
  Chapter 232 empress: Gynophobia? nonexistent.

In the peach garden, there is another person in the pavilion on the small lake at this time, three men and one woman, and the imposing manner on each person is extremely oppression.

Xia Wushuang looked at the three people in front of him and blinked playfully, and said, "Don’t you introduce myself?"

Although I have regained consciousness, I have gradually figured it out. Now What's the situation, their sub-personality came back from the national movement for some reason. But Xia Wushuang only knows some information about the ontology, and has no idea about the other two personalities. However, she has already guessed who these two people are, but she is not sure.

"Xia Yang." Xia Yang introduced herself without expression.

Ancestor Xia said: "Ancestor Xia."

Within a few minutes, Xia Wushuang quickly integrated into this circle. Can't say.

Xia Wushuang's beautiful face, looking at the three men in front of him, the more jealous he became, and the whole person turned into a lemon tree.

"Why do you all regenerate into men, but I am a woman! Do you know how desperate I was then?"

Xia Yang carefully tasted her hands Tea, said: "Is there any difference between men and women for us? It's just something more or less. It's not a good habit to be too attached to the pleasure of the flesh."

"In the thousands of years of human history, how many Royal Generals should have done something, but because they are obsessed with the sensuality of trifling, they are completely lost."

Xia Yang's tone was full of disdain.

"hmph!" Xia Wushuang's beautiful eyes glared at the extremely indifferent man beside her, and said, "Of course you don't care if you have that thing. Do you know the pain of not having criminal tools?" Can you understand that sleeping with dozens or hundreds of beauties every night, you can only feel the pain that you can’t do?"


Speaking of which, originally Ancestor Xia, whose face was pale, became even more ugly when thinking of something in retrospect.

Xia Yang glanced at empress, and said: "Even if you don't have tools for crime, I see you are very happy to play. Maybe you should be thankful that you are a woman, otherwise you might die an untimely death long ago. It's."

This guy said that the old sex critics have praised her a little, and it's not an exaggeration to call her a show of sex. There are at least fifty concubines sleeping with each other every night, and they play crazy. The picture was exactly like the harem, and all the role-playing came up.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yang's stern face showed a rare smile, and said: "Now I can turn you into a man. This is the National Games Space. Everyone exists in the form of souls. , I can squeeze you into a man. Would you like to try it?"

The next moment, Xia Wushuang’s beautiful face instantly turned red, and she felt as if she had grown something strange thing.

At this time, Xia Xuan stopped speaking: "Xia Yang, don’t overdo it."

Xia Yang took a sip of tea calmly and said: "I just Help her get acquainted with her own power."

At the next moment, a special power burst out from empress, which quickly calmed the changes in the soul and expelled the strange energy from the body.

Xia Wushuang reached out and touched his body to confirm that no strange things had grown, sighed in relief. Immediately after that pair of beautiful eyes stared at the man beside him, fiercely said fiercely: "Very well, you succeeded in attracting my attention!"

Xia Yang's expression is still so indifferent, Said: "Why did you finally have the opportunity to become a man? Why give up? It seems that you have become accustomed to being a woman."

Xia Wushuang's expression became a little unnatural, and said: "I want you No matter!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Xia Xuan quickly stood up to make a round of it, and said: "Okay, stop arguing, it's all yours."

Xia Wushuang's expression was tangled for a few seconds and then he took a sigh of relief and decided not to care about this coldness. However, at the next moment, she suddenly exploded.

Xia Yang said: "But it is also dull enough, the consciousness is completely awake, and I still don’t know how to use my power, so I have to remind."

Xia Wushuang double With fists clenched, those jewel-like beautiful eyes are full of anger, and she has never suffered from this bird's air throughout her childhood. Immediately afterwards, Xia Wushuang quickly calmed down her stiff expression, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, creating a beautiful smile.

With the appearance of this smile, the entire Taoyuan instantly dimmed, as if the simulated sunlight around it revolved around empress.

The two of Xia Xuan and Xia Yang were taken aback for a moment, and they developed a good feeling in their hearts, and then quickly extinguished this good feeling.

"Oh!" Ancestor Xia couldn't help it on the spot, and retched.

The smile on Xia Wushuang's face completely froze, is it so disgusting? As for vomiting it out directly?

Seeing Xia Wushuang's awkward expression, Xia Xuan and Xia Yang couldn't help laughing.

Xia Wushuang looked at the expressions of these people unchanged, and felt that their hearts did not show even the slightest love to them, and their expressions became more daunting.

"Don't you like me at all?" Xia Wushuang asked.

Xia Yang looked at empress with great interest and said: "It seems that you have successfully absorbed the power of System, but your current power is too weak, and it is basically impossible to control our emotions."


"And if I'm not mistaken, your power should be controlled by individuals who really have this kind of emotion towards you, right?"

Xia Wushuang's System is the Favorability System, although It is possible to increase the goodwill of the other party through points, but this goodwill must have a foundation, impossible appear out of thin air.

Xia Xuan nodded agrees: "Xia Wishuang, it’s useless to add love to us, friendship or family affection may be useful."

These three are alive or After death, they were all regarded as emperors praised by gods, and completely put down all the pretense in this hidden land of peace and prosperity.

After a short time together, with a special connection, Xia Wushuang quickly understood the personalities of everyone present.

Xia Xuan: Ontology, a Truth Seeker who is obsessed with climbing Life Level, has a strong thirst for knowledge, and other desires are relatively weak.

Xia Yang: The first emperor, on the surface, is as overbearing and indifferent as the record. If someone dared to disobey his order, even his own son, he would be killed without the slightest hesitation. . But in fact it is a dead tsundere. Although the mouth is a bit stinky, it attaches great importance to the relationship between the personalities.

Ancestor Xia: The founder of Great Xia, because of something became an extreme Gynophobia patient. The more beautiful the woman, the ugly in his eyes, the ugly woman, the ugliness in his eyes will be magnified countless.

In short, it is ugly no matter what.

Although Xia Wushuang is very curious about what has happened to this great man who created the entire civilization? It will leave such profound repercussions.

Xia Wushuang curiously asked: "What have you experienced? You will get this kind of Gynophobia that goes deep into your soul?"

"Oh~" Ancestor Xia slightly sighed, his expression becomes more and more vicissitudes of life He is full of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields and the temperament of the changes over time.

"It's just some women, they clearly said not to be like this, but they are still so stupid that they don't listen to me at all."

Xia Wushuang's eyes lit up, a blazing gossip heart It started to burn.

Could it be that Ancestor Xia experienced heart-wrenching love affair one after another in that tribal era, and one woman after another died for him? !

In that wild era, Ancestor Xia led the Xia Tribe struggle against the Heavens and created the first civilization. And the road that gave birth to Great Xia was full of corpses. The people Ancestor Xia cherished in that era died one after another, but there was nothing he could do.

Xia Xuan and Xia Yang looked at each other for a while, this guy played a brilliant role, and it was very bad.

Ancestor Xia looked up towards empress, the eyes contained deep sorrow, and said: "I don't want to repeat the specific things. If you want to know, I can show you that memory. "

As Ancestor Xia stretched out his right hand, the temperament on his body became more and more vicissitudes of life. There was a sad tone in the plain, which made people unable to help but have more associations.

Xia Wishuang, who has a heart of gossip, can resist this temptation. Without even thinking about it, he directly held Ancestor Xia's callous right hand.

The two people who had been watching were silent and calmly drank tea.

Good brother, enjoy the blessings and share the difficulties.

Within a few seconds, Xia Wushuang suddenly opened her eyes, her originally beautiful face turned pale in an instant, her hands were holding her shoulders, her strong body trembled slightly.

At this time, the Unparalleled empress looked so weak and helpless, and the Imposing manner of Only I Am Supreme disappeared, which is rare and full of feminine unique femininity. This kind of contrast made people throbbing, and couldn't help but step forward to take care of it.

It's a pity that everyone here is not ordinary, let alone caring, because they didn't laugh out to save face.

After a full ten minutes, Xia Wushuang came back to his senses from the terrifying memory, but his expression was still a little pale.

Ancestor Xia sighed: "Is it a memory that I can't bear to look back? I told those women that I don't want it, but I still insist on it."

Xia Wushuang raised her head slightly and the pair were like gems. With ordinary eyes, Ancestor Xia fiercely glared at Ancestor Xia, and gnashing teeth said: "I can't bear to look back at you big-headed ghost! Now I just want to screw off your dog's head!"

Xia Yang next to him said in a tone Calmly said: "This time you should be able to be safe, don't think about going out to play with women all day. Your consciousness has just awakened. If you return to reality and die again, although you will not really die, you will definitely be hit hard."

After hearing about Elf, Succubus and other humanoid races that only exist in fantasy, Xia Wushuang was excited and clamoring to return to reality, to see the foreign race style and learn Take a look at their culture.

The three people all know what the old man wants to do, and of course they don't agree with her going out. This guy's consciousness has just regained, and now he has gone out. If his body dies once, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although it is very safe in Great Xia, sending a trailblazer to protect it may be lower than winning the lottery. However, Xia Xuan three people are not allowed to have any accidents. If Xia Wushuang is hit hard, it will affect their growth.

However, Xia Wushuang's next words exceeded everyone's expectations.

Xia Wushuang lay down on the table and stretched out the right hand as beautiful as white jade to Xia Xuan, and said in a very weak tone: "I have been hit hard, I need to return to reality. Find High Elf for treatment."

The three people's expressions were stunned. Just after experiencing that memory, in just ten minutes, they wanted to play with women right away? ! The three people of Xia Xuan, Xia Yang and Ancestor Xia twitched the corners of their mouths, their faces were speechless.

Should I say that this guy is powerful, or he is too lustful. Is this the legendary old sex critic, who is fearless no matter what he encounters?

Xia Yang covered her face, helplessly said: "You have to stay here for at least five years, and wait until you are tenacious enough to go out."

Then Xia Yang waved his hand, Xia Next to Wishuang, there were six women who were the best choice regardless of their looks and body qualities, including humans, Elf, and Succubus.

"These women do whatever you want."

Xia Wushuang glanced at the women next to her, then shook her head and said, "Although they are very good-looking, but I don’t I like this kind of soulless puppets. What I want is not only the body, but also their soul, the soul that I love from the heart."

Xia Yang said: "The only thing I can do is this More, don’t ask too much, just a little bit."


3 months later, after the Soul Research Institute, the crazy liver who has been sleepless for three months finally put a The complete biological programming technology is sorted out.

This technology was quickly stored in Great Xia's database, and biologists have already begun to learn this technology. But because this knowledge is so huge, the bio-programming technology itself is tailor-made for Precursor, and human beings are basically impossible to use it intact.

Of course, they just have to move it over and use it directly. Great Xia still has a way. After all, they grab a lot of Precursor and use their DNA to make was enough. But Great Xia will not be stupid enough to use this method. After all, if the biological weapons are used intact, they will most likely be used by the opponent in the future against Precursor civilization and become the opponent's weapon.

But with the gene programming technology of Precursor civilization as a reference, Great Xia started to develop its own gene programming technology at a very fast speed. The reverse engineering technology is a masterpiece of mankind, let alone this one now. All technical data.

After another six months, thanks to the unremitting efforts of all Great Xia biologists, a generation of human gene programming technology was finally born. And then it should be the biological group of this cream of the crop united to continue to develop more perfect gene programming technology. However, less than a month after the first generation was completed, the two leaders in the biological group of the cream of the crop broke out in a strong dispute.


Imperial Capital outskirts, there is a special area, where there is a building that is as high as a kilometer and forms a spiral of human genes outside. This is Great Xia's highest biological laboratory, which brings together all peak biologists from Great Xia.

The highest biological research institute, in the Chief office.

A middle-aged man wearing a white coat, ******, full of intelligence came to the desk and looked at the man sitting on the office chair opened the mouth and said: "Belkevin, It’s too late to look back now."

"Why do you want to look back?" Belkevin didn't lift his head and continued to read the information on the virtual screen. At this time, Belkevin's image has changed from a gray-haired old man to a strong middle-aged male.

"I don't think there is any problem with my plan?"

"The problem is big!" The middle-aged man drew a virtual screen into Belkevin's line of sight.

[Neo-Human Project: Born to be alive]

"You are challenging the bottom line of human nature, trampling on the existence of human beings! You know how much turbulence your plan will cause Is it? The consequences he caused can even make the whole society turbulent."

Now Belkevin finally looked up towards the man. At this time, his eyes were still so peaceful, calm enough to make people feel. Fear.

"Dr. Zhao, every change will be accompanied by social turmoil. Emperor Xia Huo invented gunpowder and various thermal weapons. After seeing the formidable power of the giant cannon, everyone was scared and thought this Things will destroy the world. The same is true when Emperor Xia Gong started the industrial age. Industrialization destroyed the integrity of agriculture. A large number of farmers do not grow food. When the time comes, there will be no more food to eat."

During a time change, some people think that this and that will destroy the world and bring huge disasters to mankind. However, as of today, we humans are still alive."

"This plan is indeed crazy from a moral point of view. It’s trampling on life, denying human beings, and touching the bottom line of human nature."

Zhao Jianxia said: "Since you know the seriousness of the consequences, then stop this plan now."

Belkevin Shaking his head, eyes became a little fanatical, and said: "I will continue this plan. This is the hope that mankind can win from the interstellar war. This is an evolution of mankind!"

"You imagine For a moment, every human baby born in the future will be a born Academician, a genius known by birth. Every baby will have a soul stronger than Elf and a body stronger than demon. They are A born soldier, the strongest warrior!"

"In a hundred years, Great Xia will have nearly billions of Academicians and billions of Class 3 powerhouses. With such a huge talent pool Next, Great Xia will always remain in the explosion of technology."


Zhao Jianxia patted his hands heavily on the table, angrily said: "This scene is indeed beautiful, but You only saw the future and only the results, but you did not see the whole plan process at all."

"If there are a group of people who know it, whether it is in Life Level or knowledge, they are all born. Expert first-class new humans, what do you think of other old humans like this?"

"Even if social issues are aside, every baby in your plan can be superficially connected with the parental consciousness The method inherits the knowledge of the parents, and is an Academician at birth. It sounds very beautiful, but from another perspective, does this mean that every human being is born, what to do in the future, and what to stand for? The position is destined? "

"If you can inherit memory, the upper layer will always be the upper layer, and the bottom layer will always be the bottom layer. This is knowledge monopoly!" The result is extreme social contradictions and frequent violent conflicts. Or more terrifying is an extremely stable class society, a new type of slave society! "

"At the same time this is stifling human curiosity!" If you are born with it, then where is the thirst for knowledge? "

Belkevin waited quietly for Zhao Jianxia to finish speaking, and calmly opened the mouth and said: "The plan you are looking at is only the first version, this is the second version. "

As he said, Belkevin assigned a virtual screen to Zhao Jianxia.

Zhao Jianxia glanced at the contents of the virtual screen, his pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly raised his head in disbelief. Looking at Belkevin.

"You... are crazy. ”

(End of this chapter)

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