
  Chapter 225 The Profound Truth of armor/mecha is a matryoshka (6000)

In this rose city The central brain was taken out. After the entire city lost its life, the ground troops responsible for attacking the city began to call the interstellar battleship on the orbit.

[Here is Assault Force-018, at 13:24, our army successfully defeated the target and has completely cleared all the Precursors in the city]

[Battle damage: a war The damage rate of the fortress reached 30%, a mecha was damaged, and there were no casualties. ]

[Request to send an interstellar battleship to receive spoils of war]

Ten minutes later, the clouds in the sky were broken open by a huge monster, and the interstellar battleship a few kilometers long slowly Lowered the height, and finally stopped at the roasted flesh and blood city below, 500 meters above it.

Immediately after dozens of small spaceships flew out and fell into the city, one receiving robot came out of it. The captured Precursor engineer, City Brain, biological embryos... all kinds of resources were transported to the spaceship, and then the spaceship sent these spoils of war to the battleship.

After the interstellar battleship received the spoils of war, it climbed again and moved towards outer space. However, when the height reached more than 5,000 meters, the mutation protruded.


A blue beam of several hundred meters wide flew from the sky, carrying terrifying energy, and shot at the interstellar battleship at a very fast speed.

[Warning, high-energy response, emergency energy shield opening, 100%]

the next moment A cyan shield instantly formed a general, completely caged the battleship. Immediately after the scary red beam, it hit the energy shield heavily


The scary energy exploded in an instant, the huge interstellar battleship tilted slightly, and the energy shield was Continue to kill, and finally exploded.

Without the blocking of the energy shield, the red beam blasted directly on the interstellar battleship.


[Warning, battleship is under attack, and the loss is being calculated]

[Armor damage factor 5%, no loss in other parts. ]

[Emergency maintenance is underway, and calculations do not affect navigation. 】

Since the energy beam was offset by shields just now, most of the energy was cancelled out, and only a small part of it hit the interstellar battleship, so it did not cause much damage to the interstellar battleship.

At the end of the horizon, dozens of incomparable gigantic plasma bombardments fell from the sky and landed on the flesh and blood city that had just launched the attack.

The city wants to reconsolidate the crystallized substance to release the energy shield, but unfortunately everything is too late. This time the orbital bombardment is stronger than before. One after another, the plasma speed of light directly smashed the crystallized substance that had just condensed, and the terrifying energy exploded in an instant.


A deafening explosion sounded, one after another a huge mushroom cloud thousands of meters high slowly rose. The violent power destroys everything around, the light of the right way of Great Xia completely swallows the city, and all the lives inside are instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Although the biological weapons of Precursor civilization have longer attack intervals than Great Xia's technology weapons, their formidable power and penetration are greater than those of Great Xia's weapons. Even if the Interstellar battleship full strategy turns on the energy shield, it can't stop the full strength attack of the giant cannon in these cities.

However, these cities have giant cannon formidable power, but as long as they dare to launch an attack, the fierce orbital bombardment will completely destroy it.

Precursor civilization wants to use the urban giant cannon to disperse the energy shield, and once the energy shield is disperse, the crystallized substance alone cannot stop the large-scale orbital bombardment.

This is the reason for the biggest dilemma of Precursor civilization. The orbit is occupied by the enemy, but they have no effective countermeasures. They can only be beaten obediently and honestly when they lose air superiority.


On the dim sky, one after another bright beams descended from the sky. These extremely huge beams full of terrifying energy, like Divine Punishment, fell to the flesh and blood city on the ground. .

The plasma orbital bombardment of the Great Xia Space Fleet continued to fall on the cities of Precursor civilization, so that these huge biological weapons that were originally prepared for war did not even dare to move. They could only condense all kinds of things. The characteristic crystallized substance disperses the energy of plasma bombardment.

Although the Precursor civilization space fleet is now annihilated by a sneak attack, the city fortress with the largest weapon on the ground has been suppressed by the human orbital bombardment of Great Xia, unable to move even a little bit, and is at an absolute disadvantage. But no matter how poor the Precursor civilization is, it is also a Level 2 civilization, a civilization with gene programming technology and wormhole technology.

Even at this disadvantage Precursor, civilization still has the power to counterattack Great Xia's ground forces.

"roar!" A beetle-like Kaiju opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl with a sharp and piercing sound.

The invisible sound waves spread all around, and the drivers sitting in the armor/mecha are slightly frowned, feeling uncomfortable all over.

In the face of this situation, more than a dozen war fortresses aimed at Kaiju at the same time, hundreds of huge fortresses, and at the same time a brilliant flame erupted.


Missiles, artillery, near guard cannon, while pouring their own ammunition, the attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth instantly fell on this spider.

However, at the next moment, a slender Kaiju, covered with strange crystallized substance, stood in front of the spider. Then a huge pale red special energy shield appeared in front of the monster, and all attacks fell on this energy shield.


All the attacks of the war fortress were resisted by this shield, and this shield was still completely motionless in the face of such a fierce attack.

From the fight to the present, these two Kaijus are obviously different from other Kaijus. The abilities of these two Kaijus are even more bizarre and their bodies are stronger. Even if they are hit and hit, they can always be used in a special way. Escape from fatal injuries.

Such as this Kaiju, which is covered with red crystallized substance, can release a red energy shield and resist most attacks.

The spider emits a very penetrating ultrasound, even the drivers sitting in the armor/mecha are not immune. But fortunately, the energy shield can withstand most of the damage from this special sound wave. There have been no casualties for the time being, but several drivers have fainted.

Under the leadership of these two Kaijus, the Kaiju Legion of Precursor civilization actually forced the war fortress troops to retreat and Great Xia began to suffer losses.

Having survived the initial attack, Precursor civilization gradually slowed down and began to counterattack. More and more Kaiju came out of the underground, and even an army of more than a dozen Class 6 monsters, raid war fortress, appeared.

For example, the current two Kaijus are obviously more than ten times stronger than the ordinary Kaiju. No matter in terms of speed, strength, defense, and abilities, they are several grades higher than other monsters. Their movements are no longer so late, they are more sensitive to the control of their huge bodies, and coupled with various weird abilities, they can actually crush the war fortress.

The most uncomfortable thing for ground troops is that nuclear strikes did not achieve the expected effect. For example, Class 6 Kaiju, even if it is in the center of the explosion, it will not necessarily die. (Original plot Class 6 Kaiju, capable of resisting nuclear explosions)

If it weren't for the Humanoid Mecha Unit, which fell from the sky from time to time and landed on these monsters, and carried out face-to-face raid interference, the war fortress unit would have been defeated and collapsed.

However, it is not these high level Kaiju that cause the greatest trouble to the ground forces, but the worms that burrow into the ground. Thousands of meters of worms burrowed around underground, from below from time to time, and bit the war fortress with his terrifying mouthparts. Sometimes a little carelessness, the entire war fortress will be bitten by worms, and the combatants above have to make an emergency escape and abandon the war fortress.

However, there is only one worm that can crush the war fortress in one bite on the battlefield, and one worm is several kilometers long.

[Class 7 Kaiju controlled by Cardinal appears, requesting firepower support. 】

A few seconds later, an incomparable gigantic plasma beam fell from the sky, in the middle of the two Kaiju who were still resisting fiercely. The two Kaijus were instantly swallowed by terrifying energy. Under the terrifying energy explosion, the body that could resist the nuclear explosion instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Facts have proved that there is nothing, the powerful fire can't solve it, if there is, then it will be more violent!


A new orbital bombardment is on again, in the sky a huge plasma beam is constantly falling, accompanied by the emergence of one after another mushroom cloud, an explosion that shakes the sky and earth The sound rang, and the terrifying shock wave rolled up the gusts of wind.

This time the orbital bombardment is no longer aimed at the city, but at the army led by the high level Kaiju. The Precursor civilization, which was originally raised slightly, was trampled down again.


A major city of Precursor civilization, there are five strange spiral-shaped buildings over a hundred meters high around the city. These buildings emit a faint blue light, forming an invulnerable , indestructible and impregnable shield.

This shield is extremely strong, even after a few hours of orbital bombardment, and under the nuclear strike of the war fortress, there is still no sign of collapse.

At the same time, the Kaiju army here is also the largest city in the entire planet except for the central city. This is the largest biological factory on the planet, the largest biological weapons research site, the most worrying gathering place for biological engineers, and the most comprehensive place for knowledge storage.

As long as the city is captured, the bioengineers in it are captured, and the knowledge in it is obtained, the purpose of Great Xia's operation is basically achieved.

So Great Xia gathered hundreds of war fortresses and thousands of mechas here to surround the city. Using powerful firepower, Kaiju Legion gushing out like a tide can’t be lifted. Come.

However, now Great Xia has encountered a problem, that is, the energy shield in this city is too strong to be worn in a short time. And Great Xia doesn't have the time to slowly kill a shield. This is just a colony of Precursor civilization. The colony is attacked and the mother planet will soon come to help.

If the reinforcements of Precursor civilization mother planet come, then Great Xia can only consider retreating temporarily. Right now, it is irrational to have a level 2 civilization, especially Precursor civilization, a civilization that was born entirely for war.

Although there is no direct breakthrough, it does not mean that Great Xia cannot enter the city through other methods.

At the back of the battlefield, a special force began to gather. The pioneer Legion, all composed of lifeforms above Class 3, was the strongest individual force of Great Xia.

Wu Feng looked at the hundreds of pioneers in front of him. They were Great Xia's most loyal soldiers and the sharpest blades.

"Repeat the content of the mission. Since the space of this city has been filled with various wormhole channels by Precursor civilization, if Space magic is used rashly, it is very likely to teleport to unknown places. So next , You need to temporarily enter the Dimensional Formation, and then Sage will send the Dimensional Formation in through a special method.

After the Dimensional Formation enters, the Luminous Day Force is the first to go out and open the energy barrier to attract firepower. Blood Origin Force uses his own blood to advance this huge city and find the City Brain to destroy it."

Wu Feng injected energy into the black cube in his hand, which was one to five meters wide and six meters wide. Meter-high cracks appeared.

"The mission begins, may the glory of Great Xia live forever!"

"May the glory of Great Xia live forever!" All the pioneers responded in unison, and then entered neatly and orderly Dimensional Formation.

After all the pioneers entered the Dimensional Formation, Wu Feng looked towards Sage Deloris next to him and said: "You can start teleportation."

Sage Deloris nodded, running the energy in the body , At the feet of Wu Feng, sketched out one after another mysterious Magic Trace, and said in his mouth: "This Space has been covered by one after another wormhole passage, which is extremely unstable. I will forcefully smash these away after a while. The wormhole sends you in."

"The wormhole channel that I forcibly knocked out will be distorted or even collapsed. At the same time, the Space in this area will become more unstable, so you use teleportation magic After entering, you can no longer come out through teleportation magic."

A few minutes later, this special teleportation magic was finally outlined, and all the Magic Traces burst into strong rays of light, followed by Wu Feng's The figure disappeared in the same place out of thin air.


In the city, in this city where the planet’s best bioengineers are gathered, all the engineers have begun to develop biological weapons against these enemies outside.

Researchers found that after losing the outer space power and the enemy completely occupied the orbit, even if the firepower of their Precursor was strong, they could not make it out. Therefore, the direction of the researchers has changed from pursuing more powerful firepower to suppress the enemy to killing the creatures inside the enemy's weapon.

According to the intelligence obtained from the current battle, Precursors, I know, this time the enemy is human. The Precursors do not understand why the information uploaded by Cardinal, who is in charge of Earth, is so different from the power displayed by this human being, it is simply heaven and earth.

The information transmitted by Cardinal said at first that human beings are a very stupid and weak race, even in the face of extinction, they are still in intrigue.

Later, another book was passed on. The intelligence of super-class lifeforms appeared in human beings, and the intelligence showed that there were only a few such super-class lifeforms.

All kinds of intelligence have made Precursor civilization make wrong choices one after another.

Humans teleported a huge army to their orbit through some kind of Space technology, and wiped out their space army, and now they are crushing them on the ground. This is called a surface civilization that has not yet stepped out of Mother Planet? Is this a weak, timid human being? !

All the senior leaders of Precursor can't wait to screw off the Cardinal head and transform it into a biological transportation tool.

The information transmitted by this traitor is all false!

Fortunately, with their years of operation, one city after another has barely gained a foothold and has not been annihilated in one fell swoop.

Just when all Precursor engineers were working hard to develop specialized biological weapons, suddenly the whole city began to shake.

A message has passed into the brains of all Precursor, and an enemy has invaded!

After receiving the message from City Brain, all Precursor's expressions are full of surprises, and I can't believe them. This city uses the most advanced biological shield. The special position emitted by solid crystals can not only reflect most of the energy, but also effectively resist kinetic energy attacks. Why can the enemy come in?

The Precursors who were still working on the surface of the city suddenly lifted the head and saw the sky above, the energy shield was not damaged. All the Precursors sighed in relief one after another, but at the next moment, their expressions became horrified again, because a human army did not know when they had arrived over their city.

Pioneers wearing Luminous Day Mecha suspended in midair with the help of the antigravity unit, looking down at the city made of flesh and blood below.

[Starting to drop the rotating bomb]

The one after another blue ball of light flew out of the pioneers, and then flew down at a very fast speed.

The flesh and blood city below immediately responded, one after another small energy fort protruding from the ground, shooting out one after another red energy beam.

Luminous Day Force immediately dispersed. At a speed as high as Mach 4, their figure turned into a meteor, flew in the city to avoid various attacks from the flesh and blood city, and dropped at the same time. one after another rotating bombs.


one after another orange-yellow sphere of light spreads all around, this sphere of light is like a black hole, swallowing everything around. The huge city was completely chaotic, and the Precursors began to flee around.

The battle is about to break out, and the entire city instantly becomes a battlefield, blue meteors are flying in the sky, and countless monsters crawl out of the ground.

In the absence of external firepower support, Luminous Day Force is obviously unable to suppress the entire city's attack methods in an instant.

Countless tentacles soar into the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s energy beam, indiscriminate ultrasonic attacks, and venom attacks. Faced with these attacks from all directions, they will also be attacked. Hit.

After all, the current battlefield is equivalent to inside the enemy. In a sense, Luminous Day Force has been completely surrounded by the enemy, and there is no way to avoid it in the face of an attack with no dead ends.

While moving at a high speed, a trailblazer raised the plasma cannon in his hand, destroying all the turrets that continuously fired energy beams.

At this time, the Blazers turned their heads and saw a dozen Kaiju, which was ten meters long and very similar to the Winged Dragon, and even caught up to his speed.

The Blazers did not speed up, trying to escape the pursuit of this group of Kaiju, instead turned around and aimed the plasma cannon in their hands at the frontmost Kaiju.

"roar!" Kaiju opened its toothy mouth and made a sharp sound like a duck.


A plasma beam flew out at the speed of light, flew directly into Kaiju's mouth, and then penetrated his body with Kaiju behind it.

The Blazers attack made the other dozen Kaiju completely catch up, and opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, ready to spray a deadly dissolved venom.

Faced with this situation, the Blazers did not panic. A three-meter-long laser blade suddenly appeared on the back of his left hand.

[The laser blade is turned on, the power is 100%]

[The jet system is turned on at full power]

The next moment Luminous Day Mecha, the jet port behind the The plasma propelled the particles several times more intensely in the past, and the speed rose again, and the whole person turned into an afterimage.

The blue meteor flashed across more than a dozen Kaiju in an instant, leaving a blue streamer entwining the Kaijus.

In the next second, a dozen Kaiju who originally baring fangs and brandishing claws were cut into a dozen pieces instantly, and blue blood with Extreme Poison swayed in the air.

The trailblazer's figure appeared in the air again. At this time, the plasma propulsion unit behind him, the flame emitted by him was much weaker.

The trailblazer took a look at how much energy the armor/mecha had left. [90%], 10% of the energy was consumed only ten minutes after the start of the battle. The anti-kill action just now actually only consumed 1%, and most of the remaining energy was consumed by plasma cannon.

This is why ordinary armor/mecha does not carry energy weapons, the consumption is too large, it is better to carry gunpowder weapons and kinetic energy weapons.

The Blazers turned around to continue to attract firepower, but the next moment a strong sense of crisis came from behind him.


A monster, which is only eight meters in size and very similar to a praying mantis, suddenly appeared behind the trailblazer. The praying mantis Kaiju raised the huge sickle and swung it down abruptly.

In the face of a sudden attack, armor/mecha automatically turns on the shield.

Boom! kācha!

This sickle obviously has a special effect. The energy shield was instantly cut, and the huge sickle was heavily chopped on the armor/mecha.


The trailblazer's figure fell down like a cannonball, and the mantis took advantage of the victory and pursued it, transforming its figure into an afterimage, and came to the trailblazer to swing again.

However, after encountering a raid, the Blazers had already reacted, and with the help of the antigravity unit, they suddenly turned around and grabbed the sickle.

The bodies of the two fell at a very fast speed, and finally hit the ground heavily.

The trailblazers firmly grasped the sickle with both hands. At this time, the sickle had penetrated one centimeter into the outer armor/mecha. The praying mantis Kaiju slowly raised his other sickle and slashed it directly on the shoulder of the armor/mecha, and then swiped it directly down the shoulder. The thick armor/mecha was directly cut through.

The praying mantis Kaiju looked at the armor/mecha that was beheaded by it, and made a sharp cry, with a pleasant posture, but this was its last pleasure.

"ka ka!"

the next moment, a pair of black armor-covered palms suddenly protruded from the crack, forcibly breaking the crack open, and then a black shadow came out .

The praying mantis monster saw a red rays of light, and then its sight began to fly to the sky, and it saw its own body.

The trailblazer wearing the latest outer skeleton armor held a laser short blade and kicked the mantis Kaiju's body in front of him with one kick, and then made a few more knives to make sure it was completely dead.

The head of the praying mantis Kaiju, which fell to the ground a few meters away, was not completely dead. At this time, his red eyes were full of doubts.

Mantis Kaiju can't understand why there is a small iron lump inside this iron lump? !

(End of this chapter)

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