
  Chapter 241 Two Good Friends of Great Xia (first update)

【The original human world mission Open]

mission one: [The last wish of the ancestors]

Earth is the cradle of mankind and the place where human civilization was born. It is the capital, heart, and faith of human civilization. He is the mother of all human beings. Any race who dares to reach out to Earth will be the mortal enemy of mankind.

Goal: Drive out all foreign forces on Earth.

Mission completion reward: Every time a civilization is expelled, the teleportation gate will expand by 100 kilometers. After expelling civilization from the planet, if this civilization returns to Earth again, the expulsion reward will be cleared to zero. When there is no alien civilization on Earth, the mission begins to settle.

Note 1: Every civilization must stay on Earth for three years to be counted as an intruder.

Note 2: To successfully expel a civilization, it is necessary to ensure that the civilization cannot return to Earth within three years.

Mission 2: [The roar of the original humans]

When we opened our eyes, we looked at the empty world, and somehow a transparent liquid flowed down from our eyes. Obviously there is no injury, but the heart is very uncomfortable.

We don’t know who we are, we have forgotten everything, we have lost everything. We walked in this empty world with muddled will, and our body instinctively sat on a certain thing, repeating it again and again, and never stopped. These things may not make any sense, but they can make our hearts feel better.

After such days lasted thirty days and nights, we saw the strange things flying towards the world outside the sky, and saw life completely different from ours. When we see these lives, a hard to describe flame burns in our hearts. At this moment, we have found the meaning of our own existence.

Offense! fighting! Kill them! Destroy them!

Human beings do everything they can to rush out of the planet, see the colorful universe, and see the void of surging forth with great momentum. Billions of stars are shining. What a beautiful world this is. This era is like the rising sun in the early morning, full of hope.

But in this era of rising sun, we are standing on the verge of destruction.

Human beings look around, and the void is an enemy.

We did not conquer, only survive...

We failed to prosper, only survive...

Whether the enemies of the world want to surrender, whether Want to escape from the planet that gave birth to us and the mother who gave us everything?

No! no way!

Heaven is to the left, and humanity is to the right.

Human beings walked into hell, ignited a spark with hope, hoping to turn hell into a new paradise. However, in the end human beings died, and the original symbol of the hope of all mankind was born.

When all human beings disappeared, the original symbol of human hope was crazy. The flame of hope has become a flame of despair, and the duties of the Protector have become hatred that destroys everything.

Fulfill the original human desire and bring destruction to all civilizations that came to the solar system. Destroy their mother planet and destroy their civilization.

Mission reward: Every time a civilization is destroyed, the favor of the original mankind is +1.


After reading the information and mission given by System, Xia Xuan asked: "Goddess, do you think it can be done with our current strength?"

The mission given by the System this time can be said to be the hardest ever. The content of the two missions is very simple. One is to drive all alien civilizations out of Earth, and the other is to destroy all civilizations that came to the solar system. .

If these civilizations are surface civilizations, then if you want to complete the mission, Great Xia has a thousand ways to destroy them, even without sending a fleet. The first civilization can send out Class 6 powerhouses, crush them with absolute power, and then let the teleportation gate expand for the first time.

When the teleportation gate has the size of one hundred kilometers in diameter, in addition to the main world, the other world's teleportation gate can also be expanded to one hundred kilometers in this world. The next operation will be very simple. Find suitable meteorites in the outer space of the other world, and then turn on the teleportation gate on the alien civilization planet orbit to give them a big fall technique.

But those who can come to Earth are all interstellar civilizations, and most of them have reached Level 2. Because Level 1 civilization comes to Earth, under normal circumstances they will be caught by Level 2 civilization and find their mother The Space position of planet. Then use the planetary grade weapon to strike a devastating blow to the entire civilization.

When Level 2 civilization comes to Earth, you don’t need to worry about this. Even if the location of their civilization is exposed, there are various means to defend against planetary grade weapons from other civilizations.

Goddess of Knowledge replied: "Although we are still in the state of Level 1 civilization, most of our technology has surpassed Level 1 civilization, but the volume has not yet reached the level of Level 2 civilization. If let All Class 6 True Gods are dispatched, bringing a sneak attack on planetary grade weapons through the mobility of Stargate, and there is a high probability of destroying a Level 2 civilization mother planet in one fell swoop."

The current Great Xia strength There are only three powerhouses that have reached Class 6, namely Hero Roxi, Goddess of Knowledge No. 2, and Esdeath. Among them, Hero Roxi battle strength is extremely strong, even in the face of a powerhouse of the same level, it can be a good male lead battle strength against ten.

Goddess of Knowledge No. 2 is good at analyzing and using the law, not good at fighting. Esdeath can only reach Class 6 under the blessing of Akame ga Kill world, and will drop to Class 5 after leaving the original world.

Goddess of Knowledge spent too much time in the research, the strength has not been restored to Peak for a long time, and the strength of the remaining four Goddesses has only just recovered half of the strength.

At present, Great Xia has three types of planetary grade weapons: Earth planet battleship, human will, teleportation meteorite.

Earth planet battleship: A super-class battleship transformed from The Wandering Earth, with dozens of Super Plasma Rail Guns and plasma planet cutting blades. At the same time, the entire planet is engraved with the Earth System magic of Mother Earth Goddess, and the entire planet is extremely strong.

The planet battleship is under construction, and an incomparable gigantic dimensional star ring is currently being constructed. Once the starring is successfully constructed, the planet battleship will have a Space shield to exile all foreign attacks into the alternate space.

Human will: Use the power of national fortune to swallow all biological consciousness on the planet except humans.

Teleportation meteorite: Use the teleportation gate to drop a giant meteorite with a diameter of at least tens of kilometers into the enemy’s planet.

Of course, Great Xia also has anti-matter bombs. In theory, as long as the equivalent of the anti-matter bomb is large enough, it can destroy the entire planet. But in terms of the current output of Great Xia's antimatter, it is too expensive to make an antimatter bomb that can destroy the entire planet.

At present, the most ideal method is teleportation meteorites, using the teleportation gate to send meteorites to their orbit or outside the atmosphere. Even if the opponent uses planetary grade weapons to clean up these meteorites, Great Xia can drop another one, if one is not enough, two, or if two are not enough, ten. Anyway, meteorites don’t cost money. Yes everywhere in the universe.

However, this method must wait until the teleportation gate of the world is expanded by at least ten kilometers to be effective.

At present, the first thing Great Xia must consider is how to complete the first mission and expel these Level 2 civilizations from Earth.

Xia Xuan said: "So it takes a lot of time for us to complete the mission by ourselves."

Goddess of Knowledge said: "Yes, my simple calculation For a moment, if we rely solely on ourselves to expel these civilizations, even with the help of humans, it will be a difficult tug of war. It may take hundreds of years to expel these civilizations."

"But..." Goddess of Knowledge's voice turned, and a mysterious smile appeared on his beautiful face, "Great Xia is not alone, we have many friends."

Xia Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and showed a kind smile, saying: "It is true that we have a lot of friends. Now Great Xia is facing difficulties, I believe they are willing to contribute."

Great Xia currently has two "allies": Pandora world Earth federal government, Pacific Rim world Precursor civilization. The strength of these two allies is very strong, one is the overlord of Milky Way Galaxy, the other is a war civilization that was born for war and destroyed multiple civilizations.

Although faced with many interstellar civilizations, these two allies may be a bit unable to withstand it, and may even be gang fights. But Great Xia will not treat allies being beaten, Great Xia will give the greatest degree of assistance.

For example, I thoughtfully helped them put the teleportation gate in their hometown, so that their troops could rush to the battlefield quickly. Compared to other civilizations that need to build ultra-long-distance wormholes, they have made a lot of money.

Goddess of Knowledge continued: "There is a better way to expel alien civilization, and that is to rely on primitive humans."

At this time, I have been listening quietly. Succubus Queen Stephenie raised her hand and asked: "The original humans wanted to drive these invaders out of Earth, but why didn't they do it by themselves?"

"According to current intelligence, this world earth exists at least With hundreds of thousands of Demigods and hundreds of True Gods. This force, combined with their Space jump ability, can completely eliminate all alien forces on Earth with no difficulty."

At present The power of the original humans, even the original humans in a large city, can sweep all the shelters on Earth.

Xia Xuan slightly smiled, replied: "Only they know this. It may be that they did not do it for some reason."


The original world, Earth, Yunhua Academy.

In the art room, a beautiful girl in blue and white sportswear, standing in front of her easel as usual, painting constantly, but this time the painting is a little different from usual, this time she has an object to paint A three meter tall silver armor/mecha.

Tatsumi motionless stood in place as a painting statue for this Sovereign Rank human. In fact, he planned to retreat temporarily one hour ago, but suddenly received an order from the base. The base asked him to stay here temporarily, trying to extract more intelligence from this sovereign and human mouth.

Tatsumi asked, "Excuse me, can you answer my question now?"

The beautiful girl in blue and white sportswear said without raising her head: "Yes, you Just ask."

Tatsumi asked: "What is your name? Or how should I call you?"

The basic principle of conversation, first understand the other person's name, so as to Facilitate communication at close range. Of course, this distance must be grasped. The opponent is a Class 6 True God at any rate, and basic respect and respect are best used.

This is what the professionals told him, through the communication channel.

The girl replied: "I don't have a name. Maybe I had a name a long time ago, but I forgot. You can call me the painter directly. They also call me that way."

A long time ago, she suddenly woke up from the turbidity, her head was blank, and there was only an inexplicable sadness and loneliness in her heart.

They? call? This they should be other Sovereign Rank humans, and the Sovereign Rank humans have more or less communication between them as guessed. From the name of the painter, you can guess that the Sovereign Rank humans are named after their own abilities.

"Painting artist?" Tatsumi turned his head and looked towards the wall on the right, which was already covered with various portraits.

There is a transparent cone-shaped object in the 1st portrait.

Inside the 2nd portrait is a hexagonal pillar. The pillar is black and the tail section emits white particles. It is obviously a spaceship of a civilization...

3rd Inside the portrait is a diamond-shaped black object emitting a gloomy light.

The 4th portrait is blank, as if there is nothing.

The last portrait was posted by the girl just now. Inside is a three-pronged interstellar spaceship. Seeing this portrait, Tatsumi has vaguely guessed what these portraits are.

Tatsumi asked: "What are these portraits?"

The girl still does not look up, while painting the armor/mecha, while saying: "That is the painting I drew , Everything in it is real. But I’ve been trapped in the painting forever. You can think of these words as an alternate space."

I didn’t wait for Tatsumi to ask. The girl continued: "The cone in the 1st painting is a weapon launched by a civilization from a distant Star Domain. It is explained by the knowledge of the old age as a weapon of speed of light."

"The 2nd painting is also a weapon of alien civilization. , A weapon called sun decay. As long as the pillar hits the sun, some method can make the sun decay sharply, and then make the sun age completely and swell into a red giant star."

Tatsumi is curious. Asked: "As far as I know, all civilizations that come to the solar system yearn for the energy of Earth. If the sun swells into a red giant star, Earth will disappear as a result, don’t they worry that the disappearance of Earth will cause this energy to disappear too? Is it?"

The girl replied: "Earth's energy does have a fatal temptation for life, but compared to this energy, some civilizations are more afraid of humans. Even if this energy is destroyed, it must be Mankind is completely extinct."

Higher dimension energy is very tempting for any life, even mechanical life and AI life will subconsciously chase after it tastes higher dimension energy. Kind of energy. Let one's own will become a kind of high-dimensional will, and make oneself truly alive.

Sometimes the will is equal to the soul, but the soul is not equal to the will. At the moment when the soul is born, life will realize itself and truly come alive.

Then the girl continued to introduce her painting: "The 3rd painting is also a weapon of alien civilization, called a gravitational twister, which can distort the gravitational force between planets, which can increase or decrease."


"A certain alien civilization wants to use this weapon to distort the gravitational force between Earth and the moon, so that the moon hits Earth directly."

"The 4th painting shows a certain civilization A high-dimensional information observer, a quantum-level observer, which can monitor every action of any object in the solar system."

The girl did not hide her paintings and deeds at all, the origin of each painting And the contents in it are briefly introduced. There are a total of 48 paintings on the entire wall. The contents of each painting are weapons of alien civilization, among which there are nearly 41 weapons capable of destroying Earth.

The various weapons that can distort the law made Tatsumi and the researchers who saw here through armor/mecha amazed, and at the same time sighed about the power of humans in this world.

The special energy of Earth has made human beings almost targeted by the entire universe. However, in this situation of universal enemies, the original humans still stand on Earth.

Finally, Tatsumi asked the final question, saying: "You should have guessed that I am not a human being in this world, I am a human being in another universe."

Without raising his head, he said in a flat tone: "We knew it for a long time, when you came to Earth through that crack."

Tatsumi straight to the point said: "I come from a Great Xia Country, we want to expel all alien forces on Earth from Earth."

This time the girl in blue and white sportswear finally stopped her movements, lifts the head, and her eyes Tatsumi looked at Tatsumi calmly and said: "Why do you do this?"

Tatsumi said: "Because this is our mission in this world."

The girl opened her mouth slightly. Once she showed a surprised expression, she didn't expect the answer to be like this.

Tatsumi continued: "You should see that Great Xia also has special energy. We don't covet the energy of Earth. We just want to bring death and destruction to the planet of all inhuman civilizations. "

Properly extreme racist remarks. If you don’t understand Great Xia, after listening to this remark, you will never think that this is a multi-ethnic civilization. On the contrary, you will feel that this is a human first. Extremely racist civilization.

However, Great Xia defines people not by race, but by culture and identity.

As for why Tatsumi would make such extreme racist remarks? This is not what he wanted to say, but what the negotiating team asked him to say.

For the negotiating team, this is just the art of negotiation. What to say to who?

Since you want to get the favor and help of the original humans, of course it is best to use extreme racist violence.

As for Great Xia, want to integrate these human-supreme racists into Great Xia? This is not a matter for their negotiating team to consider, nor is it something to be considered at this stage.

"Great Xia, I hope to get your help."

The girl’s expression was full of surprise, and then calmed down for a while, opened the mouth and said: "This is not something I can Decided, give me half a day."

After finishing speaking, the girl didn't even bring her easel, turned around and disappeared in place.


(End of this chapter)

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