
  Chapter 240 The original birth (8000 chapters)

[System is extracting the world line... extracting Success...to gain human history...]

Long ago, the universe was still so gorgeous and so quiet. The interstellar civilizations discovered each other's existence more than one hundred years ago, but due to the fact that the strengths of the two sides are almost the same, and the distance between them is relatively long, there is no conflict of martial power. Some civilizations have had exchanges for a long time, and even established diplomatic relations.

However, one day, a special energy fluctuation was detected by all interstellar civilizations. This special energy wave has spread throughout the universe at an incredible speed. It seems to have surpassed Space and time to reach the eyes of every civilization capable of observing the universe.

It took several years for all interstellar civilizations to quickly locate the source of special energy, a beautiful planet of cyan. At the same time, they also successively analyzed some of the effects of this special energy. Facing this energy that seemed to contain the mysteries of the universe, all civilizations completely boiled over.

The twelve interstellar civilizations within the time of Earth, immediately formed a huge fleet and set off toward Earth. During this period, each interstellar civilization's fleet has frictions between large and small, and from these frictions, we have seen the strength of each other.

Before getting the special energy of Earth, the twelve interstellar civilizations had no intention of having too much conflict. Moreover, they know that it is not just that they are eyeing Earth, there should be interstellar civilization's fleet going to Earth in other parts of the universe.

At this time, each of them will be damaged more or less. If the damage is too large, even if they succeed in occupying Earth, it is very likely that they will be missed by latecomers.

The next twelve interstellar civilizations gradually reached a consensus through continuous exchanges and formed an alliance of twelve civilizations to jointly carve up Earth and resist other civilizations.

Before this special energy erupted, the twelve civilizations had exchanges more or less. Even the human civilization of Earth had exchanges with these twelve interstellar civilizations. It is not difficult to form an alliance when there is some understanding of each other.

As for the human civilization that originally had Earth, the twelve interstellar civilizations tacitly ignored it. After all, it would be good for them to share a piece of the pie with Earth. And the most important thing is that Earth is originally a human being. They can indeed exchange for that special energy by assisting in defense, but the Twelve Civilizations do not want to obtain special energy in this way.

How can the energy exchanged be grabbed? The energy robbed is definitely much more than the energy exchanged, and there is no need to pay.


In a room of several hundred square meters made of dark black steel, in the center of the room is a cyan galaxy projection, which is a model of the solar system.

And this solar system projection revolves around a holographic projection of a dozen alien races, who quietly watched Earth in the galaxy model. Here is the mystery of the universe, the origin of life, a kind of energy that allows life to transcend its own limitations and achieve true evolution.

This special energy allows the lifeform to surpass the utmost of its own race, enhance the lifeform in all aspects, and let life break through the original utmost. Even machine civilization without a physical body is extremely eager for this kind of energy, because this kind of energy allows them to go one step further and is no longer just a quantum computer fluctuation.

It can transform them from simple data into another kind of life, giving birth to a power that does not belong to the material universe, a high-dimensional will, which is the soul in human terms.

tà tà tà ……

With the sound of heavy footsteps, one after another soldier wearing a blue and white armor with an energy rifle walked in neatly. The soldiers lined up on both sides of the road and turned to look at each other.

After the soldiers lined up, another footstep sounded. At the moment when this footstep sounded, all the soldiers straightened their waists and raised their right hand, placed the temple, and did a standard military salute.

tà tà tà ……

Black army boots stepped on the cold steel, and a man with black hair walked in slowly. The man is wearing a blue uniform with a cyan Earth embroidered on the heart, which is the emblem of the Army of the Republic of Earth.

The representatives of various civilizations quietly watched the human representatives come to the solar system model in the center of the room. A body shape is very similar to that of a human being. The skin is blue, and the head is a representative of the alien race covered by a white outer skeleton. opened the mouth and said: "Human representatives, I believe that Earth has made a wise choice, and future humans will be grateful for today's choice."

This race is called bone in human language. The Yan clan, a civilization located in the N22 star cluster six light-years away from Earth, is one of the well-known figures of the twelve civilizations.

Skeleton: a race very similar to humans, with white skin, no hair on the whole body, and a hard outer skeleton to protect the head.

Because of the planet environment in which you live, your body's strength is far less than that of human beings, but the body's internal functions are extremely powerful and can effectively adapt to the harsh and changeable environment of the universe.

the next moment A virtual screen appeared. On the cyan screen, there were treaties written in Chinese characters. And below this treaty is a square virtual panel ten centimeters wide on which is a human handprint.

[Earth Transfer Agreement]

The responsibilities of the Republic of Earth: First, the energy of Earth contains the mystery of the universe, the origin of life, which is the guarantee of the entire universe. For peace between civilizations in the universe, the Republic of Earth promised to lease Earth to the twelve civilizations. Each civilization will obtain a part of Earth and have the right to freely exploit the special energy on Earth for ten thousand years.

Second, human beings need to provide all the research materials and technologies on special energy to the twelve civilizations so far, and at the same time, they must leave 1.2 million humans related to the special energy, and give the twelve civilizations as technical guidance.

Third, since Earth has been leased to the Twelve Civilizations, all human beings in Earth need to go to a new home six light years away to start a new life, and rest there. At the same time, humans must withdraw from Earth before the Twelve Civilization Fleet arrives in the solar system for three years.

Responsibilities to be fulfilled by the Twelve Civilizations: First, the Twelve Civilizations will pay the corresponding material payment for the rental fee, and need to provide the Earth Republic with ten tons of Earth energy each year, which can be deducted by other materials.

Second, the twelve civilizations will satisfy the 1.2 million people who stayed behind on Earth, the basic life needs of human beings, and help them continue to thrive on Earth.

The human representative looked at the treaty in front of him, and the right hand clenched his fist unconsciously. This is the greatest shame in the history of mankind, not only to leave the mother planet that raised oneself, but also to leave more than one million humans as slaves for them.

Anger is ignited in the human representative's heart like a ball of flame. The monstrous anger seems to burn out his sanity, saying no to the alien civilization in front of him.

To calm down, the human representative said in a low tone: "Three years is too short to allow humans to transform the planet's environment."

The clan representative said: "This is stipulated by the treaty. All mankind has to do is to abide by the treaty."

The representatives of the twelve civilizations looked at the human representatives quietly, their expressions were very calm, as if everything was doomed. Mankind has no choice.

In this cruel universe, their twelve civilizations have given mankind the greatest kindness. Specially found a planet for humans to survive for them, so that humans can migrate there instead of directly destroying them.

Humans can spend huge amounts of resources to erect wormholes and move all humans there without causing too many casualties to humans. What a great kindness.

According to the calculations of the Twelve Civilizations, even if all human beings migrate, less than one in ten thousand will survive in the end. That planet is indeed suitable for human habitation. It has oxygen, water and a small amount of plants, but the atmosphere of the planet is extremely harsh. Almost every moment there are Category 12 typhoons, poison qi groups like sandstorms, etc. The harsh environment.

Faced with this harsh environment, most humans will die within the past few months of migration. Now the Earth Federation does have the ability to transform the planet environment, but it takes time to transform the planet environment. Even the planet with a very stable atmospheric environment requires several decades of time to transform, not to mention the doomsday-like planet.

If the Earth Federation has hundreds of years to transform, then this planet can fully meet the basic requirements of human survival. However, the Twelve Civilizations will not give hundreds of years of time. If it were not for the time required for large-scale fleet navigation, the Twelve Civilizations would not even give it even three years.

Because they are not sure how far Earth, which has a special energy, will develop after hundreds of years have passed. Perhaps when the time comes, it is no longer they conquering Earth, but humans conquering them.

One of the representatives of civilization opened the mouth and said: “Weakness in the universe is the original sin, and there is no saying of good and evil between civilizations. Human representatives, please remember that survival is the first need of civilization. Development is the primary goal of civilization."

"This has nothing to do with good and evil. It is just a dispute between civilizations."

Another representative of civilization also said: "Give mankind a choice. It is our greatest kindness. To survive or to destroy, please make a choice."

The human representative's eyes droop slightly, and those black eyes quietly looked at the handprints under the treaty.

Seeing that the human representatives have not agreed to the treaty for a long time, the representative of Guyan civilization said: "Human representatives make a decision quickly. As long as the treaty is agreed, mankind will have the hope of survival."

The human representative slowly raised the right hand, placed the handprint directly above, and said in a low tone: "Humans will make a decision now."

Tone barely fell, two tone barely fell appeared on both sides of the treaty. Number [0%] [0%], the number on the left can be golden, and the number on the right can be red.

Immediately after these two numbers began to move, the numbers continued to increase, and a growing bar graph appeared below the numbers.

The representative of the Twelve Civilizations looked at the two numbers that suddenly appeared in confusion, and didn't understand what it was.

After half a minute, the numbers stopped scrolling, and finally the numbers on both sides were golden [6%] and red [94%].

Looking at these two numbers, the human representative smiled, that smile is so brilliant. It seems that mankind has escaped from this crisis and need not leave Earth.

The human representative put down the right hand, the original blue handprint instantly became red, and the treaty was completely disappeared.

The representatives of the Twelve Civilizations saw this scene, their expressions were full of doubts. They did not understand why the humans who agreed to give up the Earth had torn up the treaty now.

The representatives of various civilizations looked towards the human representatives, and at this moment, the temperament of the human representatives has undergone the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and the whole person is like a sword out of the sheath, cold light Radiant.

And on the already raised head, there seems to be a flame burning in the black eyes, coldly said: "get lost!"

The word is cold and dark Reverberating in the room, the soldiers who had been standing quietly on both sides of the road suddenly turned around, holding rifles, and looking straight at the representatives of the Twelve Civilizations. All the soldiers looked straight at the representatives of these twelve civilizations, like a curved sabre out of the sheath.

The representative of Bone Yan civilization came back to his senses from surprise, with an ugly face and said: "Human representative, do you know what you are doing? Your decision just now is leading mankind to extinction, you are pinching Annihilate the last hope of mankind."

"Survival is the first need of civilization. Your irrational approach is obliterating the needs of civilization."

The human representative looked at it coldly. The representatives of the twelve civilizations in front of them raised their left hand and placed the golden figure [4%] under them, saying: "There is a sentence among us humans, heaven is to the left..."

Then he raised his right hand and placed red Under the number [96%], he said: "Hell is going to the right, this time all human beings choose to go to hell."

"You humans are crazy!?" The Bone Yan tribe’s bell-sized eyes were full of horror. And incredible.

"You are ruining the future of mankind!"

The expressions of representatives of other civilizations are also full of horror and inconceivability. They can't figure out why this human civilization can survive. Must choose death.

"Survival is the first need of civilization, but sometimes survival is not the first need for human beings. Human history is the history of courage, and the battle hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage." The human representative looked cold. Looking at the holographic projection of the representatives of the twelve civilizations, he said: "You are not qualified to decide the demise of mankind, and the demise of mankind is only determined by mankind."

The representatives of various civilizations shouted:

"You humans are crazy!"

"When our fleet comes to Earth, it will be the day when mankind will die."

"In the future, mankind will be a group of With the nanobot’s slave implanted, the descendants of mankind will pay the price for the decision you make today!"

In the face of flustered and exasperated representatives of civilizations, human representatives have no fear at all, even everyone present A civilization has the ability to destroy mankind.

"Born to be human, and to die for human beings. Get out of Earth, bastard!"

Putting down these words, the human representative turned around and strode forward to the Conference Hall. Walking outside, the strength of the step is different from the previous one.

Survival is the first need of civilization, but today humans choose to destroy.


After tearing up the shameful treaty of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, human beings are not worrying about anything. Others have stepped on their faces, so should they give him a good face? Look?

Today, the Republic of Earth directly launched a declaration of war, an irreconcilable declaration.

[Earth has been the capital of the Republic since mankind walked out of the cradle of protecting us. The brain and heart are the beliefs of the entire race! This blue planet is the starting point for the human race to set foot on the sea of ​​stars. It is what she has given us to survive. She is our mother! Any insults and trampling on the mother are intolerable, even if we pay any price, we will definitely make the intruder regret and fear! 】

【Here! The Earth Republic launched a war declaration to the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, and all mankind will fight for their lives in order to defend Earth, until the last one! 】


Three years later, the huge fleet of the Twelve Civilizations arrived as scheduled. The Earth human fleet activated the Space migration device that was already prepared and came outside the solar system. Meet the invaders in a light-year away.

In the dark and splendid universe, countless interstellar battleships are scattered all over the world, and a war destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth is about to break out.

Faced with this fleet that is dozens of times larger than his, the Earth human fleet did not have the slightest fear, and took the lead in launching an attack.

Tens of thousands of energy beams flew out, flying up to the intruder ahead, the dazzling rays of light shining like stars. The energy of the two parties collided at the speed of light, bursting like a sun hydrogen flash, and a huge flame ignited the silent universe and illuminated the dark universe!

As humans say, the history of mankind is the history of courage, and the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage. Facing the huge fleet of the Twelve Alliances, the human fleet used higher dimension energy to create a device that does not require preparation time and can perform a short Blink directly into the enemy fleet!

This kind of desperate human play and the weird Blink made the formation of the Twelve Alliance Fleet dazzled for a few minutes. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the human fleet shot out countless raid cabins, which is one after another super-class warrior that has received higher dimension energy baptism.

Tens of millions of super-class warriors flew through the raid cabin moved towards the intruder's battleship, and the weak and poor defensive ability of the raid cabin was broken by the energy attack of the Twelve Alliance. But there is still no human warrior taking a step back, this is a charge with no back.

Although the universe is big, human beings have no retreat. Behind them is the solar system.

In just ten minutes, no less than hundreds of thousands of human warriors died on the way to this charge, but millions of super-class warriors successfully landed on the enemy battleship.

More bloody close combat is on the verge of triggering. The human warrior has broken through battleship after battle with incredible physical fitness. The captured interstellar battleships are beyond human control, and even the enemy’s main battleship can remotely control these battleships to continue to attack the human fleet. Faced with this situation, the human warrior chose to detonate the power core of battleship, and did not care about his own life in the slightest.

The huge number of battleships on both sides are tangled together, energy beams are intertwined, and hundreds of millions of interstellar fighters are flying. Countless battleship remains fuse together under the guidance of some kind of force, forming a steel planet with high-speed rotation. The steel planet kept collapsing and pulling all the surrounding objects, and more and more battleship wrecks were attracted by this strange iron ball.

Although the human raid strategy hit the intruder completely unprepared and caused a certain amount of damage, it faced the Twelve Alliance fleet that was dozens of times more than them. The human fleet was quickly surrounded by enemies, and its defeat was only a matter of time.

In the final stage of the war, the human fleet still put all the battleships and battleships into the iron ball they made. As the human master battleship was completely swallowed by the iron ball, the majestic higher dimension energy burst out, and then was swallowed by this high-speed rotation iron ball.

At this moment, the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

After absorbing those higher dimension energy, the iron ball completely collapsed into a black sphere. The incomparable eruption burst out, and all the surrounding battleships were instantly sucked into this sphere like a black hole.

All battleships of the Twelve Galactic Alliance have activated the Space migration device, wanting to escape this weird sphere, but the surrounding Space has been completely disrupted by this sphere, and Space migration is basically impossible to escape.

The huge fleet of the Twelve Alliance is constantly being swallowed up by this Black Sphere. All battleships can only be overloaded with the battleship's trust system at any cost. Some battleships have even increased their speed to 100% of the speed of light. Forty percent. However, the battleship still keeps approaching the black sphere, it's just the difference in speed.

After a planet day, the gravity of this Black Sphere gets weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared. The black hole bombs made by humans using higher dimension energy are not real black holes after all, but are somewhat similar to black holes.

Although this human fierce and unafraid of death attack did not succeed in defeating the combined fleet of the Twelve Civilizations. But it succeeded in severely damaging this huge fleet, destroying nearly half of their battleships. When the strength of the two sides differed by several tens of times, it was a miracle that human beings were able to hit them severely.

At this moment, the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations can truly see the strength of human beings, as powerful as terrifying battle strength. If one of their twelve civilizations came out to challenge humans alone, then they would definitely be rubbed on the ground by humans. Even if they were given a few helpers, they might not be able to beat humans.

At the same time, the Twelve Civilizations are also fortunate that they have formed an alliance. If they go to find humans alone, they will definitely be injured badly with many teeth knocked out.

Although the human fleet relied on its bravery to severely damage a fleet dozens of times stronger than its own, but the remaining Twelve Alliance fleet is not what the solar system can resist. The Twelve Alliance Fleet feels that Earth has entered his bag, and the next mission is to clean up Earth’s humans, or capture them all and implant nanobots as slaves.

At the moment when the last human fleet dies, the information has been sent back to Earth.

The supreme leader of the Earth Republic sat on the command position of the main battleship and said in a hard to describe tone: "I'm sorry, we lost the battle."

In one sentence, sadness and guilt were revealed.

The supreme leader of mankind straight back and paid a military salute. At this time, the sadness he revealed just now has disappeared, replaced by a kind of perseverance.

"The history of mankind is the history of courage, and the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage. Even if all the human fleets are destroyed! Even in the distant future, there is only endless war! Even if the future is waiting for mankind only death ! But the elegy of mankind will still be sung again in this dark and cruel universe, and the courage of mankind will be forever engraved under the stars!"

The picture is fixed on the resolute expression of the supreme leader, All human beings are full of sadness and anger, but there is no despair.

the next moment, the voice of the highest human leader sounded again.

"Hearing this voice, it means that I should have died in the battle, but humans have not lost. The original plan was opened, and I was born and died for people."

The highest The leader's voice was filled with a deep sorrow, which was recorded before.

Immediately after the national anthem of the Republic of Earth [Human Destiny Joint Body] sounded slowly, this song symbolizing humanity sounded on Earth, the moon, and the fire star. Hearing this song, all human beings shed tears unconsciously. He used to listen to it often, but I don’t know why, the tears just flowed down uncontrollably.

Slowly some people began to sing along, and the number of people increased. Eventually, it seemed that all mankind sang the national anthem.

the next moment, the endless higher dimension energy suddenly burst out in the city, all the higher dimension energy, like alive, penetrated into the human body desperately.

Countless humans looked at the Earth flag, sang Human Destiny Joint Body, and then turned into light.

This is the last elegy of mankind, and it is also the new roar of mankind.


The Twelve Civilizations United Fleet finally came to their yearn for something even in dreams Earth, and they did not encounter any attacks along the way. Even if they have parked all their battleships on the Earth orbit now, humans have not counterattacked, as if humans have completely given up resistance.

However, when the Joint Fleet of the Twelve Civilizations used various observation instruments to observe the human city below, they suddenly discovered that no human being could be seen at all.

Without waiting for the Twelve Civilizations to figure out what happened to Earth, where have all humans gone? The next moment all battleships parked on the Earth orbit were suddenly destroyed in various ways. Some were directly exploded, some were cut into countless pieces, and some were directly beaten to pieces.

The fleet parked in outer space saw a scene that they will never forget, one after another human beings crossed the universe physically without any protection. These humans do not know how to suddenly appear on the battleship, destroying the battleship one after another with an incredible force.

These humans do not have brilliant energy attacks, some are just a pair of fists, but these fists contain incomparable power. The heavy armor of battleship is like paper in front of these fists.

All humans continue to destroy the twelve civilization's fleet, slaughtering all the life sisters on the battleship endlessly. They attacked frantically to cut off the lifeform other than human beings, and no matter how the opponent wailed, they would kill it without the slightest hesitation.

One day later, Earth’s outer space was already full of battleship wreckage. Humans stood on the wreckage of these battleships one after another, staring blankly at the blue planet.

Tears shed unconsciously from the corners of their eyes. They don't know why they shed tears. They only know that they have forgotten everything and lost everything.

As time goes by, more and more civilizations are attracted to Earth by the special energy of Earth. And these civilizations are without exception, all fleets close to Earth were hammered by these extremely powerful humans.

Some civilizations even use planetary grade weapons, but none of them can hit Earth. Their attacks are always the disappearance of unfathomable mystery.

Faced with this weird race, all civilizations that came to Earth were almost hammered out of mind disease. It is enough to tear the large armor/mecha, kick the interstellar battleship, and carry the energy attack on the fleshy body. We finally used a large-scale orbital bombardment to split up and in pieces all you bombed, and you can recover from it, so let’s not let people play! ?

What kind of monster race is this, without any technology, relying solely on their own natural physical strength, they can develop these civilizations that can carry out long-distance interstellar sailing for many years and rub them on the ground.

What frightens all interstellar civilizations the most is that these humans slowly gave birth to one after another Sovereign Rank humans with self-awareness over time, and these humans can even command other humans. In the past, although human strength was terrifying, there was no self-awareness and no discipline. Interstellar civilization just feels thorny, not afraid.

Now that human beings have self-awareness, the situation is different in an instant. Simply scattered and undisciplined humans can beat them to a temper. If all these humans are united, it would be fine! ?

In order to prevent human beings from gathering together under the leadership of the Sovereign Rank humans and becoming a civilization. The four civilizations that have come to Earth are the most powerful and occupy the most shelters. The four civilizations have united and assembled a large fleet to prepare for the human reduction plan.

The fate of this combined fleet, like all previous fleets, was completely destroyed by humans. And two of the civilizations also allowed humans to obtain the Space coordinates of their own mother planet, and then they found their own mother planet along the way.

The next fate can be imagined. These monster-like humans directly passed through the wormhole to raid mother planet, and the entire civilization directly spiraled to the sky, and finally the civilization was completely destroyed.

At this moment, all civilizations truly realized the terrifying and dangerous nature of the human race. Powerful to the extreme, the body that can resist most of the energy attacks, the terrifying self-healing ability... The most excessive thing is to directly use the body to Space jump.

In the absence of an effective method to kill or resist human beings, once humans find their hometown, they will definitely spiral ascend into the sky just like those two civilizations.

After the two interstellar civilizations succeeded in offering sacrifices to the heavens, all civilizations who died in Earth became more honest at once, and no longer thought about how to defeat humans and obtain Earth. It is cautiously that Earth’s energy is extremely thin and there are no human cities nearby to build shelters to mine Earth’s special energy.

Although the efficiency of this method is very low, the amount of energy that can be extracted for a few hours in a large city is more than the total collection of a few days in a shelter collection factory. But this method wins in safety and will not be hammered by humans.

And the later birth of collectors also greatly compensated for the efficiency of the shelter's mining.

In this way, the cosmic war that would have erupted around Earth was successfully avoided under the strong fist of mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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