
  Chapter 224 The end of the world is written by humans

Countless low-level Precursors raise their heads and use those huge pupils Looking at the huge crack in the sky, the pupils were full of surprise, fear, and sluggishness.

They are proud that the Defense System was breached, and this place they thought was the safest place was cut through a huge crack.

Everyone above the crack saw it, the silhouette exuding white radiance, the silver white armor was shining under the white light, and the wings of sacred light were slightly agitated, just like Gods.

The armor/mecha crystallized by technology is intertwined with the angels in the myth.

At this moment, even the Precursor, which is inconsistent with human aesthetics, feels the sacredness and beauty of this silhouette.

At the next moment, one after another humanoid steel Kaiju suddenly appeared above the crack. Hundreds of steel Kaiju hovered over the city, raising a huge weapon in his hand.


This sound resembles the horn of death. As soon as the sound rang, and a few below, the Precursor's body instantly exploded, and the fleshy ground beneath his feet was blasted out of a pit of several tens of centimeters.

The surrounding Precursor turned his head and stared at the sudden death, and then everyone came back to his senses, and the beetle-like face showed an expression of horror.

There was a hoarse cry in their mouths, and countless Precursors turned and fled, but just when they were in chaos, one after another black shadow fell from the sky.

peng peng peng!

Hiding the sky and covering the earth shells fell from the sky, hundreds of Precursor bodies exploded in an instant, blue blood and broken limbs splashed all over , The ground instantly became riddled with holes.

Precursors are the strongest guarantee of Ancient Times. The hard outer skeleton is so unbearable in front of the shells that it breaks like glass with one touch.

The Mecha Unit in the sky did not land, but raised the height again. According to the information provided by the command, Precursor civilization is a crazy biotechnology civilization, and everything they use is essentially a biological weapon.

Even the dormant cabin they use for rest can turn into a cannibalistic monster, let alone the city they live in. If you enter this city rashly now, you will definitely be attacked by the Defense System inside the city.

Thousands of tentacles, corrosive solutions, deadly electric currents... Various attacks will come from all directions. Even if thousands of mecha enter it at once, it is very likely to be lost More than half.

Immediately outside the city, one after another war fortress adjusted the muzzle to aim at the crack in the middle of the rose.

[Napalm is ready, launch! 】

one after another Napalm flew out and fell precisely into this huge rose. The napalm bomb just hit the flesh and blood city, black gasoline was sprayed out with flames, and the whole city instantly turned into a fire sea.

A fierce flame burned the city composed of flesh and blood, and a large piece of flesh and blood began to twitch, shrink, and then become scorched under the flame.

At the same time, countless Precursors were instantly ignited by napalm bombs, and instantly turned into a fire person rolling on the ground, making a screaming cry.

However, no matter how he wailed, the flames on his body continued to burn his body, burning his outer skeleton through, burning his flesh and blood to ashes, and finally burning him together with his bones. Into coke.

The burning smell and the pungent smell of gasoline permeated the whole city. The city has turned into a fire sea, and the mournful wailing resounded throughout the city, which is like hell.

At this moment, the wailing, fear, not knowing what to do of the prophets do not appear pitiful, some are just ironic, naked irony. Not long ago, their army, the Kaiju they made, was still trampling on the human city. Human beings are like trivial ant, running around under the drive of Kaiju, the proud steel forest, in front of Kaiju, is like a person stepping on an ant's nest, breaking with one touch.

Now everything has changed, and now it is humans' turn to destroy their homes and trample them under their feet. Let them experience fear and pain, let them deeply realize their own insignificance.

The raging flames are still burning, and the entire flesh and blood city has become scorched, one after another black shadow descends from the sky.

The silver white armor, the steel wings that emit one after another blue flame, and the electromagnetic kinetic rifle full of human violent aesthetics.

The silver white humanoid armor/mecha stands in this hell-like fire sea, step by step sweeping away the remaining Precursor hiding in the building.

No matter how wailing these Precursors are, the silver white armor/mecha has no mercy, shoot them and trample them. Let Precursor experience the fear before death, let them struggle, run away, and howl like a trivial ant, and finally crush him.

"No, no...Don't come over!" A Precursor collapsed on the ground, looking at the silver demon getting closer and closer to him.

An emotion called fear appeared in his heart for the first time. This is life's fear of death.

At this time, his emotions, his panic, are just like those of the humans who died in the Kaiju attack. I can only vent my panic, and constantly utter the fear of death.

The driver's indifferent eyes looked at the Precursor and ignored his begging for mercy. He slowly lifted the armor/mecha's right leg and stepped on the Precursor.


Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, blue blood splashed everywhere, and the Precursor was instantly trampled into fleshy flesh.

For the pilot, they are just a group of insects, a group of insects that are threatening to humans, and the duty of their army is to destroy them.

Great Xia had already sent information about the Pacific Rim to the computer terminal of every soldier two days ago. There is not much information about the Pacific Rim, only the history of battle between humans and monsters. It’s not a long time, it’s only more than ten years, but this brief information is of great significance to all Great Xia soldiers.

The vast majority of soldiers realize that no matter which world they are in, weak humans are so unbearable in front of alien civilization. The Pacific Rim World attacked humans, causing hundreds of millions of deaths and injuries to humans, and forced humans to abandon the ocean. Kaiju was only caused by a Cardinal of Precursor civilization.

The power controlled by Cardinal is a mayor in exchange for a human being, and his military power is the police station. Relying on the power of a police station, the entire human society has even made seven billion humans retreat step by step.

It's ridiculous, it's ironic, it's reality.

Just like the Great Xia, alien civilization just came to an organization similar to a pirate group, which could destroy the entire human society.

This is the reality. Before mankind has fully entered the interstellar society, all who have the ability to come to mankind can destroy mankind. Simply attacking on the orbit can abolish all the human attack methods so far.

After reading the report on the Pacific Rim, the Great Xia soldiers understood one thing. The war between civilization and civilization in the interstellar society does not require a reason, and the life and death battle between races does not require a reason. .

If there are real reasons and reasons, then he is a threat to me, so I want to destroy him.

Others are eternal hell.

If you don't want your fellow citizens to fall into hell, then step on the other person into hell.

The silver demon sweeps every inch of land in the city, killing every life here. The blazing flame is celebrating the demons, and the precursor's wailing is singing the praises of the demon.

In this hell of flames when the disaster of this world is coming. There is the Precursor of Final Struggle, the Precursor who gives up resistance and waits silently for death, and the Precursor who kneels on the ground and prays to Gods for blessing. However, no matter who it is, no matter he is the bottom-level Precursor, ambassador, Cardinal, in this brief moment......

All living things are equal!

Waving wings of light, Tatsumi split open the most central center of the city, and took out a blue agate-like brain that was crystal clear and near-transparent.

The whole city lost its vitality in an instant. After losing the help of the city, the Precursor, which was still resisting, was not the opponent of this one after another steel monster at all.

The show called Killing came to an end, and a picture called Hell appeared.

The silver white armor/mecha stands quietly in this devastated city, the flame is still burning, the ground is piled with countless corpses, and the blue blood has already covered the ground.

The demise of civilization is witnessed by mankind, and the end of the world is written by mankind.

Is the hell drawn by humans beautiful?

My girlfriend is a perfect girl, she is not willful, not hypocritical, not clingy, does not make-up, does not exist...... Don't care.

(End of this chapter)

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