
  Chapter 223 Nuclear warhead plus shield is not enough, right?

At the moment Precursor civilization biological spaceship was attacked, all the Precursors above Cardinal received information. A huge army opened a Space crack in some way, directly came to the orbit of their colony planet, and successfully sneak attacked their outer space army.

At this time, their outer space army was wiped out in one fell swoop due to the previous decision, and now their situation is very dangerous.

Planet's central city, in the Conference Hall.

The executives of Precursor who were in a meeting were full of horror, incredible, and doubts. There was a mysterious space army raid them, and most of their attention was focused on that human being.

"What the hell is going on? Why is there an unreached space fleet suddenly appearing on our orbit?!"

"The attack just now caused us The space fleet is annihilated, the orbit has been occupied by the opponent, and we have lost the air superiority. Now the only way is to ask Mother Planet for help."

"But even if we ask Mother Planet for help, we will only get terrestrial biological at best. Legion’s assistance. Space forces need to erect super-large wormholes, and super-large wormholes take time, even mother planet at all costs. It takes a day to erect wormholes."

Maintaining wormholes requires costs. , The larger the wormhole, the higher the cost. It’s good if a wormhole continues to open for several decades. If it continues to open for several hundred years, the consumption will be astronomical.

Therefore, colonial stars occupied by Precursor civilization generally leave several hundred meters wide wormholes for communication and transportation materials. And those wormholes that are thousands or even several kilometers long are specially prepared for war of aggression, and the cost of continuous maintenance is too high, and generally will not be maintained forever.

Precursor Archbishop ordered: "Something has happened. Our space forces are completely wiped out. This is an indisputable fact. The only thing we can do now is to wait for the support of Mother Planet.

Send the highest rank call to mother planet. All cities have entered a state of war. The defense against crystallized substance is fully opened. Pay attention to the enemy's orbital bombardment."

Although their space army is now being attacked by the mysterious force sneak attack. Annihilated, but it does not mean that they have lost. Just support it for a while and wait for Mother Planet to set up a large wormhole. When the time comes, a large number of space fleets will come to support it.

"Yes! !!!"

All the flesh and blood cities on the planet began to change, the whole city began to squirm, all the Precursors have already gone to the designated location, control themselves The biological weapon.

Although the cities of Precursor civilization are various, they are all built according to war fortress, and they can enter a state of combat readiness in case of emergency. Each city is actually an incomparable gigantic war fortress, a complete arsenal that can continuously manufacture biological weapons.

Of course, this kind of city that can become a war fortress at any time is not without its shortcomings. Precursor civilization takes into account the transformation time of war fortress mode, size, defense, strength, movement and other various reasons. This city looks very big, but it's actually extremely crowded. Various biological organs and biological arsenals occupy most of the space in the city. People's lives are like ants in the human world, crowded and cramped.

The life of the Precursor on the ground floor is extremely bad. They don't have a so-called house, not even a room. The place where they rest is a flesh and blood cabin just the size of them. Precursor does not have the so-called entertainment. They are working and manufacturing biological weapons all the time.

The Precursor race can withstand this kind of life. If it were changed to humans, it would have rioted long ago.

During the time that the mysterious interstellar fleet in outer space occupied the orbit, all the cities known to Precursor have entered a state of war. Numerous giant cannons protrude from the city, aiming at all directions. At the same time, the city was covered by a thick layer of crystallized substance, and a special blue energy field appeared above the city.


On the orbit, hundreds of interstellar battleships spread around the huge main battleship, covering the entire planet's orbit.

Now as long as the first space force thinks about it, orbital bombardment can be performed anywhere in the entire planet. However, now Great Xia's attack on Precursor civilization is not to destroy them, but to grab technology.

At present, most of the power of Precursor civilization on the planet has shrunk into the city. The scattered biological weapons staying outside are not worthy of the Orbital bombardment of the First Space Fleet. It will be good to wait for it to be handed over to the airborne troops. As for those cities, orbital bombardment is currently carried out at most to kill their shields. After all, Great Xia needs various technologies in it. If it is accidentally broken and there is no other place, then it will be a big loss.

On an interstellar battleship, all the logistics personnel began to get busy and checked all Mecha Units for the last time.

[The inspection is over, all combatants are invited to enter armor/mecha. 】

one after another Soldiers in combat uniforms boarded their armor/mecha. The soldier enters his armor/mecha, and inside the cockpit is a cylindrical Space with a radius of one meter.

Great Xia’s armor/mecha driving is divided into two types, one is Nerve Synchronization Control, and the second is AI Assisted Manual Control.

Nerve Synchronization Control: As the name suggests, it connects their senses armor/mecha together through Nerve Worm, allowing soldiers to control a huge armor/mecha, just like manipulating his own body. This kind of Nerve Synchronization Control is generally adopted by humanoid armor/mecha.

AI Assisted Manual Control: Without neural connection, it can control large armor/mecha like aircraft and tanks in the past. Generally, this kind of armor/mecha is a variety of large war fortress, that is, firepower platform, and the movement method is crawler or multi-foot.

To put it simply, it is an improved version of the tank, but the firepower of this tank is hundreds of times that of ordinary tanks, and its size is more than ten times that of tanks. This manually controlled war fortress has some powerful defenses that can only be penetrated by a railgun. It is equipped with a special armor baffle and a large energy shield. Unless it is a battleship-class railgun, it is difficult for ordinary attacks to penetrate the defense of this war fortress.

In terms of weapons, the general armor on the war fortress has two near guard cannons, five large artillery pieces, a missile launch bay, and three to five tactical missiles.

It is the dream of the Great Xia fire madmen, the Gods of the multi-cannon gods, and the doctor in charge of fire phobia.

Generally this kind of large armor/mecha requires five to ten people to operate together, and then special AI assistance.

At the same time, in order to prevent some problems with artificial intelligence, drivers have the right to completely shut down the artificial intelligence system, and even when they cannot shut down, they can physically destroy the artificial intelligence system's center through the remote control. This measure is mainly based on the memory of Interstellar Explorers who knew the horror of AI civilization and machine civilization, and made a back-hand to prevent artificial intelligence from rebelling.

[All armor/mecha hatches are closed, armor/mecha energy is started, and the peace agreement has been activated. ]

[All combatants are requested to enter the orbital airdrop warehouse as soon as possible]

One after another giant mecha walked in, an orbital airdrop warehouse made of special materials.

The humanoid Mecha Unit is generally an orbital airdrop module with three mechas, while the war fortress is a single orbital airdrop module due to its size.

[orbital drop plan start]

All interstellar battleships use electromagnetic orbits to launch one after another huge sphere to the planet below. Soon the sphere entered the atmosphere, and as the sphere continued to descend, the speed became faster and faster, and gradually the entire sphere became an incomparable gigantic Fireball.

Looking up at the sky on the dim ground of the planet, you can see countless meteors falling from the sky.

The city of Precursor civilization below immediately reacted. Countless flesh and blood cannons aimed at the meteors in the sky, and terrifying electric currents began to flow through the flesh and blood cannons.


Just when Flesh and Flesh was planning to launch electromagnetic light speed to intercept, suddenly a dozen incomparable gigantic plasma beams fell from the sky and hit the Flesh City, above. The flesh and blood cannons dissolved instantly.

If it were not for that layer of hard crystallized substance, the terrifying energy of the plasma beam would be released, and the dozens of plasma light speeds just now could scatter them ashes and dispersed smoke.

This is the importance of orbital air superiority in interstellar war. Once the orbit is occupied by the enemy, oneself will thoroughly fall into the passive position on this planet. The enemy can rely on the orbit to be condescending and carry out orbital bombardment anywhere on the entire planet surface.

Unless Precursor civilization has countermeasures, no matter how many biological weapons they have, they are just a group of soldiers used to delay time. Even if Precursor civilization instantly formed a Kaiju army composed of Class 5 monsters, it was just a matter of several orbital bombardments for Great Xia.

Of course, Precursor civilization did not intend to just sit and die. An incomparable gigantic gap opened in the flesh and blood city, and densely packed Flying Insect flew out of it. Each Flying Insect is the size of a human head, and 80% of the entire face is occupied by that huge mouthpart.

Hundreds of millions of Flying Insects flew out of the cracks, and flying Insects resembling a locust plague formed a group of black clouds flying in the sky.

The ground around the Flesh City began to tremble slightly, and then an extremely large worm emerged from it, and then went underground again, and the huge body in the middle shuttled for more than a minute.

After the terrifying burrowing seems to disappear, one after another huge monster emerges from below.

in the sky The Flying Insect, which resembles a locust, began to rain towards the flaming meteor falling above.

[A height of eight kilometers...seven kilometers...six kilometers...five kilometers...four kilometers]

[three kilometers, the orbital airdrop warehouse is cancelled]

The next moment one after another huge flaming meteor suddenly exploded, one after another flame-made flowers bloomed in the air, one after another silver armor/mecha flew out of it.

The silver white armor emits a dazzling luster in the sun, and the steel wings spray out light blue flames.

[All humanoid Mecha Units cover the war fortress and land. 】

Silver armor/mecha didn't pay much attention to the insect swarms below, but noticed the giant beasts on the ground that were accumulating power and preparing to launch a long-range attack.

[Tactical nuclear strike preparation, target ground giant beast]

Humanoid Mecha Unit has three mechas, and the armor on the shoulders is open, revealing the tactical missile inside.

Armor/mecha is not too much to bring a nuclear missile, right?

[The target has been locked, and the tactical nuclear strike is ready]


The order was issued, followed by three nuclear missiles, orange- The yellow tail fell downward at a very fast speed.

In the face of the attack from the sky, the First Rank long-range attack, the giant beast, which does not need to be charged, began to attack these flying unknown objects, intending to intercept them.

Electric current, flames, ultrasonic waves, and various long-range attacks instantly enveloped these three tactical missiles. However, the next moment the three tactical missiles opened a semi-circular shield in front of them.

The nuclear missile is protected by a magic shield, right?


By consulting the information submitted by 810Cardinal, Precursor knows that this weapon is a human gunpowder weapon with a very fragile outer shell, and it will explode if it only needs to be gently clapped. But what the hell is this flying object with energy shield? ! You are equipped with energy shields for every throwing weapon. Isn't this bullying? !

The attacks of the giant beasts were completely resisted by the shield, and then the shield was also broken. However, the giant beasts had no time to launch the next round of attacks.

As soon as the missile fell 800 meters above them, the white light instantly illuminated the entire world. The sacred rays of light enveloped these Kaiju, and their souls were about to be affected by this righteous way. Light purification.


A violent explosion sounded, and three mushroom clouds slowly rose. Under the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, all Kaiju was instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Flying Insects in the air caused a large number of Flying Insects to die under the light radiation produced by the nuclear explosion.


The violent shock wave spread all around, and the swarm of insects flying in the sky was hit again.

In the sky, the huge war fortress opened his large shield, and all the humanoid armor/mecha hid behind one after another war fortress to avoid the shock wave generated by the nuclear explosion.

If the battlefield is placed in its own homeland, Great Xia would not dare to do so. After all, the evaporation of a large amount of Kaiju blood in the air will have a great impact on the ecological environment. In this environment, humans will produce various respiratory diseases and then die.

This is why humans in the Pacific Rim world dare not use weapons of mass destruction against monsters. Using thermal weapons to kill these monsters is actually exacerbating human deaths. Once the Earth's environment deteriorates to a certain level, it will no longer be suitable for human habitation, and Precursor civilization will invade.

When the time comes, human beings are truly not far from perish.

But now it’s different. The battlefield is the planet of Precursor civilization. You can explode it as you want. Even if the entire planet’s atmosphere is completely destroyed, Great Xia won’t care. Anyway, it’s not its own. .

The nuclear explosion ended and the Kaiju Legion on the ground was swept away, but there was still a monster continuously drilling out of the ground.

The humanoid Mecha Unit took the electromagnetic kinetic rifle in his hand, headshot all these monsters, and came out to death one by one. And the flesh and blood city next to it also wanted to provide firepower support. However, his flesh and blood cannon had just successfully condensed, and immediately a plasma orbital bombardment came down, completely destroying the cannon.

The Kaiju army on the ground is more uncomfortable. They are not suitable for fighting on the mainland. Each biological weapon is actually a poison qi bomb. The more the enemy kills, the worse their planet environment will be, and the better it is for Precursor to live in.

This makes the civilization they are currently invading not dare to act rashly, and can only slowly be thoroughly studied by Precursor civilization to create specialized biological weapons.

But the situation is different now. The people on the battlefield in their own homes don't feel bad about all the planet environment at all. Aiming at Kaiju is just a violent bombardment. Coupled with the loss of the orbit, the entire planet's air supremacy fell into the hands of the enemy.

Ten minutes later, the Precursors suddenly discovered that the humanoid iron bumps above their heads suddenly stopped attacking. Taking advantage of this gap, a large number of monsters crawled out of it again.


The giant beast tens of meters high made a deafening roar, and more than fifty giant beasts stood together, simply because of the shock of the huge size , Can crush all enemies.

The giant beasts looked up at the sky, and suddenly found that the silhouette of the enemy was missing. Did they escape?

The next moment giant beast immediately discovered the enemy's location. It turned out that these enemies gave up the advantage of the sky and came to the ground so arrogantly. Looking at the enemy ahead, all Kaiju opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, intending to make a deafening roar to make the enemy feel weak.

They have used this trick many times. It is very advantageous against civilians of other civilizations. Even soldiers who face Kaiju's roar will have some fearful emotions. However, at the next moment, all Kaiju did not roar, but took two steps back in shock.

One after another war fortress ten meters high are lined up in a row. The black armor is full of gloss. There are dozens of huge gun barrels on the armor. All the gun barrels are aimed at the Kaiju in front. .

[Fire! 】

pēng pēng pēng!

A huge flame is emitted from the barrel, and the shells that hide the sky and covering the earth fly towards monster.

bang!! !

A huge flame rose up, and the violent shock waves and explosions blew the Kaijus to pieces. The hard shell on their bodies prevented them from violent death immediately, but facing the attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth, Kaiju was blown through the shell and died soon.

There are three reasons why Great Xia’s land army does not use energy weapons.

Second, the consumption of energy weapons is too great to support a protracted battle.

Third, the battle of energy weapons in the planet is easily affected by various factors, and the stability is not as good as gunpowder weapons and kinetic energy weapons.

Under the protection of the Humanoid Mecha Unit, all war fortresses unscrupulously vent their powerful firepower. Those monsters who just got out of the city were instantly blown up by the attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Now Precursor civilization has completely fallen into a disadvantage. First, the space fleet was annihilated and the control of the orbit was lost. Then coupled with the local fighting, a large number of biological weapons have not yet adapted to this battle method, and the combination of various reasons makes Precursor civilization unable to breathe at all.

Had it not been for their hard city, they would have been defeated in the first orbital bombardment. All Cardinal Precursors understand that due to the sneak attack, the annihilation of the space fleet caused them to lose most of their power. The only thing they can do now is to stand by and wait for the rescue of Mother Planet.

Great Xia also knows that this is just a colony of Precursor civilization. The colony is attacked and the mother planet will come to help soon, so Great Xia does not intend to fight them for a long time.

After half an hour, a city was finally breached.

In a major colony city, special petals composed of layers of flesh and blood on the periphery of the city are completely closed, protecting the entire city. From the outside, the whole city is like a red rose, beautiful and coquettish.

At this time, the originally dim world suddenly brightened, and the soft white light covered the entire Heaven and Earth, even the dark city was covered with this white light.

At this time, a silver armor/mecha stands in the sky above the city. The appearance of this mecha is very different from other armor/mecha. His body is only three meter tall, which is more slender and closer to humanoid. At the same time, the weapon of armor/mecha is not an electromagnetic kinetic energy gun, but a silver white long sword.

The silver white armor/mecha stands in the sky, and the surrounding white light surrounds the armor/mecha. Behind the armor/mecha is a pair of 10-meter-long huge wings of light, like Gods.

This mecha is tailor-made for Tatsumi's high-end powerhouse, and the technology used is the superpower enhancement technology obtained from Interstellar Explorer. Can effectively strengthen the power of high-level powerhouse, except for physical power.

Tatsumi's eyelids droop slightly, her pure white pupils are looking at the roses below, the light wings behind them burst out with dazzling rays of light, and the long sword in his hands is slowly raised.

Immediately afterwards, the white light covering the entire Heaven and Earth began to surging, gathered quickly, and slowly a silhouette composed of rays of light appeared. The light and shadow were huge and 20 meters high.

The silhouette became clearer and clearer, and everyone vaguely saw an eight or nine-year-old girl.

"Swear by soul, make a wish by life."

The long sword in Tatsumi's hand slowly fell, and the little girl behind it followed with the most basic sword move: slash .

This is the sword trick he promised to teach her, and it is also a trick too late to teach.

With the blessing of special armor/mecha, Tatsumi's strength continues to rise, barely reaching the level of Class 6.

The light blade of the incomparable gigantic drops bright radiance. The light blade does not emit any offensive breath, but is as soft as ever.


The city has long been unable to support it. Under the attack of war fortress and orbital bombardment for half an hour, all the crystallized substance and shield. This blade of light was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and the rose above the entire city had cracked a huge hole.

Hundreds of mechas soared into the air and rushed into the flesh and blood city, sweeping away every enemy inside.

Today, I have to go to the school to get the file and get the graduation certificate, and my home is far away from the school, it took a lot of time, so the update is a bit late.

The second one should be until two o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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