The target is cleared, all battleships begin to occupy the orbit to search whether the enemy still has an interstellar spaceship. 】

The huge space fleet quickly flew towards the planet’s orbit and quickly occupied the entire planet’s orbit. Because of the previous, Precursor civilization deliberately combined all the biological spaceships to prevent more humans from coming out of the wormhole, turning them into a huge super-class weapon with formidable power.

As long as the situation is out of control, this huge biological spaceship will carry out an even orbital bombardment to eliminate all dangerous factors. However, the Precursors didn't expect that this decision completely wiped out their outer space power.

The Precursors didn't even expect that the enemy would appear in this way, and would be killed directly by Great Xia for a thousand years, and died on the spot in the stomach in one step.

[At present, no enemy's outer space forces have been found, and the planet orbit has been occupied. ]

[plan enter Stage 2, orbital drop. 】

In order to prevent you from always saying that I am out of chapter, I wrote this large plot at once.

And I checked Precursor civilization in the original setting, and at the same time invaded several planets, and there were still many planets plundered by him.

(End of this chapter)

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