
  Chapter 231

Great Xia Calender 1215, August 14, half of Great Xia has been continuous After four days of heavy rain, and the heavy rain showed no signs of stopping, the river's water level rose rapidly. Seeing that the large tracts of fertile fields in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River are about to be flooded, a famine is about to come.

However, on the second day, a bright baby cry came from the Imperial Palace, and then spread throughout the entire imperial city. the next moment The torrential rain in the sky suddenly stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated at an incredible speed.

This torrential rain that was about to hit the entire dynasty instantly dissipated into the clear sky, and a beautiful rainbow appeared above the Imperial Palace.

Today is the day of the birth of the first child of Emperor Xia Ning, who has just ascended the throne. That cry was made by this child.

This news spread throughout the capital in a short period of half a day. After all, everyone heard the bright cry of the baby, which could not be covered by the rainstorm. Then things began to spread at an incredible speed. In just one month, under the impetus of the Imperial Family, the news spread throughout Great Xia in an instant.

For a while, the entire Great Xia, from the dignitaries to the dignitaries, was discussing this matter. Everyone thought it was a sign of Saint's coming into the world.

The legendary Saint was born with a natural phenomenon. So far, there are two people who can be called Saint. They are Ancestor Xia who created the Great Xia language and the first emperor who unified the world. According to legend, the two Saints were born with a natural phenomenon, such as Ancestor Xia. At the moment of birth, the sun and the moon appeared in the sky at the same time, which is called Sun and Moon's Splendor.

As things continued to brew, everyone began to think that this new-born baby was a Saint, a Saint who could rival Ancestor Xia and Shi Huang in the future. Some people even shouted out "Saint has no father, he should come out because of the heavens."

1 month later, when the baby is full moon, Emperor Xia Ning named it Crown Prince.

The following ten years, Great Xia can be described as smooth wind, harvest every year, and the big granaries are completely filled. This period is called the rule of Ningsheng.

Emperor Xia Ning relied on the general trend of Saint Crown Prince to launch his own grand plan and implement a series of reforms. The implementation of light taxation, expressly prohibited selling themselves as humble, all the civilians who sell themselves are turned into long-term workers. Relief grains should be distributed frequently to reduce rent and labor, develop agricultural production, and build water conservancy projects. Remove corrupt officials and strengthen centralization. Abolish officials and merge counties and counties.

Emperor Xia Ning even broke the Aristocratic Family’s monopoly on knowledge to a certain extent. Government schools are set up in every county town, so that ordinary commoners have the opportunity to learn knowledge. Although this opportunity is very slim, it may be possible for the entire county town to be able to learn from hundreds of people. At the same time, the official selection examination was opened, a prototype of the imperial examination system.

The rule of Ning Sheng: The people are prosperous and the country is strong, the society is stable, and the Imperial Court is enlightened. In this era, ordinary persons can also eat two meals a day, and they rarely get hungry. Even the beggar on the roadside, most of them died of illness, but starvation is rare.

The prosperity of Ning Shengzhi's rule laid a solid foundation for the next prosperity of Tianyuan.

Great Xia Calender In 1229, when news came that this peaceful and stable society exploded, the gossip said that Saint Crown Prince today is actually a virgin.

This news is terrible. The weather in the past ten years has been so smooth, and most people attribute it to Saint Good Fortune. Most of the civilian homes have long life cards for the current Crown Prince. This very prestigious, known as Saint, is destined to inherit the Crown Prince, turned out to be virgin!

Just when Emperor Xia Ning was thinking about how to calm the storm, Crown Prince actually stood up and publicly admitted his virgin.

The fact of the news caused a bigger disturbance. At the beginning, everyone was half-trusted, and even most people felt that this was a rumor released by a desperate villain. But now the news is confirmed, and Crown Prince personally admitted, the shock that it brought has made everyone unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

At night, Imperial Palace, Royal Study Room.

Emperor Xia Ning looked at his most beloved daughter in front of him, and asked: "Wushuang, you should know how much trouble this will cause? If you do this, it will affect your succession in the future. "

Emperor Xia Ning witnessed the birth of Xia Wushuang. It was a scene like Divine Vestige, which made him believe that this child will create a true prosperity in the future, and her achievements will be comparable to Ancestor Xia and Shi Huang. So Emperor Xia Ning did not hesitate to conceal her true gender, but also pushed her to the position of Crown Prince.

A fifteen-year-old girl wearing a black four clawed python robe, her delicate facial features are full of carelessness, and said: "I don't want to be the emperor anyway, Imperial Father, you should know that these things will not last long. "

"And this news is inevitable. Instead of continuing to hide it, it's better to admit it generously. Imperial Father, you just abolish me and pass the position to Third Brother was Enough, I think he wants it very much."

Hearing what was said, Emperor Xia Ning's face was taken aback, and then he showed a petting and helpless smile, saying: "You this girl, this But the position of the co-lord of the world, you say let it go."

"Imperial Father, you can sit in this position for more than ten hours, and every year, you don’t even have time to go out to play." "Xia Wushuang fiddled with her black hair, her tone still full of carelessness.

"If this is the emperor's daily life, let me live like this, I will go crazy. And the Imperial Father Third Brother aptitude is also good, smart and clever, let him inherit the throne. No."

Emperor Xia Ning shook his head and said: "San'er is indeed smart, but his aura is too small to be an emperor."

Emperor Xia Ning so far There are a total of nine children, of which eight are daughters and only one is a son. Normally, the only son is an absolute candidate to inherit the Datong, but with a Saint like the eldest daughter standing in front of him, he is destined to be unable to become the emperor.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Xia Ning changed his voice and said: "Wushuang, I know that you are by nature free and easy, and like freedom. But you must take this throne, and this is for your own good."

Xia Wushuang asked suspiciously: "Why?"

Emperor Xia Ning replied: "Because if you do not sit in this position, you will wait for the death of the Imperial Father in the future, based on your particularity. You will be scrambled by all influence, and you will become a victim of politics."

Then Emperor Xia Ning showed a mysterious smile.

"And once you lose the identity of the Crown Prince, then you will not be eligible to prevent the Imperial Father from making a marriage contract for Cher and the others. After all, they are all so old. It's time to find a good Prince for them. Consort."

Xia Wushuang's expression became a little awkward, and asked: "Imperial Father, do you know all about it?"

"hmph!" Emperor Xia Ning glared at herself 'S eldest daughter, said: "Just your little trick, thinking that you can hide it from your Imperial Father. It's just that you, a dead girl, have a special orientation, and even your younger sisters are not let go."

Xia Wushuang quickly said: "Imperial Father, listen to my sophistry, bah! Listen to my explanation, things are not what you think they are."

"Okay, no need to explain." Emperor Xia Ning waved his hand and said: "I don't want to deal with this kind of thing, but you have to promise me to inherit this throne. This throne may be a prison for you, but only this position can let you continue to be yourself. What I want to do."

After struggling for a few seconds, Xia Wushuang looked serious and nodded, said: "I understand, Imperial Father."

Seeing the eldest daughter finally Willing to inherit this position, Emperor Xia Ning showed a gratified smile and said: "Very well, you can no longer eat and drink merrily like before, and let me learn how to govern the country. As for the outside affairs, you too Don't worry, I will find a solution."

Great Xia Calender In 1233, Emperor Xia Ning was too tired in the early days, and the body gradually couldn't cope with the heavy mission, and even got sick every three to five.

So Emperor Xia Ning handed over part of it to the Crown Prince. This decision triggered a protest from the Prime Ministers in the country. The emperor let a woman be the Crown Prince forever, which has made the Aristocratic Family very dissatisfied.

Now that the Crown Prince is directly allowed to handle the government affairs, isn’t this a sign that Crown Prince should succeed? Does the saint want a woman to become an emperor, this is really unreasonable!

The news of the Crown Prince regency spread to the people again at an incredible speed, but for ordinary people, it was just gossip after tea, and did not cause much disturbance. After all, for ordinary people, life is so good now, whoever is the Emperor Imperial Capital is the same. And Crown Prince is a Saint from the sky, can bless Great Xia's good weather, even if he is a woman?

This news is different when it reaches the Aristocratic Family celebrities and intellectuals. Everyone is extremely resistant to a woman becoming an emperor. No matter how special she is, she is only a virgin after all, and she will never become an emperor.

However, these Aristocratic families are only dissatisfied at best, and they only dare to fight verbally, but dare not take actual actions. After all, it is a prosperous age. The emperor holds the power of the army and the people's heart. They jumped out to rebel, and they were very likely to be shot to death by backhand.

Great Xia Calender In 1233, on August 15th, Emperor Xia Ning abdicated and Great Xia Empress became the throne.

In the next ten years, empress began to carry out various reforms. empress created the imperial examination system on the basis of Emperor Xia Ning's official selection examination, established a large number of official schools in counties and counties, and gave ordinary commoners access to knowledge. A large number of civilians have a way to rise, and classes begin to flow.

The emergence of the imperial examination system completely broke the Aristocratic Family's monopoly on knowledge. During the period, the Aristocratic Family also resisted, but it did not cause much confusion and was quickly suppressed. There are two main reasons for this. First, empress has a very high prestige among the people. Most civilians use empress as Gods, hoping that these smooth days will continue.

Second, in this flourishing age when most people can eat and wear warmth, no one really will rebel.

Great Xia Calender In 1237, empress became the throne for seven years. Under the reform of empress, Great Xia has never been more developed in terms of agricultural technology and economy. With strong logistical support, the army swept all influence around.

Even the western nomads who have been harassing the border have been beaten to stop approaching the Great Xia border. In recent years, the border area has become more stable than ever.

In the same year, a sensation happened throughout Great Xia. The scope of this incident even covered all the countries around Great Xia, up to the western mainland.

Great Xia Empress chooses concubine!

Everyone was excited in an instant, do they have a chance to become a prince? ! A glimpse of that peerless empress figure? !

However, after reading the announcement, everyone was stupid. The concubine of Great Xia Empress is the same as before, choosing the most beautiful woman in the world to enter the palace to serve the saint. However, now the saint is virgin, shouldn't the selection of concubines be the selection of men? !

On this day, all the men in Great Xia feel that they have lost their dreams in their lives, and feel that this world is full of malice towards them.

Although Great Xia Empress is a virgin, the number of people who signed up for selection of concubines has not decreased, but has increased to terrifying. All unmarried women want to become concubines of Great Xia Empress.

The biggest change that Great Xia Empress has brought to society is that it has greatly improved the environment in which men are superior to women in society. Great Xia women no longer have to stay at home and teach their children like before. Women are incapable It is virtue, it has directly become a complete joke.

Although the status of women has not been reached, and is completely equal to men, they have achieved relative equality. Women can go to school, do business, work, and even be officials.

This change makes women in this era admire Great Xia Empress very much. If they can get closer to empress, even if they become empress concubine, it is not unacceptable, and even a little expectant.

In the following several decades, Great Xia, under the leadership of empress, has reached unprecedented levels in economic, agricultural, and military fields.

Great Xia Calender In 1240, the iron hoof of the Great Xia army trampled the western prairie, swept away the nomads living here, and obtained a lot of fertile land.

Great Xia Calender In 1245, Great Xia step by step encroached on the territories of all surrounding countries. These countries retreated and retreated, and finally were completely eroded.

Great Xia Calender In 1250, Great Xia's army fought all the way to the western mainland and smoothed out many countries on the western mainland. However, due to the distance from Great Xia, it did not rule.

The prestige of Great Xia spread throughout the eastern western mainland during this period. Almost all powerful countries in the world were hammered by the Great Xia army. Great Xia established the number one position in the world, and the name Great Xia Heavenly Dynasty appeared during this period.

The horror of the Great Xia army also made people around the world yearn for Great Xia. Countries began to send a large number of envoys to Great Xia to learn the culture and knowledge of Great Xia.


In the beautiful peach garden, three men with temperament have nothing common with each other are sitting in the pavilion. At this time, all of them have learned from the memories of Great Xia Empress Slow down.

At this time, Ancestor Xia's expression was a little pale, and he clearly saw something terrifying.

Xia Yang's expression is normal, she shook her head and laughed at herself: "This may be the legendary super main character, no, it should be the super female main character."

Great Xia Empress The experience was so smooth, it was incredible. It is simply that when the legendary domineering spirit comes out, talents from all walks of life come to vote.

"The starting point is ten times higher than our two deputy personalities, and the System is stronger than us. Even I am a little jealous."

The Great Xia Empress' System is a Favorability System, You can get points through some insignificant small missions, such as helping others to pour a glass of water, or helping others to get something. These points can increase the goodwill of others.

Great Xia Empress' System is like some dating sims strategy, as long as you get along with someone for a period of time, you will start the strategy journey of that person. Every time you complete a mission, you will get a specific number of points, so as to get the person's points and amplify the corresponding emotions.

There are many emotions that the system can increase, such as family, friendship, love, loyalty...

If this system is placed on a man’s proper Harem System, strategy Beautiful women from all walks of life, sitting on the blessing of the same people. However, in the current situation, even if it is placed on empress, it is still Harem System.

If this kind of thing is put on a man, it would be scum, beast, and beast. But on a woman, things didn't seem to be so bad. Although it was abnormal, it hadn't reached the point of a beast.

The old double standard, trembling and cold...cough cough cough, it is so enviable...cough cough, it is too abnormal

Xia Xuan gently sips After taking a sip of tea, he sighed: "But empress is really good at playing, more than you two can play."

According to general statistics, Great Xia Empress has recruited nearly 4,000 concubines in total. There are various types, and at least dozens of them sleep together every night, and most of the time, there are hundreds of them.

If she is a man, all three people doubt that this guy will die on a woman's belly.

"Look at you, a fear of women, a coldness."

Xia Yang shook his head and said: "It's just physical desire, fleshy pleasure, and nostalgia. "

Xia Xuan asked curiously: "But you seem to have a lot of concubines in your memory, there should be hundreds of them?"

"Most of those were killed by me." The wives and daughters of the City Lord, although I captured them all in the palace, I have never touched most of them." Xia Yang's stern face did not change in the slightest.

Xia Xuan asked amusingly: "Aren't you afraid of being green?"

Xia Yang shook the head, saying: "They all live in the deep palace, even Court Eunuch It’s hard to meet. And the palace lady who takes care of them will watch them. Their only end is to grow old in the deep palace and never seen the daylight."

Xia Xuan twitched at the corner of her mouth. , Don't want to continue to care about this dead tsundere. He wanted to protect them with good intentions and just said it straight, and made himself a tyrant with his lips.

At this time, the three people turned their heads at the same time and looked towards the entrance of hidden land of peace and prosperity.

Then, a graceful woman walked in from outside. The woman is wearing a black dragon robe, her hair spreads out like a waterfall, her facial features are exquisite like a person walking out of the painting, she carries the imperial temperament of Only I Am Supreme.

The woman just stood there quietly for a moment. The beautiful peach trees around seemed to be a foil, and everything looked overshadowed in front of this woman.

Among the women Xia Xuan has seen, the only woman who can talk with this woman on equal terms is Goddess of Knowledge when she is not talking.

Goddess of Knowledge is good everywhere, but it's a pity that he can talk.

The beautiful woman walked into the pavilion step by step, and the jewel-like beautiful eyes looked at the three men in front of them, the corners of their mouths turned up slightly, and said: "How are you."

The second is more likely to have to wait until two or three o’clock, I don’t know why I can’t write it until night

(End of this chapter)

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